Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread #27

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can someone PLEASE explain to me why the leads on this case are pursuing an abduction theory

Scotland Yard is the elite policing force of this world. As long as they keep investigating and they are eager enough to find her I am happy with the current developments.
<modsnip> this case actually reminds me a whole lot of the jonbenet case, which im sure has been said before.
more evidence against the parents than for an intruder theory but the parents are relatively wealthy and can create some kind of a firewall around themselves. also super creepily cold, nervous and uncomfortable in interviews.
He's very hard to watch isn't he .. and seems much more invested in protecting their image than anything else, I can't work out if it's because they neglected their children so badly on that trip they exposed Maddie to an abductor or if it's because they are directly responsible for her death.
A little blond girl found in a gypsy camp in Greece. Greek authorities looking for international help to find out who she is.

what a shame. wasting all the resources that could be used to find legitimately lost children when maddie is already gone...
can someone PLEASE explain to me why the leads on this case are pursuing an abduction theory when there is ZERO evidence for it????

cadaver dogs finding the scent behind the couch and in the car, the mother refusing to cooperate on questioning initially, discrepancy of 30 minutes between gerry and kate on when their friend came over... inconsistencies in general with their stories, their odd nervousness, careful answers and lack of emotion. yes, people react differently to this sort of thing + some parents are in shock at first, but they have been WAY too consistently cold in interviews to convince me that they even loved their daughter. i have never seen innocent parents with a child missing behave consistently in this way. i have never seen an innocent parent sweat and stammer and wolfishly grin in an interview:Gerry McCann talks to Jeremy Paxman - YouTube[/url]
Reminds me of the Ramseys' behavior, to be honest.

there is no evidence of a break in and every reason to believe that gerry and kate were involved. i'm guessing gerry and kate have kind of built a firewall around themselves of money and support, but seriously. people who support gerry and kate, what are your concrete reasons for this besides wanting to believe they aren't terrible people? there ARE psychopaths in this world, and some psychopaths have children. or perhaps they aren't psychopaths but this was an accident and they didn't want to lose their two other children because of it. so please, telle me. what are your reasons for wanting to believe them?

Ha. McCann=Ramsey Lite.

One thing I've learned from hanging around WS, is that LE don't always tell you what they're up to.

Also, sometimes they use the airtime to speak directly to the perp. What they say is designed to rattle or upset him...this would usually be done when they know who their perp is, they just cant charge him yet.

That's why at times they come off as half wits, contradicting themselves and saying stupid things on breakfast tv like AR.

It's all part of a cat/mouse tactic. Either that or they actually are genuinely stupid. :D


We have absolutely no way of telling what is going on in that investigation at all, by what they are telling us.
what a shame. wasting all the resources that could be used to find legitimately lost children when maddie is already gone...

That is your opinion. My opinion is that they will find her. And it will be worth it ;)
the way they behave in interviews... there was never any URGENCY. i think they know for sure maddie has passed, honestly...
Yes now we know the timeline is extremely fine.

In fact Kate was yelling "they've taken her" at the exact same time she was actually being taken.

How coincidental is that?

i don't think they're genuinely stupid, sapphiresteel, i think they're nervous as hell about being found out. paxman is a hardball interviewer and he knows that paxman wouldn't be afraid to expose him in an interview. he isn't protecting gerry like some other interviewers do
did the investigators look into the child-parent relationships of the other parents at the tapas bar? namely, they could be covering for the mccanns in part because they've given sleeping meds to their children as well?
i can totally see it: 'so guys, i know this sounds wrong, but if you just give your kid a tiny bit of sleep medication they'll be totally fine but out like a light...' and everyone joins in on slightly medicating their kids.
but madeleine wakes up in the middle of them being at the tapas bar, decides to climb the couch, passes away after she hits the ground.

I don't think this was the first time they gave them sleeping meds. I believe the others did the same that night and in the past. If it was an overdose I wonder if they gave Madeleine something stronger because she was fussy? I still think it wasn't an overdose. Someone snapped.
That is your opinion. My opinion is that they will find her. And it will be worth it ;)

If they do ever find her, chances are she'll be mightily annoyed at her parents leaving her to be taken by...well, whoever felt like it really.

I bet they locked their passports up.

can someone PLEASE explain to me why the leads on this case are pursuing an abduction theory when there is ZERO evidence for it????

cadaver dogs finding the scent behind the couch and in the car, the mother refusing to cooperate on questioning initially, discrepancy of 30 minutes between gerry and kate on when their friend came over... inconsistencies in general with their stories, their odd nervousness, careful answers and lack of emotion. yes, people react differently to this sort of thing + some parents are in shock at first, but they have been WAY too consistently cold in interviews to convince me that they even loved their daughter. i have never seen innocent parents with a child missing behave consistently in this way. i have never seen an innocent parent sweat and stammer and wolfishly grin in an interview: Gerry McCann talks to Jeremy Paxman - YouTube
Reminds me of the Ramseys' behavior, to be honest.

there is no evidence of a break in and every reason to believe that gerry and kate were involved. i'm guessing gerry and kate have kind of built a firewall around themselves of money and support, but seriously. people who support gerry and kate, what are your concrete reasons for this besides wanting to believe they aren't terrible people? there ARE psychopaths in this world, and some psychopaths have children. or perhaps they aren't psychopaths but this was an accident and they didn't want to lose their two other children because of it. so please, telle me. what are your reasons for wanting to believe them?

Sniped from above
"can someone PLEASE explain to me why the leads on this case are pursuing an abduction theory when there is ZERO evidence for it????"

I want to know how they justify it myself!!!!

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so what evidence is there for an abduction theory?

1.parents which is always looked at first have been cleared by the two police forces
2. if she walked out herself, she would have been found

The only other option is that she's been taken.
That is your opinion. My opinion is that they will find her. And it will be worth it ;)

I hope you're right hopefully alive but the odds are against her being found alive whether you believe abduction theory or not. So what is your theory? Some nice couple wanted a child?
Sniped from above
"can someone PLEASE explain to me why the leads on this case are pursuing an abduction theory when there is ZERO evidence for it????"

I want to know how they justify it myself!!!!

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The window? :dunno:
so what are the facts that suggest she was abducted and is alive?

I don't know enough about current Scotland Yard findings and I am not a fly on their wall to secretly listen.. but if they after their 2 year investigation say she might be alive it gives me a hope that as well she might be alive.
I trust them!
None of the information made sense. That is why it implicated the parents from the very first hour.

It still doesn't and it wont make sense until the McCanns and their crew are forced onto a witness stand.

That is why the investigation into an "abductor" went nowhere - well, it did go somewhere, in a big circle, straight back to the parents.

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