Identified! CA - Out-of-town family finds unidentified body in freezer of home they were staying at - Dec 23, 2023 - Mary Margaret Haxby-Jones

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Except some of the calls were made right around and possibly after Mary was deceased and as it's been stated, no one has officially seen Mary since approx 2009. Some of those calls were made in 2014 and 2015. So, who were the calls made for/about? Why didn't anyone speak to Mary, who is the homeowner of the residence that the calls were in reference? I feel that something would have been revealed much sooner than now if that had been done. JMO.

Twice in my life I made calls about poorly known people whom I knew from FB. Once, a guy from Minnesota posted something that looked concerning, at night, and I had to call and explain. They stopped by, visited, called back, said he was in no danger, and later that person called, to thank me. Another time, a person in California went off the radar, and I must admit, I didn't know him well at all. So the police, too, called and said he was fine, but that "fine" included no running water and the phone being cut off for nonpayment, I found out months later. Probably safety check means, "live and kicking", but maybe the police isn't allowed to say more? With California being so huge and densely populated, it is hard to streamline anything, though, so I am far from blaming the police.
Twice in my life I made calls about poorly known people whom I knew from FB. Once, a guy from Minnesota posted something that looked concerning, at night, and I had to call and explain. They stopped by, visited, called back, said he was in no danger, and later that person called, to thank me. Another time, a person in California went off the radar, and I must admit, I didn't know him well at all. So the police, too, called and said he was fine, but that "fine" included no running water and the phone being cut off for nonpayment, I found out months later. Probably safety check means, "live and kicking", but maybe the police isn't allowed to say more? With California being so huge and densely populated, it is hard to streamline anything, though, so I am far from blaming the police.
That is really good of you that you thought to have someone check in, better safe than sorry. I've done a wellness check on family but they were OK.

I'm not blaming LE, I don't know the procedure in California. We also don't really know who the wellness checks were for or who made the calls so who knows what happened? I've just known in the past that often when LE arrive, they often want to talk to the homeowner or whoever resides at the address. However, that could more for noise complaints than wellness checks. It's just hard not to think it was about Mary since some of the calls were for elder abuse and were from around the time LE are saying Mary might have gone missing so that is concerning and seems like a lost opportunity. JMO.
Mary Margaret Jones/Barnett was born Sept. 1942 in Michigan.

MM’s father: William Robert Jones (1888-1966) - Find a Grave...
Robert W Barnett Jones Father changed his name, thus the Jones to MM’s Jones-Haxby. IMO.

ETA: Correction, I inserted the wrong link. This is MM’s mother: Margaret Mary Barnett (1916-1969) - Find a Grave...
MM’s mother: Mary Emily Gautier Barnett (1859-1947) - Find a...

MM’s sister: Nancy Florence Barnett Helms (1945-2012) - Find a... Susie must have been a nickname and this would indicate RH was a husband (I found no records during my quick search, but he’s likely living, so I’ll leave it at that).
I was able to find one military record for MMJH based on my research, which goes far beyond what I’m able to link due to TOS. The problem I ran into was a difference in birth days. The year and month are consistent in public records, but the day varies between the 8th and 15th of September 1942, so I wasn’t sure the two MMJs were the same.

MMJ’s Mount Acadia and Zion residence records list her DOB as 15 Sep 1942. However, a separate Zion residence record lists her DOB as 8 Sep 1942. The addresses are the same and I don’t see there being two different women with the same name, born in Sep 1942 living there. What a coincidence that would be!

The military record I found (which is consistent with my previous findings of her being born in Michigan), lists her DOB as 8 Sep 1942.
NameMary M Jones
Birth Date8 Sep 1942
Birth PlaceMichigan
Military Date29 Jul 1964
Publication Date1966
TitleNational Guard Register, Army

I’m happy to be wrong (it won’t be the first time :p ), but please be mindful of the TOS when sleuthing victims. Initials are always preferred and sleuthing living persons not named suspects/POI is not allowed (especially posting their personal information on the thread).
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MMJ’s Mount Acadia and Zion residence records list her DOB as 15 Sep 1942. However, a separate Zion residence record lists her DOB as 8 Sep 1942. The addresses are the same and I don’t see there being two different women with the same name, born in Sep 1942 living there. What a coincidence that would be!
As it is an exactly 1 week difference, it might be a clerical error. This would be quite likely with these little calendars you have to click to insert data, but I must admit less likely for any typed or computer-read entries. I have no idea how and at what timepoint such data was digitally collected.

There have also been cases where a persons official time of birth and real time of birth differ for whatever reason (wrongly stated/inserted/recorded as they were a newborn, e.g baptism date inserted as birth date) and if the person actually knows and celebrates the right date, they might give that different date to places where it does not cause confusion (no linking or official checks on that).
That is really good of you that you thought to have someone check in, better safe than sorry. I've done a wellness check on family but they were OK.

I'm not blaming LE, I don't know the procedure in California. We also don't really know who the wellness checks were for or who made the calls so who knows what happened? I've just known in the past that often when LE arrive, they often want to talk to the homeowner or whoever resides at the address. However, that could more for noise complaints than wellness checks. It's just hard not to think it was about Mary since some of the calls were for elder abuse and were from around the time LE are saying Mary might have gone missing so that is concerning and seems like a lost opportunity. JMO.

