Nobody knows whether he ran towards the driveways or to the side of the road. I'm saying in my own words that GJ was adamant of the direction WT went via all the info coming out of the inquest. Laura Beacroft agreed PS didn't have a clear view of what GJ had put forward to PS.
"He wouldn't have had a clear line of sight," Mr Savage's lawyer, Chris McGorey, said to Det Sgt Beacroft.
"Yes, I agree," she replied.
Mr Jubelin also told Mr Savage "the direction William was last seen heading ... was the direction right towards where you were sitting on the balcony having your toast".
Mr McGorey said this was another assertion not based on fact as police "simply didn't know what direction (William) went".
Mr McGorey said with the benefit of hindsight, questions put to his client should have been hypotheses rather than assertions because they effectively suggested detectives knew something to back up what they were saying.
Tyrrell neighbour faced damaging questions