GUILTY Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #218

Sorry @Niner, my SLE has pretty much rendered my arms and hands useless over the majority of the past month, but am updating everything I've missed in the docket for you just in case no one has posted them here as of yet.

12/18/24 - Defense Praecipe For Transcript

12/18/24 - Defense Sentencing Memorandum

12/19/24 - Defense Motion To Preserve Evidence

12/19/24 - Defense Motion To Refer To State Public Defender For Appointment Of Appelate Counsel

12/20/24 - State Motion To Seal Photos

12/20/24 - Abstract Of Judgement

12/20/24 - Sentencing Order

12/23/24 - Amended Abstract Of Judgement Order Entered And Sent To DOC

12/30/24 - Court Order Sealing & To Maintan As Confdential: Crime Scene Photos etc

12/30/24 - Court Order: DENIED (As Vague): Defense Counsel otion To Preserve All Evidence

12/30/24 - Court Order: Defense Praecipe For Transcript Referred To State Public Defender For Review

1/03/25 - Defense Motion To Appoint Two Appelate Attornys

1/06/25 - Court Order: GRANTED: State Public Defender Motion To Appoint Two Appelate Attorneys

1/08/25 - Acceptance Of Appointment And Formal Notice Of Appointment Of Outside Counsel

1/09/25 - Order Of Record Concurring In Appointment
Appreciate you posting this and keeping us informed, thank you.
Sorry @Niner, my SLE has pretty much rendered my arms and hands useless over the majority of the past month, but am updating everything I've missed in the docket for you just in case no one has posted them here as of yet.

12/18/24 - Defense Praecipe For Transcript

12/18/24 - Defense Sentencing Memorandum

12/19/24 - Defense Motion To Preserve Evidence

12/19/24 - Defense Motion To Refer To State Public Defender For Appointment Of Appelate Counsel

12/20/24 - State Motion To Seal Photos

12/20/24 - Abstract Of Judgement

12/20/24 - Sentencing Order

12/23/24 - Amended Abstract Of Judgement Order Entered And Sent To DOC

12/30/24 - Court Order Sealing & To Maintan As Confdential: Crime Scene Photos etc

12/30/24 - Court Order: DENIED (As Vague): Defense Counsel otion To Preserve All Evidence

12/30/24 - Court Order: Defense Praecipe For Transcript Referred To State Public Defender For Review

1/03/25 - Defense Motion To Appoint Two Appelate Attornys

1/06/25 - Court Order: GRANTED: State Public Defender Motion To Appoint Two Appelate Attorneys

1/08/25 - Acceptance Of Appointment And Formal Notice Of Appointment Of Outside Counsel

1/09/25 - Order Of Record Concurring In Appointment

Thank you! I will check my notes & see if I got them all! 1736770534118.gif
I simply can not stomach them and their cruelty and lack of empathy.
Did you see that photo of the bridge that they had blown up to poster size? The crime scene where two little girls were brutally murdered? They all happily signed it as if they were celebrities and then had a photo opt for the cameras/media.
I loathe them.
One of the most absolutely tasteless, petty and cruel things they've done during the course of this trial, and they've done plenty. The signing by J Auger is the most hurtful and unsympathetic.

Would they have written their little notes to their PI had they won? No, I think not. This was just a public mockery post conviction loss to rub salt into the open wounds of already devastated family members, Judge Gull, Nick McL, LE and the general public who knew RA=BG=Killer. They also:
  • Leaked the brutal CS photos and described it in 9 horrifying detailed pages in the original Franks itself, which we know now is NOT what happened. This info is on the internet forever, and I will never forgive them for exploiting and humiliating Abby and Libby in death and for torturing their families in the process.
  • Stole the #Justice4Abby&Libby hashtag for their Gimmie Money Fund. IMO trying to dupe givers into thinking it was a cause to help Abby & Libby, not their convicted killer. $40K - where DID that money go I wonder?
  • Communicated with the 'Due Process Gang' and Internet Cranks to help push their narratives around the gag order.
  • Overall Professional Misconduct and Unethical Behavior - I hope the Bar reviews any pending or new allegations against Rozzi, Baldwin, Auger and heavily disciplines or disbars them. Dreaming I know.
Karma though, I'd be worried if I were them. ;)

One of the most absolutely tasteless, petty and cruel things they've done during the course of this trial, and they've done plenty. The signing by J Auger is the most hurtful and unsympathetic.