Agree. We've seen many cases in which child welfare checks, child protective service visits where "nothing was found", and later ended up in horrific cases of abuse or murder. I think unless they find clear cut, and strong evidence of something, there is usually very little police seem to do in a welfare check unless they find a body or blood spattered walls.
Except some of the calls were made right around and possibly after Mary was deceased and as it's been stated, no one has officially seen Mary since approx 2009. Some of those calls were made in 2014 and 2015. So, who were the calls made for/about? Why didn't anyone speak to Mary, who is the homeowner of the residence that the calls were in reference? I feel that something would have been revealed much sooner than now if that had been done. JMO.
If I am remembering correctly, the close neighbors are also NEW neighbors -- about 6 years. So perhaps Mary was missed by a former neighbor, or a former neighbor saw some abuse and called. Once Mary was in the freezer, you can imagine if the police showed up for a check on Mary the story the police were told about the crazy, interfering neighbor. Even if police had been told Mary was visiting family over in XXXX fill in the blank, and did a walk through of the house, they would have seen the freezer but nothing suspicious. So perhaps those early calls were about Mary being abused. The person the police talked to had a good enough story, and there was nothing for LE to see. Eventually, the neighbors who had known Mary moved away.
Anyone with a solid work history of 20 years, and right in their residential neighborhood had to have had known colleagues or friends. My guess is that there are plenty of people are coming forward to LE with their personal information and recollections. But I am sure, that LE is telling them to be quiet for now. Eventually, some are going to want to chat about it. moo

The curiosity for me is more about why she did retire so young. She was only in her upper 50s. A solid job in healthcare can take people well beyond normal retirement age. Why? I hope some colleagues or friends are coming forward about those years too. moo

The removal of one name from title to property could easily be financially related. With an IRS lien, it is a viable possibility that Mary wanted to clean that title. moo

As sad as the outcome here, these cases are really so much fun to unravel...for anyone with a curious mind!! ha.
If I am remembering correctly, the close neighbors are also NEW neighbors -- about 6 years. So perhaps Mary was missed by a former neighbor, or a former neighbor saw some abuse and called. Once Mary was in the freezer, you can imagine if the police showed up for a check on Mary the story the police were told about the crazy, interfering neighbor. Even if police had been told Mary was visiting family over in XXXX fill in the blank, and did a walk through of the house, they would have seen the freezer but nothing suspicious. So perhaps those early calls were about Mary being abused. The person the police talked to had a good enough story, and there was nothing for LE to see. Eventually, the neighbors who had known Mary moved away.

I wonder when the freezer was bought.
Perhaps the current resident is technically a "squatter"? That has happened before - some "friend" who is living with the missing/deceased person continues to live there, driving their car, etc.

Something similar happened in this case. The homeowner was abused by the "friends", died and his body disposed in his own home. The "friend" continued to live there, drove his car and spent his money.

Like Mary, Dennis went missing in his own home and it took years to discover his remains. A very sad case indeed. Phoenix Oregon is near Medford in Southern Oregon. I met Dennis and his partner in the 1990's, he and his husband Ernie were very involved with The Renaissance Fair and had a preserve making business "Creature Comfits" & sold to local markets.

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How sad that Daniel and his husband ended up living in squalor and even sadder was Daniel Day's tragic death.
It's so easy for these criminal thugs to prey on the elderly and needy, especially if there's no involved family/friends close by.
Burda''s trial is scheduled for the end of this month.
It's a good feeling hearing all the wonderful things people said about Daniel Day.
Dennis Day, he was one of the original Mousketeers on the Mickey Mouse Club.
I live in a neighboring community and I cannot imagine how LE was able to bungle his case so badly, it's almost like they didn't even try.
Like Mary he was missing for years and eventually found in his own home. Incredibly sad.
I wonder if the "divorce" belief came from Mary and a man being owners of the house, then the title being changed so the home is in Mary's name only.
Yes, I was wondering whether the San Diego Tribune had made that error of assumption when it snoopily reported "Mail that was left in the open on the lid of a closed recycling bin at the sidewalk indicates Haxby-Jones’ husband is still receiving mail from the Social Security Administration at the home."

However, there was an earlier quote from a 'relative-by-marriage', that she had no blood relatives alive (unless she meant no 'other' blood relatives).

I think it was the same person who said she and her husband collected exotic birds.

I feel like this is a jigsaw puzzle, and if I find the right piece the picture will make sense.

Anyone with a solid work history of 20 years, and right in their residential neighborhood had to have had known colleagues or friends. My guess is that there are plenty of people are coming forward to LE with their personal information and recollections. But I am sure, that LE is telling them to be quiet for now. Eventually, some are going to want to chat about it. moo

The curiosity for me is more about why she did retire so young. She was only in her upper 50s. A solid job in healthcare can take people well beyond normal retirement age. Why? I hope some colleagues or friends are coming forward about those years too. moo

The removal of one name from title to property could easily be financially related. With an IRS lien, it is a viable possibility that Mary wanted to clean that title. moo

As sad as the outcome here, these cases are really so much fun to unravel...for anyone with a curious mind!! ha.
id retire today if i could afford to lol (im 48)
i speculated that earlier ion thread but, it could be also that he had some type of debt she didnt want liening on the house.

Yes, or that HE didn't want...very common for businessmen to put assets in wife's name as protection from creditors - just an example because everyone is familiar with it, but Alex Murdaugh's home/property was in Maggie's name.

At least we know who Mary was, and her whole body was most likely there. Now, I definitely don't trust stranger freezers. It's a month now that the visiting family members found the remains in the freezer on Zion Ave. When will we hear the results of the investigation? Will we ever hear the results?

At least we know who Mary was, and her whole body was most likely there. Now, I definitely don't trust stranger freezers. It's a month now that the visiting family members found the remains in the freezer on Zion Ave. When will we hear the results of the investigation? Will we ever hear the results?

Oh, my.

Son has some 'splaining to do.

Article is a must-read.

Dreadful discovery for the new owners. You don't get over that.


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