
We don't know what medication PR may have been taking, we don't know if she had a few alcoholic beverages. We can probably surmise that she may have been exhausted due to the open house, and all the other activities. Was she really looking forward to the trip to MI, or was that JR's idea. Her schedule would be difficult even for a healthy person.
Whatever it was, I still have no doubts that she wrote to RN.
It isn't speculation that there was sexual abuse. It is FACT. Blood, bruising and hymenal erosion do not belong in the vagina of a 6-year old girl- they are not naturally occurring.
JB pooped her pants frequently- that was allegedly why Patsy used to douche her. The "Monday morning" school nurse visits have always been a red flag to me. And even more so- the school's refusal to provide the records of those visits. One of their little students is sexually abused and murdered and yet instead of trying to HELP police solve the crime they tried to block access to her records from the very people trying to solve the crime. The ONLY reason is that they did not want it solved. They knew there was something in those records that would incriminate someone in the family. The same can be said of the pediatrician's records and the R request for the "island of privacy" around BOTH kids' medical records. There is simply no good (or innocent) reason why.
I guess I should have been clearer with what I was trying to say, because I was trying too hard to not name names. What I should have said was 'if PR realized that someone in that household was committing sexual abuse against JB'. I spent quite awhile thinking PR might have been the sole abuser, but I don't really think so anymore. I don't guess there's any way of knowing if she found out, but some signs do point to her knowing, IMO.
Unless PR was psychotic, I don't buy it. If a person is desperate enough to create the RN in the first place, they are not going to play games like this. They are going to make a convincing, realistic RN. PR did not seem phychotic to me. Emotionally unstable maybe, but not to the degree you are suggesting. It's so convenient to try to explain this away, but it still makes no sense whatsoever no matter how you try to slice it. While I freely admit that everything points to PR as having created the RN, there are troubling anomalies like this that make me really want to question that. I have ALWAYS thought there is more to this crime than is apparent and I still strongly believe that.

I was unsure Patsy had written the RN until I read the following:

[ame="http://www.forumsforjustice.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6404"]Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note - Forums For Justice[/ame]

I can't say for sure that it will convince you, but it did me. If you haven't read that previously, I highly recommend it. It's a long read, but well worth it IMO.
Hi everyone, I go away for a week and all kinds of things are being rediscussed and new ideas being brought forward. I feel like I have missed so much.

IMO the only reason there was a ransom note at all was so that people other than the Ramsey's could be introduced into the house and be considered in committing the crime. Otherwise, there were only three people and one little dead child in that house.

IMO the $118,000 was mentioned so that the scope of those people would include people at John's work and maybe friends that knew how much the bonus was or LHP who may have heard the R's talking about the bonus. That type of thing.

Whether the note was brilliant or horrible it seemed to have done the trick.

This is not my original thought and has been brought up many times but I agree with it.
Hi everyone, I go away for a week and all kinds of things are being rediscussed and new ideas being brought forward. I feel like I have missed so much.

IMO the only reason there was a ransom note at all was so that people other than the Ramsey's could be introduced into the house and be considered in committing the crime. Otherwise, there were only three people and one little dead child in that house.

IMO the $118,000 was mentioned so that the scope of those people would include people at John's work and maybe friends that knew how much the bonus was or LHP who may have heard the R's talking about the bonus. That type of thing.
Whether the note was brilliant or horrible it seemed to have done the trick.

This is not my original thought and has been brought up many times but I agree with it.

Totally agree as well.
If there was sexual abuse, it's moo that PR was more than somewhat aware of it...hence the 'corporal cleaning', and reported douches. Unless she was just a crazy, sadistic person, something was going on that made her think her daughter needed such drastic cleansing. Also IMO, I think her telling her friends about the douches and her taking JB to the dr a dozen times a year for 3 years, (JR's words), was PR dropping hints, maybe trying to get someone to intervene. IMO, these are the actions of a desperate mother. Then add the sexualizing of JB, her wetting and soiling issues, the school nurse visits, her clinging to her mother. Here's a thought about the sexualizing of JB...JR has tried to distance himself from the pageants and treat them like a mother/daughter hobby, but the way JR was with money, I don't think so. If he didn't approve of the pageants and clothes and pictures, he wouldn't have paid for them. moo

Sorry I don’t have a reference, but iirc, PR once joked to friend(s), that she might have to start douching JB if she couldn’t get JB free of infections. The friend(s) reacted shocked and PR seemed to be joking. As far as proof, there is no evidence that PR douched JB. But maybe someone remembers some evidence that I don’t. The rumor may have been promulgated by Diane Sawyer when she interviewed Dr. B and brought up a question about douching causing such injuries. moo
Sorry I don’t have a reference, but iirc, PR once joked to friend(s), that she might have to start douching JB if she couldn’t get JB free of infections. The friend(s) reacted shocked and PR seemed to be joking. As far as proof, there is no evidence that PR douched JB. But maybe someone remembers some evidence that I don’t. The rumor may have been promulgated by Diane Sawyer when she interviewed Dr. B and brought up a question about douching causing such injuries. moo
Thank you I did not realize this. I read that PR confided in a friend and just assumed it was true. Goes to show how much misinformation is out there, and what is out there, usually has at least 2 different versions. Like, what came first? the head bash or strangulation. And the 911. Some experts claim there were voices at the end, others say it was just a series of clicking sounds. So, we're left choosing, and who knows, we could be choosing the wrong one.
I was unsure Patsy had written the RN until I read the following:

Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note - Forums For Justice

I can't say for sure that it will convince you, but it did me. If you haven't read that previously, I highly recommend it. It's a long read, but well worth it IMO.

Thank you for the link FreeSafety36. I don't believe I have ever read the Analysis of the Linguistics of the Ransom note. It was a long read but VERY interesting.
Another thing about the $118,000. The author made a point to tell JR to withdraw the money from HIS account...another indicator, IMO, that JR might have been hiding money or the whole account from PR. It was completely unnecessary information and IMO, the author inserted it for a reason, even if the reason was a subconscious slip.
Another thing about the $118,000. The author made a point to tell JR to withdraw the money from HIS account...another indicator, IMO, that JR might have been hiding money or the whole account from PR. It was completely unnecessary information and IMO, the author inserted it for a reason, even if the reason was a subconscious slip.

Yes. It only makes sense if they managed their wealth very differently from anything I've seen. They were very different, so this is plausible.

I don't understand how they handled money in such a way they could be angry about a bonus. My wife and I take a regular salary out of our businesses and then take "draws" if money starts building up. Sometimes we chose not to take "draws" but rather put the money in what we called "retained earnings" within the LLCs for some future business expense. Either way, such a draw (what the R's apparently called a "bonus") is just an accounting move that moves money out of the LLC and into our personal wealth. It doesn't really mean anything b/c we are sole owners. Were the R's sole owners of the company? What difference does it make when they decide to take a draw?

It sounds like the R's were really messed up in how they managed their business. If JR takes a large draw, it shouldn't really affect anything. PR should have had some say while the money was in the company and definitely once they executed the draw. She doesn't charge him for executive nanny services, and he should haven't have control over when to take draws.

It seems impossible for someone with a Midwest dual-business-owner perspective to get inside that mindset in which PR is allegedly acting like a child wanting daddy to buy her more toys.

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