Would they have written their little notes to their PI had they won? No, I think not. This was just a public mockery post conviction loss to rub salt into the open wounds of already devastated family members, Judge Gull, Nick McL, LE and the general public who knew RA=BG=Killer. They also:
  • Leaked the brutal CS photos and described it in 9 horrifying detailed pages in the original Franks itself, which we know now is NOT what happened. This info is on the internet forever, and I will never forgive them for exploiting and humiliating Abby and Libby in death and for torturing their families in the process.
  • Stole the #Justice4Abby&Libby hashtag for their Gimmie Money Fund. IMO trying to dupe givers into thinking it was a cause to help Abby & Libby, not their convicted killer. $40K - where DID that money go I wonder?
  • Communicated with the 'Due Process Gang' and Internet Cranks to help push their narratives around the gag order.
  • Overall Professional Misconduct and Unethical Behavior - I hope the Bar reviews any pending or new allegations against Rozzi, Baldwin, Auger and heavily disciplines or disbars them. Dreaming I know.
Karma though, I'd be worried if I were them. ;)

Not one drop of empathy, morals, or integrity. Those CS photos are out there on the net forever, thanks to them.
Many of us who followed this case were literally visually assaulted with those photos that we did not seek out or chose to see. We Googled Delphi trial updates and there they were.
Disrespecting two murdered children even in death.
Karma never forgets an address and I sincerely hope she pays them a long overdue visit very soon.
It just seems like so many people no longer feel shame, doesn't it? People who can feel or be shamed worry me.
On a positive note, RA will never be free again. It took seven long years and I had given up hope that this case would ever be solved.
I am also so glad for the people of Delphi.
A lot of people picked the RA is innocent side and disregarded any factual thinking and proven false facts in favor of a larger, unproven grand conspiracy that makes no sense whatsoever to me. I will state this is my opinion, and we are all entitled to our own.

I'd guess most of the YouTubers, InstaGramers, and TikTokers pushed this case hard for the clicks and likes which translates to $$$$ money, 15 minutes of fame, and a possible quickie cable TV spot. Let's hope they slither back to where they came from. Actually, most of them have. You don't hear about 'Poor little, fragile egg Ricky' much anymore.

A lot of people picked the RA is innocent side and disregarded any factual thinking and proven false facts in favor of a larger, unproven grand conspiracy that makes no sense whatsoever to me. I will state this is my opinion, and we are all entitled to our own.

I'd guess most of the YouTubers, InstaGramers, and TikTokers pushed this case hard for the clicks and likes which translates to $$$$ money, 15 minutes of fame, and a possible quickie cable TV spot. Let's hope they slither back to where they came from. Actually, most of them have. You don't hear about 'Poor little, fragile egg Ricky' much anymore.

I have never and never will watch any of them. I never watched the pro- prosecutor people or the pro-RA.
These people have, IMHO, ruined true crime.
I have never and never will watch any of them. I never watched the pro- prosecutor people or the pro-RA.
These people have, IMHO, ruined true crime.
ETA- I truly believe many of those RA supporters are paid to support RA online and accuse the judge and LE of corruption.
This is what we have to live with now on SM.
It's really worrisome to me if there is no one looking into this. I imagine I can hear the paper shredders going full tilt.

Order Issued
Trial Counsel's Motion to Preserve Evidence reviewed. Counsel's request to preserve "all evidence" is vague, and therefore, denied. Counsel's request to preserve all documents related to the jury venire is granted. The Court will retain records pursuant to jury rules.
Judicial Officer:
Gull, Frances -SJ​


I have never and never will watch any of them. I never watched the pro- prosecutor people or the pro-RA.
These people have, IMHO, ruined true crime.
There are a few (very few) unbiased Podcasts I listen to occasionally. They are neither Pro Prosecution nor Pro Defense. I generally can't handle listening to most of them talking over each other, forgetting where they are, and repeating the same stuff. Just a frustrating waste of time usually.

I agree SM has negatively impacted TC, but it is the way of things now. People go to these sites for their news out of convenience, which allows anyone to post or blog whatever they want, regardless if the information is correct or not. :(

I tend to stick with reputable Main Stream Media sites and Court Filings and Motions for my case information.

It's really worrisome to me if there is no one looking into this. I imagine I can hear the paper shredders going full tilt.

Order Issued
Trial Counsel's Motion to Preserve Evidence reviewed. Counsel's request to preserve "all evidence" is vague, and therefore, denied. Counsel's request to preserve all documents related to the jury venire is granted. The Court will retain records pursuant to jury rules.
Judicial Officer:
Gull, Frances -SJ​


That ruling makes sense to me, it is an overbroad statement. Yet it also states The Court will retain records pursuant to jury rules.

I don't find it logical to assume Judge Gull or anyone in the State's office would intentionally be shredding pertinent information. <shrug>

That ruling makes sense to me, it is an overbroad statement. Yet it also states The Court will retain records pursuant to jury rules.

I don't find it logical to assume Judge Gull or anyone in the State's office would intentionally be shredding pertinent information. <shrug>

I haven't found any exact answers as to what evidence must be kept and what can be destroyed. "Pertinent" may be in the eyes of this judge. Does she consider anything regarding 3rd parties pertinent?

