CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #1

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A few points from this translated report:

  • Last seen in the evening of January 31 by hotel staff.
  • Elisa was originally scheduled for February 1st check-out, but disappeared without doing so.
  • This is her first time to SC, she has no relatives or friends in the local, & the purpose of this trip is unknown.
  • She had been in San Diego for a few days prior to arriving in LA, her next stop was Santa Cruz.
What a rough time to be missing in LA. I can only imagine her family is doubly worried with the manhunt going on out here.

Elisa, where are you??
Just hope Elisa is okay. There is trafficking of Oriental women from Los Angeles according to the internet. Wonder if the police might send her picture to the Mexican authorities just in case someone took her there or she decided to visit there. Do you think she could have been frightened of the neighborhood the Cecil Hotel was in and just took off and left things there? Little Tokyo is nearby. I wonder if anyone saw her sightseeing there?
Several days after she went missing there was a sight seeing bus that originated in Tijuana and crashed 80 miles east of LA. Most of the names mentioned were Hispanic but some were from California. Many people were sent to hospitals. I just hope she didn't go out walking alone at night. In the 70's, my sister and a female cousin booked a trip to LA with a travel agency and they were also booked in a seedy part of town. Prayers she will soon be found!!
Considering the you suppose there are camera's in every hallway...???

Do you suppose LE physically checked every room (nook & cranny) in the hotel/hostel...??? or would they require a search warrant to do that...???

Her friend posted a new pic of Elisa on his twitter page.


He says she was last seen Feb 1 in the a.m. wearing a purple t-shirt and black shorts. She was not wearing glasses. (In an earlier tweet he said it was at the Cecil Hotel.)

(I wonder who saw her. Someone must have reported to LE that they saw her that morning. Her family last heard from her on Jan 31.

I hope they have some leads that we don't know about. The media has already fallen off. :(
The search continues in Los Angeles for missing UBC student Elisa Lam, but police don’t have much to go on 10 days into the investigation.

“We’ve had some tips come in, not many, but nothing that has proven to be her. Some sightings, but they proved not to be her,” says LAPD Detective Wallace Tennelle.

I hope this case doesn't get overlooked because of the Dorner situation! LAPD have their hands full, but this young woman is still missing. :(
This is just so sad. Her family must be frantic. I wonder what the police have that they can't share with the family. I hope she is found unharmed. UCLA in Los Angeles has research in psychology that she is interested in, but I'm sure she would have to apply for an extension on her Visa to stay longer and Immigration would have a record of it. That is suspicious though that she did not come back to her room that morning and check out with her belongings. Praying hard for her and her family!!
Her friend posted a new pic of Elisa on his twitter page.


He says she was last seen Feb 1 in the a.m. wearing a purple t-shirt and black shorts. She was not wearing glasses. (In an earlier tweet he said it was at the Cecil Hotel.)

above snipped for space...

I wondered what the tempurature was the morning of the first - there's a graph at the bottom of the historical weather data for LA Feb 1st - i can't say I'd be leaving the hotel in shorts in the am...but that's just me.

What do ya'll think?

Looks like it was below 70C until around 10am and barely broke 70 between 10am and noon and then the temp dropped like a lead balloon.

Maybe Elisa was an optimistic girl.

Regardless, black [basketball] shorts and a t-shirt sound a bit like pj's imho.

Where would you go without your 'belongings' Elisa?

Was she going to 'shoot some hoops'???

#vancouver #LA last seen morning feb 1 at cecil hotel with black basketball shorts n purple t-shirt. RT #findelisa
I wondered what the tempurature was the morning of the first

End of Jan and early Feb was more like spring weather.

It wasn't till the rain earlier last week that it dropped in temperature here, so shorts aren't really an odd choice. Especially in downtown where the reflections of buildings and concrete, plus the lack of coastal breezes, can really heat up out there.
Although the hair color is different this young lady is similar to my daughter in mountain view california who was the victim of a crime in november. She was approached by a 56 year old man late ar night at a grocery store. He followed her to the parking lot, drugged her and drove her around for days in his metallic blue honda element with arizona plates. Over the next few weeks he sexually assaulted her several times and kept her drugged. She finally escaped and drove cross country in panic. This man removed all belongings from her apartment and turned in her keys after she fled. He told her that he has done this to many young girls in the past, that he is independently wealthy as he was adopted by a rich couple of polish heritage. He does not have tatoos or scars but has a hernia. Local police in mountain view refuse to file a report. His first name is andrew and he gave her a surname beginning with E which is not a polish name, and few polish names bwgin with e.
Black basket ball shorts and a t-shirt?

