Going back to the podcast, something that stood out to me in the first episode of Witness: William Tyrrell was the discussion around Cleo Smith by two detectives that interviewed Michelle White.
The police suggested to Michelle White that nobody was getting into the Cleo’s family tent without being heard, implying family involvement.
Taken from the transcript Ep. 1
Speaker 2 (Dan Box)
When you were being interviewed by them, and I think you were talking to them for five hours or thereabouts. Did they give you a sense of what they were thinking William's foster mother may have done?
Speaker 1 (Michelle White)
No, they didn't, just that they implied that she had something to do with William's disappearance and that all would be forthcoming in a few days. Interestingly, at the time, Cleo was missing in Western Australia, and during that interview they said to me, surely you know, you don't think that somebody else has come into the tent. You can't tell me that you wouldn't hear the zipper.
Speaker 1 (Michelle White)
They asked me, what I thought had happened to Cleo, and I said that I didn't know. They said words to the effect of, surely you'd hear somebody undoing a zipper if your child was sleeping next to you, and I took it to mean that, yeah, surely, if there's no other answers that are apparent, then it's the parent, and the implication being similar in the situation of William missing, when there's no other clear answer, it must be her.
What if everything you thought you knew about the disappearance of William Tyrrell was … wrong? Witness: William Tyrrell is the new, landmark investigation from news.com.au. Read more and watch exclusive video content here Follow us on socials: Instagram: @newscomauhq Facebook: News.com.au...
The opinion of the two detectives didn’t age well.
Mick Fuller described the current strike force as one of the “best teams we’ve seen”. If their views on Cleo’s disappearance were genuine, then that is worrying IMO.