At this point in time, when do you think suspect(s) will be named & charges brought?

When will suspect(s) be named & charges brought?

  • Believe someone will be charged soon (by 6/8/09)

    Votes: 6 6.3%
  • Believe LE has suspects but needs more evidence

    Votes: 38 39.6%
  • Believe this will be a cold case-no suspect little evidence

    Votes: 33 34.4%
  • Believe this case may never be solved - Investigation/crime scene compromised

    Votes: 17 17.7%
  • Don't have an opinion

    Votes: 6 6.3%

  • Total voters
I think LE has one or more in their sights and I think they pretty much have from the beginning.

They need more evidence.

I do have faith that this case will be solved.
Hmmm...maybe we discussed this in another thread. There has been mention that D Dailey could be involved. He is currently in custody for burglary and was called to testify before the GJ. He has pled guilty to the burglary and is scheduled for sentencing on December 19th. His Dad wrote a letter to the court requesting a new court appointed attorney November 15th.

I'm wondering if he gets probation on the burglary - will there be any charges brought against him in relation to the girls' murders to keep him in custody? It will be interesting to keep a close eye out for the results of the 12/19 sentencing - IMO 0800160&County=056-
Hmmm...maybe we discussed this in another thread. There has been mention that D Dailey could be involved. He is currently in custody for burglary and was called to testify before the GJ. He has pled guilty to the burglary and is scheduled for sentencing on December 19th. His Dad wrote a letter to the court requesting a new court appointed attorney November 15th.

I'm wondering if he gets probation on the burglary - will there be any charges brought against him in relation to the girls' murders to keep him in custody? It will be interesting to keep a close eye out for the results of the 12/19 sentencing - IMO 0800160&County=056-

Great find, Boots. Thank you for posting the link.

Yes, it will be interesting to see what happens.
This case will not be solved. While most prefer to monitor the circus in Orlando, a precious few here and elsewhere occasionally wonder about this case. Six months ago, OSBI immediately put up a wall to stop communication out, yet (when asked, and only when asked) they want people to come forward to them. Criticism of their very peculiar tactics has been almost nonexistent. Six months' worth of waiting for OSBI to produce justice for Skyla and Taylor has yielded no results.

OSBI might produce if pressure is applied. Virtually none has been so far. Occasionally, they trot out a spokesperson who says, "This is a solvable case." It gets printed and everyone goes home. Does anyone else feel like shouting out, "If it's solvable, then why don't you solve it?"

Where is the outrage? Where are the media? Local politicians? Local LE? From 1,500 miles away, there seems to be no pressure at all to solve this case. No community activism, nothing. Just a $30,000 reward that no one wants. The media may have been scared away by the bikers at the funerals. Disrespectful to the girls' memory? Chasing away people who might have helped? One poster said the locals are very afraid. Sure, with a killer (or killers) loose among them, but too afraid to collect 30 grand? Are they afraid LE can't protect them if they talk? The bikers might let the word out that they want this solved and that there will be no retaliation or else.

Two observations: (1) The five who testified before the GJ did not appear to be capable of talking their way out of a parking ticket, much less of witholding information, or deceiving capable LE. The key word there is capable. Likewise, the boy on the video who heard the shooting but didn't do it, and the other one who's in jail on a lesser charge...these seven are the types of people who are outfoxing LE? (2) County Line Rd. splits two counties. Per the 2000 census, and a little math, in the 400 square miles surrounding the crime scene, there are about 300 Native American men between 25-44, and about 500 White men between 18-24. In addition, around August 11, it was reported that OSBI had logged 10,000 man-hours in this investigation, not even counting the efforts of local LE. You spend 8 hours on each man in those two groups and you still have 3,600 hours left. That was as of four months ago. No arrest? No suspects?

