GUILTY Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #218

The state's timeline IMO makes perfect sense. Witnesses put BG in the area at the key time for the girls to be abducted and sent down the hill. Video evidence puts BG on the bridge. RA puts himself on the bridge and confirms seeing the witnesses who saw him in the area.

RA states he heard/saw a van that startled him and caused him to abort whatever else he may have had planned for the girls. RA confessed multiple times to killing the girls. RA's gun matches the rifling on the bullet found between the bodies.

I don't need the state's timeline to be perfect. Apparently the jury, didn't either. A jury who saw and heard evidence every single day for weeks found that evidence sufficient to unanimously determine Richard Allen is guilty as charged beyond a reasonable doubt.


Time will tell and the truthers are getting louder than the guilters. :)

Thank God.

As always, JMO.
Time will tell and the truthers are getting louder than the guilters. :)

Thank God.

As always, JMO.
There’s always a loud minority, especially on social media.

Those who know he is guilty have mostly moved on. I follow very few cases after they’ve been litigated. This one will generate noise for a while.
great motion tsc brief filed by today's due date.
following process.
pretty sure JF will grant evidence to be preserved.
sure, JG will deny the motion tsc.
doesn't matter.
court can do what it wants to do.
doesn't stop the appellate train.
the D would probably prefer a denial from the Court on their motion.
no hearing? - it's a quicker path to the appellate.
this new mtsc is NOW on the record, evidence preserved.
Will RA be granted an appeal via the merits - will it be a dismissal or new trial?
A new judge assigned by appellate if re-trial? ... IMO, critical (given the record).
What matters next is not JG's read on this mtsc
What matters now: the appellate, a new trial ... a new judge? ... or not.


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It's all about the company you keep.

I wonder if RA is being kept 'with company' or 'without' these days.
I imagine he's still being kept without company. It wasn't that long ago he was threatening to murder jail guards, while he was being held for trial. I can't imagine he's gotten any happier after his conviction.
Was this testified to under oath?
The beauty is that no one would have had to testify under oath to believe it, as it was caught on video.

The defense watched it, and objected to its admissibility. The judge concurred after watching the video herself. It was just too prejudicial to have the jury see that video of Allen making those threats, while banging on the cell door.

But no one ever disputed that it happened, obviously because they couldn't.

So, it wasn't corroborated under oath. It was inadmissible, whatever it was.

AS always, IMO.
The video is its own corroboration. Again, not even the defense is disputing what is on that video. Something doesn’t have to be played in court to make a very solid determination in regards to it it happened or not.

I assure you. The prosecution wouldn’t put their careers on the line by making a claim like that, give that video to the judge, and not face repercussions for lying.

And the defense would not be quiet. Not then, and certainly not now.

Something being inadmissible, does not mean it didn’t happen. You can at least agree with that, right?

Richard Allen is a threat to himself and others, which is why he was treated the way he was before trial.

I have no doubt that continues to be the case.
Time will tell and the truthers are getting louder than the guilters. :)

Thank God.

As always, JMO.
I take it you would consider yourself a "truther" and me a "guilter"?

I strongly disagree with your assessment, about each of us.

Richard Allen was found guilty by a jury of his peers and is exactly where he needs to be. Thank God.

but then, that is exactly what a "guilter" would say I suppose. I think we've probably discussed all we need to. We won't ever convince one another of the error of our ways.

#justicedelayedwasnotjusticedenied ;)
Now's the time to take the blinders off.

I agree with this sentiment; but with respect, I mean it as the reverse of your opinion.

IMO the blinders are on by not recognizing Bridge Guy is the murderer (as Libby’s phone showed) and that RA =BG, as all other evidence made this ultra obvious.

There is no longer a Bridge Guy. There is only Richard Allen.

For me this case has been laid to rest.

I take it you would consider yourself a "truther" and me a "guilter"?

I strongly disagree with your assessment, about each of us.

Richard Allen was found guilty by a jury of his peers and is exactly where he needs to be. Thank God.

but then, that is exactly what a "guilter" would say I suppose. I think we've probably discussed all we need to. We won't ever convince one another of the error of our ways.

#justicedelayedwasnotjusticedenied /;)

I'm just following the evidence (old and "new"/hidden/suppressed) and lack thereof. I'm unsure why RL would confess to an inmate (if the inmate was being truthful) if he didn't do it. I also don't know why EF would confess to his sisters if he didn't do it. I DO understand why Richard Allen confessed if he didn't do it (because he was tortured in solitary confinement for a year longer than he was supposed to be and he went nuts). We are now at three people confessing, but they went with the one with zero nexus to Abby and Libby. Weird.

The van evidence was a lie, so the notion that RA gave info. only the killer would know is moot. He didn't do that. (Of course, he never did that at all, though, since talk of the van was out there in the Delphi forums Dr. Wala was immersed in for years.... but I they can't say it was info. only the killer would know because, as evidenced in today's filing, it never happened.)


As always, JMO. Everything I write is just my opinion.
I also don't know why EF would confess to his sisters if he didn't do it. I DO understand why Richard Allen confessed if he didn't do it (because he was tortured in solitary confinement for a year longer than he was supposed to be and he went nuts). We are now at three people confessing, but they went with the one with zero nexus to Abby and Libby. Weird.
Interestingly, you hold everyone accountable for these "confessions" except the convicted one, RA. Also, can you please link a source to RL's "confession"?
i wonder why the D forgot to lead the video evidence about the van at trial?

seems a bit late in the day to realise it could have helped.


They tried, remember? They weren't allowed to call the FBI agent because Nick McLeland said no to him being allowed to testify remotely and Judge Gull said yes to Nick.

As always, JMO.
Interesting you hold everyone accountable for these "confessions" except the convicted one, RA.

The girls were found on the property of one of the men who confessed. Think of ANY other case where two dead kids were found on a man's property....a man who set up a false alibi before the bodies were found and then confessed.....and tell me you wouldn't at least pay a little attention to that if you knew about it as a juror.

The juror who spoke was clear.....they convicted based on the van evidence. Not the bullet. Not the confessions. The van. And it wasn't even true.


As always, JMO.
The girls were found on the property of one of the men who confessed. Think of ANY other case where two dead kids were found on a man's property....a man who set up a false alibi before the bodies were found and then confessed.....and tell me you wouldn't at least pay a little attention to that if you knew about it as a juror.

The juror who spoke was clear.....they convicted based on the van evidence. Not the bullet. Not the confessions. The van. And it wasn't even true.


As always, JMO.

Okay, per my last comment, a link to the source of RL's confession (under oath, if we're staying logically consistent) would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

Under oath? No can do.

RA also didn't confess under oath, FYI.

As always, JMO
You're correct, that's why RA went to trial. But he did confess over 60+ times, as accounted for by professionals under oath. Let's do a quick recap who those confessions were made to:

April 3, 2023, call to his wife, Allen stated, “I did it. I killed Abby and Libby.” Despite these admissions, his wife expressed disbelief, responding, “No, you didn’t.”

Similarly, he made confessions to his mother.

Indiana State Police Detective Brian Harshman testified that Allen confessed more than 60 times, often providing specific details about the crimes.

RA confessed to prison staff. Multiple times to multiple jail personnel.

IMO I think phone calls to his family are the next best thing to a sworn-in confession. In RA's words himself.


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