That may be, but all the documents you are citing are dated 13 October 2022.
See page 13 and the pages that follows for their dates. Search Warrant was requested, granted and executed on 13 Oct 2022. That means that those checked items were sent to the ISP lab for testing as soon as they were recovered in the search on 13 October. The results of those tests were used prior to 01 May 2023 as part of the basis for the arrest.
The other items were not sent immediately.
Perhaps 01 May 2023 is the date they were filed into the sytem for part of the upcoming public release of documents? Regardless, they were on file and used to execute the arrest well-prior to 01 May.
Those original documents above became the basis for the PCA for arrest of RA.
The originals are not going to be then altered at a later date to show onward movement of other items for testing at lab(s). Rather a new receipt (& chain of custody), and their date, will be drafted/issued for those later items.
And, we already know
nothing is being kept "
secret" precisely because the other items that were also lab tested also had the results of those tests made public in same delphidocs link. An example is at the post below regarding the ISP testing and detailing that RAs magazine cartridges held 10 rounds each:
So in his confessions he admits Motive for the murders. Also why he delayed confessing to the crimes. Ricky’s mum very upset first time he confessed to the crime and then they started to control the narrative and was telling him to stop confessing it seems. Page 11 and 12...