CA CA - Riverside, WhtMale, pre-30s, UP134825, traffic accident, picture avil, multiple tattoos, June 2 1978

It looks like he was in Portland, Oregon.... Reno, Nevada, then made his way to Riverside, California . Maybe he was from Washington state? As a drifter, he could be from anywhere..hard to say if he had a destination in mind. He had no ID of his own , wallet, or personal belongings. Sounds like he just up and left..that's why I don't think he was reported missing. This "Jesse " though was important enough to him to have that name inked into his skin.
I wonder if he was cremated or buried?...If buried, retrieving a DNA sample might be the only key to his identity. Unless the brush or sleeping bag has been in LE storage for all these years?
I personally think there’s a good chance, with such good pictures alive & deceased, will be identified by people recognizing him online. He has just recently been added and is getting a lot of attention right now. I’ve seen a lot of suggestions online, he might already be one of them. It takes a while for police to officialy identify someone (dna match, informing family,…) Let’s hope his family will get closure soon!
I didn't see anything about Las Vegas. What was the proof they had for that? I did see they said he told them he had been an organ for seven days. If it's true, he was in Juvie and maybe aged out the names are probably people he met in Juvie if he aged out the system, the kids he was hanging out with or 17 I believe I feel like they might have his age wrong. He could've just aged out the system and been hitchhiking ever since. He obviously had money to post bail, Wonder how you got that. I'm not sure how Juvy works, but almost makes sense, He didn't have his own ID. Maybe they don't help them get that. His birthday had to be between May 21 and June 20 is what I'm guessing since he has a Gemini tattoo and the symbol also represents Gemini, which makes me question if he had just aged out at 18 maybe he was about to turn 19 or just turned 19, so wouldn't have been hitchhiking that long, which might be easier to retrace his steps back to where he came from.
Exactly. I believe he came from Canada. He looks identical to Jacques Chaput. I believe Jacques traveled across Canada and then decided to come to the U.S. His journey began in late 1977..
Couldn't help but notice in the picture of Jaques, he has brand Mark Ten cigarettes in his shirt pocket, maybe it's just a coincidence?
Exactly. I believe he came from Canada. He looks identical to Jacques Chaput. I believe Jacques traveled across Canada and then decided to come to the U.S. His journey began in late 1977..
Jacques had a fractured wrist. Would the autopsy show that or were injuries so severe it was missed?
Jacques Chaput was born on September 26, 1960. He had a fractured right wrist. Would that have shown up in the PM? He resembles the deceased more as a dead man than alive. He would have had to gain nearly 50 pounds since he went missing.
There is no telling when the picture of Jaques was taken. He went missing in 77. No one knows when his picture was taken. And if he wanted to change to a new identity he could have tried dyeing (lightening) his hair which would have turned red. JD looks to have dry damaged hair.
The JD's coloring is consistent with someone with natural strawberry blonde hair. He has pale skin and freckles and his curls are natural. JC had fairly straight brown hair and brown eyes. Plus he only weighed 130 pounds when he went missing.
Thought I would check in to see if there were any updates. Still zero exclusions on the Namus website. Don't know how much circulation this young man's picture has received since 1978. I wonder about DNA and Genealogy..


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