She's going out for a morning jog.

It is really odd that she didn't take her phone with her.

Women who jog carry their phone in their hand, and as a tourist, she would want it to take photos.

What is the source that she left her phone in her hotel room?

Elisa is from Vancouver, the drug addict capital of North America. We give drugs and needles to drug addicts so that they don't steal to get drugs.

The area around the Cecil Hotel is nowhere near as bad as Hastings Street in Vancouver, in spite of what people are saying about it. We just had a murder there in the last few days.
Black basket ball shorts and a t-shirt?

She's going out for a morning jog.

It is really odd that she didn't take her phone with her.

Women who jog carry their phone in their hand, and as a tourist, she would want it to take photos.

What is the source that she left her phone in her hotel room?

Elisa is from Vancouver, the drug addict capital of North America. We give drugs and needles to drug addicts so that they don't steal to get drugs.

The area around the Cecil Hotel is nowhere near as bad as Hastings Street in Vancouver, in spite of what people are saying about it. We just had a murder there in the last few days.
The source that said she left the phone in her room was a reporter and Law Enforcement later said they did not wish to discuss the phone.
Another odd thing about her behavior was that, although she is a student at the University of British Columbia, she was tripping around California at the end of January for a couple of weeks!

The end of January is usually a very intense time for university students, leading up to the spring break in March.

I don't know how she could take that much time off,and still do well at UBC.

I know, I was a student at UBC.
The Stay on Main is a typical Hostel for young travelers on the cheap. During the day, it is a busy "down-town" neighborhood with lots of business types crowding the sidewalks. At nights, it can be very different. Lots of homeless/seedy types walking about. Anyone staying there would not feel safe if they had to walk from a bus stop late at night. If Elisa disappeared on a Friday morning, I can't see any obvious hazard. My guess is that she went off with someone she trusted.

It sounds like she was taking a runner from the University. Her itinerary seemed pretty typical of where a young person would go to explore California. This mention of possibly finding a job at a farm is "interesting". California farmers do not normally recruit their Farm Labor in Canada. If there is anything to this, it sounds like a cult or a New Age type of thing
Your comment about meeting friend or someone she trusted was my conclusion as well, especially if she didn't take her phone with her.

And your comment about working on a farm in Santa Cruz and the cult/commune was insightful as well.

Do a search for Lam and Santa Cruz and you come up with a Kwai Lam and the James Creek Farm, which grows "mixed vegetables and fruits for the Tassajara Zen Buddhist Monastery and are on the way toward becoming a retreat center."
I am always suspicious when I hear that someones phone was left behind. If she was meeting up with someone she knew or even someone she didnt know bringing along a phone to say ok, I'm here or I'm running late makes more sense to me. These days people bring their phones with them to the bathroom fgs. LOL
The Stay on Main is a typical Hostel for young travelers on the cheap. During the day, it is a busy "down-town" neighborhood with lots of business types crowding the sidewalks. At nights, it can be very different. Lots of homeless/seedy types walking about. Anyone staying there would not feel safe if they had to walk from a bus stop late at night. If Elisa disappeared on a Friday morning, I can't see any obvious hazard. My guess is that she went off with someone she trusted.

It sounds like she was taking a runner from the University. Her itinerary seemed pretty typical of where a young person would go to explore California. This mention of possibly finding a job at a farm is "interesting". California farmers do not normally recruit their Farm Labor in Canada. If there is anything to this, it sounds like a cult or a New Age type of thing
Unless she could have bought phony documents in Los Angeles. I know they are cracking down but illegal aliens have been buying them for years. All you need here is a birth certificate and social security card to get a State ID or driver's license. The only trouble with that is when you get old you cannot collect Social Security on a bogus Social Security Card. I wonder also if she didn't get a lengthy visa and didn't tell her parents. I also wondered if she was trying to get into college either at UCLA or UC in Santa Cruz. I guess California has lots of illegal aliens working on farms. The only trouble is they probably pay them peanuts. I hope she at least writes her parents and explains things so they know she is okay.
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