Being the same age and build as Elisa, also considering going to school in the exact area she was last seen, I imagine how I'd be feeling her in situation...probably paranoid and uneasy. Besides the obvious stress that comes with traveling in an unfamiliar area, LA is very densely populated. I'm not familiar with Vancouver, but I know LA can be off-putting. Being a small, young and attractive woman like Elisa, it isn't unlikely to be stared at, approached or bothered by random men. After a while, you become cautious of these things, if not a little paranoid. I wouldn't be surprised if strange people/men approached or acted creepy towards her in LA, and she was feeling vulnerable in an unfamiliar area which could explain her skiddish behavior in the video.
A few thoughts I had while watching the video over and over again..
1. When she first enters the elevator and crouches to press the four buttons: I don't sense any urgency on her part. I can't really fathom why she would press four buttons in a row for any reason while "clear-minded" unless to delay the doors from closing? Like if she were waiting for someone.. I think if she were trying to avoid someone, she would be repeatedly pressing one button until the doors shut. Then she stands back as if she anticipates the elevator to operate correctly, until the doors briefly start to close but open up again around 12 sec. as others have mentioned. I'm sure she noticed the doors start to shut, which is why she stands there for a few more seconds before jumping out and seeing if someone's there.
2. (~0:20) When she first jumps out with one leg and quickly and looks from side to side: The quick manner in which she does this was the first thing stood out to me..personally, I would probably only react that way in an elevator if I were concerned about someone following me. I'm not fully convinced there was anyone out there, does seem that she was either convinced of something out there, if it turns out she wasn't simply "being playful". When she "hides" in the corner of the elevator and doesn't try to shut the doors shows another instance of lack of urgency to me. This whole scene is baffling because her actions aren't very consistent with her behavior.
3. (~1:30) As Elisa enters the elevator again, she puts her hands on each side of the doorway, as if to support her while she walks in..she does seem disoriented, I would even say she looks a little drunk at that moment if I didn't know what I was watching. She starts pressing a bunch of buttons, then the same ones over again, up and down the button pad, then proceeds to walk out of the elevator again, as though was not intending to change floors anyway.
Of course, we have very little context...they haven't even released what time of day the video was from? Even that could be more telling. I'm sure there's a reason for that.
After watching it so many times, I'm still very unsure about what to make of it. At first thought, it does seem like a mental breakdown. But if that is what we saw, that leads me to believe her condition would be serious enough that she shouldn't have been on a trip like that alone. If she does have a condition that has been undiagnosed, I still think there would have been "signs".
I also think LE tends to be very specific about what info, photos and footage they release. If it were a mental breakdown, I assume that LE would've recognized that fairly quickly and would not have shared the footage. It seems like this is a move on LE's part in hopes of getting info from the public.
All my opinions obviously. Sorry for the novel, maybe others will be able to bounce of these thoughts?
A few thoughts I had while watching the video over and over again..
1. When she first enters the elevator and crouches to press the four buttons: I don't sense any urgency on her part. I can't really fathom why she would press four buttons in a row for any reason while "clear-minded" unless to delay the doors from closing? Like if she were waiting for someone.. I think if she were trying to avoid someone, she would be repeatedly pressing one button until the doors shut. Then she stands back as if she anticipates the elevator to operate correctly, until the doors briefly start to close but open up again around 12 sec. as others have mentioned. I'm sure she noticed the doors start to shut, which is why she stands there for a few more seconds before jumping out and seeing if someone's there.
2. (~0:20) When she first jumps out with one leg and quickly and looks from side to side: The quick manner in which she does this was the first thing stood out to me..personally, I would probably only react that way in an elevator if I were concerned about someone following me. I'm not fully convinced there was anyone out there, does seem that she was either convinced of something out there, if it turns out she wasn't simply "being playful". When she "hides" in the corner of the elevator and doesn't try to shut the doors shows another instance of lack of urgency to me. This whole scene is baffling because her actions aren't very consistent with her behavior.
3. (~1:30) As Elisa enters the elevator again, she puts her hands on each side of the doorway, as if to support her while she walks in..she does seem disoriented, I would even say she looks a little drunk at that moment if I didn't know what I was watching. She starts pressing a bunch of buttons, then the same ones over again, up and down the button pad, then proceeds to walk out of the elevator again, as though was not intending to change floors anyway.
Of course, we have very little context...they haven't even released what time of day the video was from? Even that could be more telling. I'm sure there's a reason for that.
After watching it so many times, I'm still very unsure about what to make of it. At first thought, it does seem like a mental breakdown. But if that is what we saw, that leads me to believe her condition would be serious enough that she shouldn't have been on a trip like that alone. If she does have a condition that has been undiagnosed, I still think there would have been "signs".
I also think LE tends to be very specific about what info, photos and footage they release. If it were a mental breakdown, I assume that LE would've recognized that fairly quickly and would not have shared the footage. It seems like this is a move on LE's part in hopes of getting info from the public.
All my opinions obviously. Sorry for the novel, maybe others will be able to bounce of these thoughts?