Thanks to all the posters who have kept this case alive in our hearts and minds. Those who participated in the Walk - special thanks. Sorry to be a spoil-sport, especially so close to the holidays, but the job is not getting done and someone has to speak up. Of course, in the future, if I'm proven wrong, I'll post my apology ASAP. Right now, though, it looks over and done with. Finally, nothing against LE in general (most of Mom's family is LE) or bikers (me, since '81), but those surrounding this case make no sense at all to me. Mark Fuhrman solved Martha's murder after LE couldn't or wouldn't for many years - does anyone know his address?
This case will not be solved. While most prefer to monitor the circus in Orlando, a precious few here and elsewhere occasionally wonder about this case. Six months ago, OSBI immediately put up a wall to stop communication out, yet (when asked, and only when asked) they want people to come forward to them. Criticism of their very peculiar tactics has been almost nonexistent. Six months' worth of waiting for OSBI to produce justice for Skyla and Taylor has yielded no results.

OSBI might produce if pressure is applied. Virtually none has been so far. Occasionally, they trot out a spokesperson who says, "This is a solvable case." It gets printed and everyone goes home. Does anyone else feel like shouting out, "If it's solvable, then why don't you solve it?"

Where is the outrage? Where are the media? Local politicians? Local LE? From 1,500 miles away, there seems to be no pressure at all to solve this case. No community activism, nothing. Just a $30,000 reward that no one wants. The media may have been scared away by the bikers at the funerals. Disrespectful to the girls' memory? Chasing away people who might have helped? One poster said the locals are very afraid. Sure, with a killer (or killers) loose among them, but too afraid to collect 30 grand? Are they afraid LE can't protect them if they talk? The bikers might let the word out that they want this solved and that there will be no retaliation or else.

Two observations: (1) The five who testified before the GJ did not appear the be capable of talking their way out of a parking ticket, much less of witholding information, or deceiving capable LE. The key word there is capable. Likewise, the boy on the video who heard the shooting but didn't do it, and the other one who's in jail on a lesser charge...these seven are the types of people who are outfoxing LE? (2) County Line Rd. splits two counties. Per the 2000 census, and a little math, in the 400 square miles surrounding the crime scene, there are about 300 Native American men between 25-44, and about 500 White men between 18-24. In addition, around August 11, it was reported that OSBI had logged 10,000 man-hours in this investigation, not even counting the efforts of local LE. You spend 8 hours on each man in those two groups and you still have 3,600 hours left. That was as of four months ago. No arrest? No suspects?

Thanks to all the posters who have kept this case alive in our hearts and minds. Those who participated in the Walk - special thanks. Sorry to be a spoil-sport, especially so close to the holidays, but the job is not getting done and someone has to speak up. Of course, in the future, if I'm proven wrong, I'll post my apology ASAP. Right now, though, it looks over and done with. Finally, nothing against LE in general (most of Mom's family is LE) or bikers (me, since '81), but those surrounding this case make no sense at all to me. Mark Fuhrman solved Martha's murder after LE couldn't or wouldn't for many years - does anyone know his address?

Welcome to WS!! We value your opinion and thank you for your interest in this case.

Those of us who went to Weleetka last month are very frustrated that no arrests have been made. Having seen the area where the girls were killed, I am more convinced than ever that it was a local. What frustrates me the most is that the FBI were not brought in until months later. This was a brutal crime, why not involve the FBI? Why refuse the offer of help? Did they feel they could solve this case on their own?

Right now, I feel for these girls and their families. They are facing "the first Christmas" without their girls. We must keep them in our hearts and pray that they get through this one day at a time.
Thanks for your excellent post, XPA Magnet! We really appreciate additional input and extra brain power!

As Lauren said, we are trying to keep this alive! We will continue, because we are committed!

Lauren, what do you say we start bugging OSBI? Anyone is welcome to join us!
I have come to the conclusion law enforcement either knows who did this but doesn't have enough proof to make the arrests or something is seriously wrong with the investigation. I would like for it to be the former but I'm not convinced.

XPA Magnet brought up a good point about LE making statements to the press about this case being solvable but then nothing happens. LE seems more concerned about us knowing how hard they are working on this case then they are with receiving new information from the public. So does LE know everything they need to know?

