Wait what? If RA isn't BG, then, why wouldn't RA, in order to save himself from a potential guilty verdict, come forward and be a witness for the prosecution? Sounds ludicrous to me, but hey, if RA's NOT BG, then he surely must have seen the real BG when he was at the trails and on the bridge that day? (unless of course, the real BG hid from RA, but didn't hide from the other witnesses?) I mean, I'm trying to sort out the argument that RA is NOT BG, and if he's NOT BG then all the witnesses saw somebody else?
And even though it sounds convoluted to me, all the witnesses that claim to have seen RA, the girls, the lady at the end of the bridge, well, then they didn't see RA, they saw someone else, and that someone else is yet unidentified, however, RA seemingly didn't see someone else, or A&L, as he hasn't testified to such, yet admits his presence on the bridge, and admits having seen the girls who were witnesses?
This whole business is confusing me