Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #178

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We're seeing texts that we only know one side was the man who died tragically. The other side is stated as being unknown. I believe it's MW texting with the man he leaked info to, discussing it...but you're only seeing one side I think? That parts not clear. JMO

It’s weird to me that they claim they don’t who he’s texting with. How could that possibly be?

Edit: typo
Oh, okay, I was only responding to an article posted by OP that spoke of the broken equipment in 2014. I wasn’t aware the interviews took place at another location. Thanks for the correction.

No problem, now I just need to find out where the police investigation room was located. :D I did find this snippet:

"McLeland confirmed that these interviews were destroyed inadvertently at the Delphi Police Department. According to McLeland, a DVR error caused the device to continually record for an unknown number of days, recording over all the existing footage already on the device. All interviews conducted in the Delphi police investigation room prior to Feb. 20, 2017, were lost due to this error."

No problem, now I just need to find out where the police investigation room was located. :D I did find this snippet:

"McLeland confirmed that these interviews were destroyed inadvertently at the Delphi Police Department. According to McLeland, a DVR error caused the device to continually record for an unknown number of days, recording over all the existing footage already on the device. All interviews conducted in the Delphi police investigation room prior to Feb. 20, 2017, were lost due to this error."

They left the dvds with the interviews in the machine.
MOO there is no accountability in Indiana law enforcement.
The State brought the Forston messages into the public realm.

For the Contempt Hearing Matter (ostensibly not related to the RA Case),
the Forston evidence exhibit (pages and pages) was the State's evidence. The State's investigators (who were State's witnesses for this hearing) explained where they came from (the Leaks Investigation, resulting in the Westerman charges on behalf of theft victim Baldwin).

At the Contempt Hearing, the Prosecution moved to enter the Forston exhibit into the record, and Gull permitted it, over the objection of the Defense.

The Contempt hearing has concluded. (One and done.)

Forston's messages (140 plus pages) are now on the Court record for the Contempt Matter.
The Contempt Matter awaits the State's response to the D's summary memo submitted today (due in a week) and then a decision from Gull within 30 days from the State response filing.
from Hennessy's Contempt Hearing Memorandum today (I missed this one)

The most egregious leak was the detailed probable cause affidavit to search Logan’s
property. Sgt. Holeman testified he asked “Barbara” where she got and she said from Logan.
However, he also testified the search warrant affidavit is never left with the person, just a copy of
the search warrant. Thus, Barbara’s statement had to be false. That affidavit also had “MURDER
SHEET” overlaid on every page. Sgt. Holeman never asked the murder sheet people about it and
never did any further investigation as to the source.

"the murder sheet people" is an odd style given Hennessy was a guest interviewed on MS' youtube. I does provide some anonymity for "the most egregious leak". MOO
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You know earlier today someone ( layer or frosted glass i think) said the parcel of land that RL used to own near the creek doesn’t belong to him anymore.
I wonder if that crime scene wasn’t revisited in 2022 and someone took notice. Perhaps a trail cam installed and picked up something strange.
It was Frosted:
In the beginning, his land went all the way to the creek but not to the other side. Now it does not go all the way to the creek.
Here's the link we've used many times to determine RA's property boundaries.
In the beginning, his land went all the way to the creek but not to the other side.
Now it does not go all the way to the creek.
Well, we have some common ground. I’m not 100% convinced it was a ritual sacrifice, and if not, it appears someone knew enough to make it look like one. Who could that be and why would they do that? I have a hard time believing it was RA. Why? The D stated in the FM that there was nothing linking RA to Odinism or the Odinists. They could not say this if it was not true. They cannot just outright lie about stuff. One would think if he staged this crime scene he would have to know how to “fake it” and nothing was found on his devices. RI said it was a murder scene like he had never seen before and felt there were three “signatures.”