I've been given the run around enough to recognize it when I see it.

Are the District Attorneys okay in that area? Could somebody have shut this down?
Thanks for your excellent post, XPA Magnet! We really appreciate additional input and extra brain power!

As Lauren said, we are trying to keep this alive! We will continue, because we are committed!

Lauren, what do you say we start bugging OSBI? Anyone is welcome to join us!

I hate to say it but I'm not convinced the OSBI would listen to us CC.
I have come to the conclusion law enforcement either knows who did this but doesn't have enough proof to make the arrests or something is seriously wrong with the investigation. I would like for it to be the former but I'm not convinced.

Albert, I agree that they know who did this but can't prove it. I keep going back to the Sheriff and his first statement to the media regarding persons of interest. And then.......nothing. OSBI shut him up real quick.
I have come to the conclusion law enforcement either knows who did this but doesn't have enough proof to make the arrests or something is seriously wrong with the investigation. I would like for it to be the former but I'm not convinced.

Albert, I agree that they know who did this but can't prove it. I keep going back to the Sheriff and his first statement to the media regarding persons of interest. And then.......nothing. OSBI shut him up real quick.[/quote]

Yes they did Lauren CA... Real Quick like. Remember when They would not take any help from other agencies that were made offers to help.. FBI ect
I have come to the conclusion law enforcement either knows who did this but doesn't have enough proof to make the arrests or something is seriously wrong with the investigation. I would like for it to be the former but I'm not convinced.

Albert, I agree that they know who did this but can't prove it. I keep going back to the Sheriff and his first statement to the media regarding persons of interest. And then.......nothing. OSBI shut him up real quick.[/quote]

Yes they did Lauren CA... Real Quick like. Remember when They would not take any help from other agencies that were made offers to help.. FBI ect

Yes GS, they even bragged that Scotland Yard offered assistance and they refused their help. Good grief!
IMO, those that refuse help with something like this are either, very good, very stupid, or invloved... Wonder which?
Thanks for your excellent post, XPA Magnet! We really appreciate additional input and extra brain power!

As Lauren said, we are trying to keep this alive! We will continue, because we are committed!

Lauren, what do you say we start bugging OSBI? Anyone is welcome to join us!

Claycat - Great idea but it won't work. They won't listen to any of us. This case needs a heavy hitter to bring OSBI's lack of production to such a level of exposure that they will have to do something...maybe something other than whittling the task force down to one, and keeping the victims' families in the dark (let alone the entire community). Not to mention letting the murders of two little girls go unsolved.

You're all on to something here. I took a rough count of four threads on this case. I had noticed a little more activity before my first post last week, so I spoke up. In the week since, there has been four times the activity than the week before. Some posters appear to be new, and some appear to have a renewed interest. Some of it was chit-chat, but so what? The increase in activity is sure to draw more attention here, and that can't hurt this case. Even drawing a small fraction of what the already-solved case in Orlando has enjoyed might be enough to get something going on here...

...Like the attention of Nancy, or Greta, or Geraldo, or Mark. Someone, anyone, to rattle OSBI's cage and demand action and/or answers. Until that happens, get used to the status quo. You can bet OSBI is quite content with the lack of national exposure. Is that accurate, BR? JB? Anyone else at OSBI?

For my part, I used a link (provided by ArizonaGiGi on 11/23) to email Nancy earlier today (sorry - I'm new and can't put up a link yet). I'm still looking for addresses for the other three I mentioned. Maybe if we all wrote them weekly we could get one of them involved. Like all of you, I'd prefer justice for Taylor and Skyla; but unlike most of you, I don't see OSBI providing it. This isn't Aruba, and if killer(s) are to go unpunished, someone should be held accountable. Publicly accountable.

Thanks for your input. Please keep beating the drums. It just might work.
Thanks so much for your input. I have followed this case for a long time. I appreciate new and open minded posters. Thanks so much for the ideas.

