I didn't have too many that I considered 'minor', so I just did people and expressions:
AD = Annie Downing
AF = Ann Finnell
AH = Amy Huizenga - Friend to Casey Anthony. Casey stole her checkbook and emptied her account.
AR = Anthony Rusciano (OCSO Deputy who was fired for lying about relationship with Casey)
AV = Arpad Vass, expert witness on decomposition
BC = Brad Conway (ex-attorney for A fam)
CA = Cindy Anythony
CJ = Curtis Jackson, Inmate in Michigan
CM = Cheny Mason
DC = Dominique Casey
DS = Dorothy Sims
DT = Dream Team/Defense Team
FBH = Female bounty hunter (Tracy)
FDLE = Florida Department of Law Enforcement
GA = George Anthony
GR = Geraldo Rivera (Reporter for Defense side)
GVS = Greta Van Susteren
HJBP = Honorable Judge Belvin Perry
ICA = Inmate Casey Anthony
JA = John Allen - Leading investigation for OCSO
JA = Jeff Ashton
JAC = Justice Administrative Commission
JB = Jose Baez
JG = Jesse Grund
JH = Jeffrey Hopkins
JW = Joy Wray, Case groupie-search for her in parking lot
KC = Casey Anthony
KFN = Kid Finders Network
LA = Lee Anthony
LDB = Linda Drane-Burdick
LG = Larry Garrison (ex-spokesperson for A fam)
LP = Leonard Padilla (Bounty hunter)
MB = Michelle Bart (soon to be ex-spokesperson for A fam)
MF = (Not what you think!) Mark Furhman.
MH = Mark Hawkins
MNJ = Mark Nejame (ex-attorney for A fam)
MR = Meter Reader
NG = Nancy Grace
NS = FBI's Nick Savage
OCSO = Orange County Sheriffs Office
OSCO = OCSO with a twist
RD = Rob Dick (Bounty hunter #2 man)
RG = Richard Grund
RK = Roy Kronk, discovered Caylee's remains
RM = Ricardo Morales Ex-boyfriend
SODDI = Some other dude did it.
SONDI = Some other nanny did it.
TB = Todd Black (ex-spokesperson who is speaking again)
TL/AL = Tony/Anthony Lazzaro
TM = Tim Miller (Head of Texas EquuSearch
YM = Corporal Yuri Melich, Leading the investigation with JA
ZFG = Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez
Abbreviated Expressions:
AFAIC = As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
AI = artificial intelligence
AKA = Also Known As
BARD = Beyond A Reasonable Doubt
BBM = Bolded By Me
BRB = Be Right Back
BS = This isn't Bull Snot.
COB = The story behind this is on the Jessie Davis case, someone meant to type COP in reference to Bobby Cutts, Jr. and it came out COB. We called him that for the rest of the case and now it had become synonymous with .
COD = Cause Of Death
DA = District attorney
dd = dear daughter
dh = dear hubby/husband
dil = daughter in law
DP = death penalty
ds = dear son
dw = dear wife
ETA = Edited to Add
FUBAR = "Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition"
FWIW = For What Its Worth
GM = grandmother
GMAB = Give Me A Break
GP = grandparents
GPs = Grandparents
HTH = Hope That Helps
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMHO = In my humble/honest opinion
IMO = In my opinion
IMOO = In My Own Opinion
IOW = In other words
ITA = I Totally Agree
ITE = In the end
KWIM = Know What I Mean
LE = Law Enforcement
LWOP = life without parole
ME = Medical Examiner
MOD = Manner of death or Forum moderator
moo = my own opinion
OP = Original/Other Poster/Opening Post
OT = Off Topic
OTOH = On The Other Hand
perp = perpetrator
PI = Private Investigator
PITA = Pain In The Arse.
POI = Person Of Interest
= Piece of ***** (Reserved for a known perp, suspect, or POI)
ROFL = rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO = rolling on floor laughing my arse off.
ROFLMAOPMP = rolling on the floor...laughing my a$$ off....peeing my pants.
SA = States Attorney
sil = son in law/sister in law
SO = Sex Offender/Significant Other
SOP = Standard Operating Procedures
SUS = Suspicious
SWAG = silly wild arse guess
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TOD = Time OF Death
TOS = Terms of Service
TY = Thank You
WBMBACMAB = well butter my bu-- and call me a biscuit
WIBD = well I'll be darn
WIN = well I never
WTH = What The Hell?
WWYMD = what would Yuri Melich do ?
YH = yee ha !
YW = you're welcome