EF was more likely to know something, but how much with limited intellect?
Pardon the interjection, please. EF may have the intellect of a 9yo but he has life experiences everyday and has accumulated experiences since 2017. If his presence was at the CS, IMHOO, he was used by another due to the limitation of intellectual comprehension. Could he be BG? IDK. I've never placed an image of EF beside the sketch.
EF is linked to BH who without question posted some very concerning images on his FB. We know there was a connection between BH and PW. No denying that. PW did not like JM and likely didn’t care for the company he kept either. Then we have AH testifying about the “falling out” between BH and PW, but both give differing reasons for it. I have to assume, someone is lying. BH tells AH it’s about an argument during a ritual in the woods. He also tells her that he can’t protect her from PW if she keeps asking questions. Look at PW, not at me. PW would be an easy target for BH to frame up as they both practice Norse pagan ritual with runes and the like. BH posted enough on his FB for all to see. Conversely, it would be easy for PW to frame up BH. Why I think that is less likely is because PW didn’t care for JM who is connected to EF who was connected to BH and EF shooting off his mouth about being there. It’s interesting that BH and PW were tipped in. I wonder how many times? Was RA EVER tipped in?? Do we know?
You've wisely and succinctly described and summed up the relationship between BH, JM, PW and EF. The combo, compounded by their personal propensities, creates terrifying imagery. The Runes and antlers make sense this way.
I’m not blowing sunshine off PW’s bottom, he’s had some serious issues according to MyCase, but the fact that we can’t hear what BH said in his 2017 interview and that we just learned that PW’s interview was NEVER recorded to begin with, how can we have any confidence in this investigation?

All we can do now is hope there’s enough proof to hold those responsible accountable and that there will be some justice at the end of all this. I without an iota of doubt believe there was more than one involved in the brutal murder, possibly 3. JMO

Thanks for your response! :)
The Defense has been strategic with this Contempt matter. They're loaded for argument; they take arrows from the State, catch 'em, throw 'em back, and maybe even capitalize.

It's chess, not checkers. It's fair. If it wasn't fair, Gull would intervene and toss/seal filings.

The State may regret re-litigating the Contempt gambit ... opening the door for this side show.
Still, the State has everything it needs; facts/evidence/experts ... plow ahead with pre-trial activity.
Do THAT. And not the sideshow stuff.

A man killed himself over these shenanigans. They should show some humility. I don't see the defense as 'playing checkers.' I see them as drivers of the clown car. JMO
Well, if he was tipped in, one would think they would have investigated him at that time, I mean gee, he went to DD the very next day. If they then received a tip or two in addition to that and they didn’t follow through, what can one say?
How many tips did they get? Many thousands that needed to be followed up on. And the admission he made to the DD fell. through the cracks. That burns my hide but it is what it is.... :mad:
catching up with other: SJG orders/judgement released today

catching my eye: SJG denies the State's Motion Protective Order for DOC (1st order below)



A man killed himself over these shenanigans. They should show some humility. I don't see the defense as 'playing checkers.' I see them as drivers of the clown car. JMO

sorry for butting in here and forgive my not knowing this but I haven't had time to follow this case - can you tell me who killed themselves and why?
Weineke Confirmed RA's Defense Attny Hennessy has set up a fund for expert expenses that the Court has denied RA
The story is on her twitter acct.
I knew this was coming. I just knew it. This had been played out to the public so money could be made.

This will change defense law as we know if. Everyone will want a slice.
sorry for butting in here and forgive my not knowing this but I haven't had time to follow this case - can you tell me who killed themselves and why?
Once the photos and documents were leaked, one of the men who received them, was eventually confronted and questioned about it. He was an Air Force Officer and family man. This shook him up so much that he killed himself. It was devastating to his family.
I knew this was coming. I just knew it. This had been played out to the public so money could be made.

This will change defense law as we know if. Everyone will want a slice.
I took a visit there but not going to link it here. Go to wieneke twitter to confirm the story.
FYI: It reads a one time $25K expert bill will be paid.
(Was that the same amount that Judge Gull denied?)
Hennessy as Attorney is named as managing this. When attny manages an account for case expenses - there is no "monkey business" and auditing.
Looks like folks checked in with Wieneke to confirm it was indeed what it says it is; she confirms; she called and spoke w/ Hennessy.
How should an indigent murder defendant arrange to pay for his trial experts if the STATE (here the Judge acting for the State) denies the payment? JMO
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With regard to when exactly EF told his sister Mary Jacobs about his previous day, from the FM pg. 91:

“On page 1 of the Odin report, Mary Jacobs told law enforcement that on February 14, 2017,
Elvis was rambling, hyper and borderline incoherent.
He was talking about having a “brother”
(even though Elvis had no male siblings) and was now
part of a “gang.” Elvis told Mary that he
had been on a bridge with two girls
that were killed. Elvis told her that someone named Abigail
was a pain in the *advertiser censored* and a troublemaker.”

So much for him just hearing it on the street from locals. It was the day the found the girls! JMO

I don't understand what's funny about this post. It concerns the brutal murders of two innocent girls.

@susiQ , this is the first time I'm seeing that EF said he "was on the bridge with two girls."
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