Additionally, things do get lost or destroyed by accident.
There are a few (very few) unbiased Podcasts I listen to occasionally. They are neither Pro Prosecution nor Pro Defense. I generally can't handle listening to most of them talking over each other, forgetting where they are, and repeating the same stuff. Just a frustrating waste of time usually.

I agree SM has negatively impacted TC, but it is the way of things now. People go to these sites for their news out of convenience, which allows anyone to post or blog whatever they want, regardless if the information is correct or not. :(

I tend to stick with reputable Main Stream Media sites and Court Filings and Motions for my case information.

Exactly. I'm so sick of these people who seem to believe that we need their opinions on everything in order to have an intelligent thought ,lol.
Ive listened to MS podcast First Person: A Juror, and wanted to share my thoughts about it. In my opinion, the juror came across as an insightful and delightful young lady. I thought she was well spoken, honest, and at times put you right there in the courtroom. Glad to hear the positive energy about Judge Gull and honorable mention of the bailiffs too. Juror also touched on jurors relationship and activities while being sequestered. jmo ;)
Ive listened to MS podcast First Person: A Juror, and wanted to share my thoughts about it. In my opinion, the juror came across as an insightful and delightful young lady. I thought she was well spoken, honest, and at times put you right there in the courtroom. Glad to hear the positive energy about Judge Gull and honorable mention of the bailiffs too. Juror also touched on jurors relationship and activities while being sequestered. jmo ;)
Yes, and she also came off as very open minded, she wasn't set on innocence or guilt going into the trial.
I was very impressed by her but I wish she hadn't spoken out because the RA cult is trying to dox her from what I'm reading.
Here is part of the jury interview I though was interesting, about how Allen would stare at the jurors:

Did you notice any of that from Richard Allen himself as he was sort of in the courtroom?

[Juror] (19:01 - 19:55)

So the eyes kind of that's something I noticed from even like jury selection. I'm like, wow, his eyes are very, I don't even know what word to use. Different, I guess. Surprising. But you know, that to me is like sometimes people he just has like some weird eyes. I don't think that makes him, you know, a murderer. So I would kind of like refrain from looking over there, I guess, because anytime we made eye contact, I would just look away really fast. And a couple of the other jurors, they would talk about how he's always staring like at us. And so they would start staring back and like not looking away until he did. Me personally, I would not really look a whole lot of times.

And never roll your eyes at a judge.

This isn't directed at you, just saying... ;)

‘The families will deal with your carnage forever and you sit here and roll your eyes at me as you have rolled your eyes at me repeatedly during this trial.’

And never roll your eyes at a judge.

This isn't directed at you, just saying... ;)

‘The families will deal with your carnage forever and you sit here and roll your eyes at me as you have rolled your eyes at me repeatedly during this trial.’

Ugh! I remember his frightening, manic looking mug shot when he was first arrested. Imaging having that face stare at you all day.
Yes, and she also came off as very open minded, she wasn't set on innocence or guilt going into the trial.
I was very impressed by her but I wish she hadn't spoken out because the RA cult is trying to dox her from what I'm reading.
There will always be the haters, because their agenda is clicks, and buy me a coffee, whatever, etc. It's how they make their money, it's not about justice for them. Some of them will out right lie.

I dont believe in being quiet - silence is not golden. moo
There will always be the haters, because their agenda is clicks, and buy me a coffee, whatever, etc. It's how they make their money, it's not about justice for them. Some of them will out right lie.

I dont believe in being quiet - silence is not golden. moo
Some of them are completely unhinged. Unless we start have real consequences for behavior and harassment, this will only get worse.
Not one drop of empathy, morals, or integrity. Those CS photos are out there on the net forever, thanks to them.
Many of us who followed this case were literally visually assaulted with those photos that we did not seek out or chose to see. We Googled Delphi trial updates and there they were.
Disrespecting two murdered children even in death.
Karma never forgets an address and I sincerely hope she pays them a long overdue visit very soon.

These were all choices made by the defense team.
They could have chosen to actually represent RA in his best interest, get him a psychological evaluation, get him help, plead him guilty because he was. But they chose instead to try and make this murder trial about prison conditions, and wrote fiction disguised as legal motions.
They could have treated all the sensitive evidence in this case with care and respect, but they chose to use it to try and manipulate public opinion by releasing it to their willing minions.
They could have treated the victim’s families gently and with respect but they chose to hint that the families might somehow be involved and encouraged their minions to harass the families by their silence on these actions by their fanboys and girls.
They are despicable, and, unethical in my opinion. In what class in law school were they taught to treat people this way? I hope they are all disbarred.


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