Yes, I'm sure OSBI likes the lack of exposure. That way fewer people notice how poorly the case is coming along. No news for them is good news. Then they can plod along as before with no press making them look bad.
Claycat - Great idea but it won't work. They won't listen to any of us. This case needs a heavy hitter to bring OSBI's lack of production to such a level of exposure that they will have to do something...maybe something other than whittling the task force down to one, and keeping the victims' families in the dark (let alone the entire community). Not to mention letting the murders of two little girls go unsolved.

You're all on to something here. I took a rough count of four threads on this case. I had noticed a little more activity before my first post last week, so I spoke up. In the week since, there has been four times the activity than the week before. Some posters appear to be new, and some appear to have a renewed interest. Some of it was chit-chat, but so what? The increase in activity is sure to draw more attention here, and that can't hurt this case. Even drawing a small fraction of what the already-solved case in Orlando has enjoyed might be enough to get something going on here...

...Like the attention of Nancy, or Greta, or Geraldo, or Mark. Someone, anyone, to rattle OSBI's cage and demand action and/or answers. Until that happens, get used to the status quo. You can bet OSBI is quite content with the lack of national exposure. Is that accurate, BR? JB? Anyone else at OSBI?

For my part, I used a link (provided by ArizonaGiGi on 11/23) to email Nancy earlier today (sorry - I'm new and can't put up a link yet). I'm still looking for addresses for the other three I mentioned. Maybe if we all wrote them weekly we could get one of them involved. Like all of you, I'd prefer justice for Taylor and Skyla; but unlike most of you, I don't see OSBI providing it. This isn't Aruba, and if killer(s) are to go unpunished, someone should be held accountable. Publicly accountable.

Thanks for your input. Please keep beating the drums. It just might work.

Thanks XPA for your comment. We won't settle for anyone forgetting about these girls. I don't want to believe that OSBI struck out on this one, I really don't, but with each passing day it is beginning to look more like it.

What bothers us is how much media attention one story can generate and how little another gets. I think everyone knew from the get go Caylee was not coming home and who was responsible. The public wasn't at risk. The town of Weleetka is. If these two girls could be gunned down on a Sunday afternoon in plain view of anyone passing on that road, then what else are these killers capable of?? I have been down that road, someone didn't just happen upon that road. I honestly believe the girls knew the killer. Someone knows something. They just need to say it because one day the killer could turn on him/her.

We thank you for your support. It means a lot that people are starting to have a renewed interest in Skyla and Taylor.
Thanks XPA for your comment. We won't settle for anyone forgetting about these girls. I don't want to believe that OSBI struck out on this one, I really don't, but with each passing day it is beginning to look more like it.

What bothers us is how much media attention one story can generate and how little another gets. I think everyone knew from the get go Caylee was not coming home and who was responsible. The public wasn't at risk. The town of Weleetka is. If these two girls could be gunned down on a Sunday afternoon in plain view of anyone passing on that road, then what else are these killers capable of?? I have been down that road, someone didn't just happen upon that road. I honestly believe the girls knew the killer. Someone knows something. They just need to say it because one day the killer could turn on him/her.

We thank you for your support. It means a lot that people are starting to have a renewed interest in Skyla and Taylor.

You're absolutely right, Lauren. A lot of people will say that emotions fade with time, but not this time. We won't let that happen. Thank you XPA and everyone else for helping us keep their memories alive, all the while praying for justice.

Cheers and happy holidays!
Goodness!! It's good to sign in and see so many posts again. Lots of good thoughts - there have been times we felt there were only a dozen or so people that discussed this case on a regular basis.

I sure would like to see Mark Fuhrman come to Weleetka and start snooping around. That may get OSBI's attention. Nothing else seems to.

Thanks again to everyone for posting! It is very encouraging to those of us who have made a commitment to do everything possible to bring justice to two precious little girls and their families and friends.
IMO, those that refuse help with something like this are either, very good, very stupid, or invloved... Wonder which?

I think we can rule out #1 , which leaves us with stupid or involved. How bout both?

PS WELCOME TO THE NEWCOMERS ON HERE!!!! So glad to see "new blood".:)


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