AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #11

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Here's the official floor plan of the home that KGUN went and got today(it showed the reporter going thru one of the old time slide machines they have at libraries for old newspapers).. Anyway here is an exact replica of the floor plan that showed just how far away the parents bedroom was away from Isa's.. Parents are in the top right(above garage) and Isa's is all the way across the home and diagonal(the farthest distance actually away from parents room)..ImageUploadedByTapatalk1336187911.754949.jpg

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
TOTALLY O/T but I really hate how some of my fave night shift sleuthers obviously have a life other than WS's on a Friday night.

lol I may not be a fav, but I don't have a life...just nothing to say. This case seems kinda stalled to me...
How did they buy their home with 3592 sq feet when their previous home was almost foreclosed a year before this purchase? Their previous home was listed on the foreclosed homes' list for Tucson.

After the real estate market crashed in 2008, if you don't have perfect credit it is difficult to get a mortgage. If you have a poor credit rating, you are required to pay a sizable cash down payment. The price of their home was $246,000.

A 20% down payment = $49,200 cash down payment. Dayummmmmmm. Where did they get this huge sum of cash when they bank almost took their last home (only a year earlier) and foreclosed on it for non-payment?

The average salary for an RN in Tucson is about $59,000. Sergio is an unlicensed technician in an oral surgeon's office.
Of course youare, I stalked you after Sam's thread lol

Well then you should know I don't have a life...I feel like the only one around some weekends...:blushing:

In fact I will probably go back to listening to Isabel's scanner for a while...
Maybe like GGS from Haleigh's thread said, maybe they "snitched". I'm sorry for being sassy. The info feels stalled like Cluciano said.

I just want JM to be interviewed again. Just that is all..

of course for Isa to be found now.
I've never heard of a diversion program for not having your car registration and not paying for insurance for your car. Why were these charges dropped if they went to a diversion program for drugs (toxic vapors) and DUIs?

In my part of the world, I had only heard of diversion as related to drugs and alchohol. However, it seems to be applied more broadly in AZ.
Ok just to clear it up, i am disappointed that "some" night shifters have a life - I appreciate all of you that don't lol just like me :)
I came upon these charges the first day this story broke, but was told we couldn't discuss them. At that point I will admit, it made me pause. Those were a long time ago, though, and I did some stupid things when I was younger. (no dui's though, thank goodness)

I was told, however, we could discuss RSO's in the area, and I think there was a bit of discussion about that early on, we might really want to revisit that, since we have little else to go on. I was gonna do that later.

Above, someone broached the subject of the window (sorry I don't know how to double quote yet) if it was staged who would benefit. This is a very interesting question. I can think of only immediate or extended family for that one. Or a friend of the family that had access to the house, such as a neighbor. They would all want it to look like a stranger abduction. Do you think the Celis' would have known there were so many RSO's in the nearby area? They may have been friends with one without knowing it, and let their children play with the RSO's children. Honestly if we can find out all these details about the house on google maps, I bet a diligent SO could research the same sorts of things, before he made his move. I dunno, this is really sad....
FWIW...Terri Horman had a charge of driving drunk with a child in car...and it was made a HUGE deal of here at WS...
Above, someone broached the subject of the window (sorry I don't know how to double quote yet) if it was staged who would benefit. This is a very interesting question. I can think of only immediate or extended family for that one. Or a friend of the family that had access to the house, such as a neighbor. They would all want it to look like a stranger abduction. Do you think the Celis' would have known there were so many RSO's in the nearby area? They may have been friends with one without knowing it, and let their children play with the RSO's children. Honestly if we can find out all these details about the house on google maps, I bet a diligent SO could research the same sorts of things, before he made his move. I dunno, this is really sad....

I have always thought Isabel knew her abductor. By making the window a set-up that would immediately make it look like a total stranger that originated in the alley, hopped the fence and came in through the window.

What made me question that was the comments about the blinds (and I think curtains) being moved to the side. If you are a stranger and getting in that window and then out I think I would raise the blinds rather than push everything to the side, it would make less noise. It was just too CSI for me.
The whole thing is kinda CSI...ladder in yard...screen pushed out...dogs don't hear anything, apparently, camera on roof happens not to work...cameras everywhere but seems as though the person was not seen on any of them? Someone had to know the area very very well, JMO...
Going back to Uncle Cousin. Isn't it odd that he was self designated family spokesman and then seems to have completely vanished off the face of the earth. This is the man that adores this child (as I am sure other relatives do) - he was there first thing, he spoke to media and then nothing. Odd or I am totally suffering tunnel vision because I have my suspicions?
I came upon these charges the first day this story broke, but was told we couldn't discuss them. At that point I will admit, it made me pause. Those were a long time ago, though, and I did some stupid things when I was younger. (no dui's though, thank goodness)

I was told, however, we could discuss RSO's in the area, and I think there was a bit of discussion about that early on, we might really want to revisit that, since we have little else to go on. I was gonna do that later.

Above, someone broached the subject of the window (sorry I don't know how to double quote yet) if it was staged who would benefit. This is a very interesting question. I can think of only immediate or extended family for that one. Or a friend of the family that had access to the house, such as a neighbor. They would all want it to look like a stranger abduction. Do you think the Celis' would have known there were so many RSO's in the nearby area? They may have been friends with one without knowing it, and let their children play with the RSO's children. Honestly if we can find out all these details about the house on google maps, I bet a diligent SO could research the same sorts of things, before he made his move. I dunno, this is really sad....


I asked that question. The window was the first thing I focused on. And I really wondered why the screen was taken off rather than cut... At the time I thought it seemed staged. JMO
I came upon these charges the first day this story broke, but was told we couldn't discuss them. At that point I will admit, it made me pause. Those were a long time ago, though, and I did some stupid things when I was younger. (no dui's though, thank goodness)

I was told, however, we could discuss RSO's in the area, and I think there was a bit of discussion about that early on, we might really want to revisit that, since we have little else to go on. I was gonna do that later.

Above, someone broached the subject of the window (sorry I don't know how to double quote yet) if it was staged who would benefit. This is a very interesting question. I can think of only immediate or extended family for that one. Or a friend of the family that had access to the house, such as a neighbor. They would all want it to look like a stranger abduction. Do you think the Celis' would have known there were so many RSO's in the nearby area? They may have been friends with one without knowing it, and let their children play with the RSO's children. Honestly if we can find out all these details about the house on google maps, I bet a diligent SO could research the same sorts of things, before he made his move. I dunno, this is really sad....

RBBM. Good discussion points to bring up.

First bolded: I agree with you that anyone associated with and including the family would benefit by staging the window screen. I, at this moment, have chosen to take the father at his word that at first he thought that was the entry point but now is not sure. If he had been the one to stage it I think the odds are that he wouldn't have addressed the matter at all ~ but am not stuck on this position.

Second bolded: The mom, Becky, works in or specializes in pediatric emergency room care, right? That makes me conclude the family is very aware of RSOs, the up front exposure their victims suffer and would be even more vigilant about their home addresses in relationship to their own home than the average person.
Family may have banished uncle/cousin to the background...I am sure word of some people's reaction to him got around...JMO
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