CANADA Canada - Sonia Varaschin, 42, Orangeville, 29 Aug 2010 - #3

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Where was this doctor in 2010?

He graduated from McGill University in 2010. There is a four-year gap after that.

Nadler has been licensed in Ontario since Feb. 4, 2020. He graduated from Montreal's McGill University in 2010, then went to the University of Alberta for surgery and internal medicine until 2014, according to an online database listing his post-graduate training.
Nadler has been licensed in Ontario since Feb. 4, 2020. He graduated from Montreal's McGill University in 2010, then went to the University of Alberta for surgery and internal medicine until 2014, according to an online database listing his post-graduate training.

Thank you.

The confusing, mixed behaviors of Sonia's murderer could be an indication of someone smart, acting under the influence of substances, in a mix of planned and unplanned behaviors because of drugs and/or alcohol.

No suspects have been named, no one brought to account. Who knows? The timing at the end of August could be related to a change of employment or return to studies in September. Many people pass through the doors of Southlake on various internships for all kinds of medical professions. Just something to reconsider as this case is in its second decade.

Another thing that struck me as interesting about Dr. N. was the doctor's choice of picture for his LinkedIn account in Nevada: himself wearing a black ball cap, carrying a backpack out walking somewhere in a field. It seemed so interesting that I screen captured it. Just something I noted until we could learn more.

Sonia also loved walking in nature. Her last image, taken by her boyfriend, was of her, backpack on the ground, out in nature.
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Another thing that struck me as interesting about Dr. N. was the doctor's choice of picture for his LinkedIn account in Nevada: himself wearing a black ball cap, carrying a backpack out walking somewhere in a field. It seemed so interesting that I screen captured it. Just something I noted until we could learn more.

Sonia also loved walking in nature. Her last image, taken by her boyfriend, was of her, backpack on the ground, out in nature.


I see where your mind went and I'd likely have thought and done the same. While I personally do not think that this doctor and Sonia are connected in any way, his actions and behaviour are obvious red flags as he is an actual murderer. He spent time in Nevada and apparently likes nature walks, who knows what else he may have been up to?

It kind of ruins the idea of going for a nice walk.

I see where your mind went and I'd likely have thought and done the same. While I personally do not think that this doctor and Sonia are connected in any way, his actions and behaviour are obvious red flags as he is an actual murderer. He spent time in Nevada and apparently likes nature walks, who knows what else he may have been up to?

It kind of ruins the idea of going for a nice walk.

There's no evidence so far that this doctor ever spent time in Orangeville, or at Southlake in Newmarket, or doing an internship or residency though the U. of T. We have more information about this case now.

However, I do hope Sonia's coworkers, whoever they were, or whatever status they held, were reviewed for motive in her murder, if applicable. I know this was discussed long ago in this thread. Sonia had a workplace conflict concerning a change to a medication order, which was so upsetting to her that she left her job without this conflict being resolved. In workplace hierarchies, sometimes doing the right thing (i.e. making a change to meds that possibly saved a patient's life) matters less than obeying the higher person in the chain of command. It doesn't pay to make someone look bad, even if that is not the goal. We do not know the details of this conflict, other than that it was significant enough for Sonia to change careers.

She also had that injury claim at her workplace, that was not resolved until after her murder. According to Sonia's mother, there was even a meeting scheduled about it after Sonia died.

What caught my eye about this fellow was a workplace conflict over a change to a patient's medical chart, without following proper procedure, then a threat of physical violence when he was called out. Notably, it was a female who had this conflict with him. None of this was seen as significant enough to result in the man's dismissal. IMO, there seemed to be a disconnect between making an error and making a threat. What kind of impact does this have on others in the workplace who see this type of thing go on?

Was Sonia's conflict similar? Did anyone ever threaten her with violence in the workplace, and was it disregarded? If so, now is the time to come forward and speak out. Silence about violence is complicity. Sonia's family members deserve to know the truth.
There's no evidence so far that this doctor ever spent time in Orangeville, or at Southlake in Newmarket, or doing an internship or residency though the U. of T. We have more information about this case now.

However, I do hope Sonia's coworkers, whoever they were, or whatever status they held, were reviewed for motive in her murder, if applicable. I know this was discussed long ago in this thread. Sonia had a workplace conflict concerning a change to a medication order, which was so upsetting to her that she left her job without this conflict being resolved. In workplace hierarchies, sometimes doing the right thing (i.e. making a change to meds that possibly saved a patient's life) matters less than obeying the higher person in the chain of command. It doesn't pay to make someone look bad, even if that is not the goal. We do not know the details of this conflict, other than that it was significant enough for Sonia to change careers.

She also had that injury claim at her workplace, that was not resolved until after her murder. According to Sonia's mother, there was even a meeting scheduled about it after Sonia died.

What caught my eye about this fellow was a workplace conflict over a change to a patient's medical chart, without following proper procedure, then a threat of physical violence when he was called out. Notably, it was a female who had this conflict with him. None of this was seen as significant enough to result in the man's dismissal. IMO, there seemed to be a disconnect between making an error and making a threat. What kind of impact does this have on others in the workplace who see this type of thing go on?

Was Sonia's conflict similar? Did anyone ever threaten her with violence in the workplace, and was it disregarded? If so, now is the time to come forward and speak out. Silence about violence is complicity. Sonia's family members deserve to know the truth.

My apologies, I misunderstood your point! Thought you were drawing a connection between this doctor and SV because you'd asked where he was in 2010.

When I said I saw where your mind was going, I meant seeing the parallel. Good point, where is the line between making a threat and committing an act of violence? We've seen a number of cases more recently involving doctors and hospital staff being involved in violent crimes, sexual assault etc. Who is to say if Sonia didn't experience this kind of thing personally, or perhaps witnessed something? Yet Imo, what happened to Sonia seems more personal and intimate.
Article was updated Feb. 28, 2020
re post.
SV seems to have relied on LE quite a bit to settle her problems, imo, speculation. rbbm.
Sonia Varaschin's final days filled with strife, mother says
''Although Sonia Varaschin has been portrayed as a smiling, bubbly nurse who was loved by all, her life was hardly carefree.

In fact, her life was full of conflict in the days leading up to her murder, her mother says.''

''Parts of the new phase in the investigation will lead back to Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, where some of the alleged conflict took place.''

''According to Michele, Sonia had a confrontation with a supervisor while employed as a nurse at Southlake over Sonia's decision to change a dosage that was prescribed for a patient.

The supervisor, Michele says, challenged why Sonia had changed the doctor's orders without authorization and created tension in the workplace.

"She would come home crying every night," Michele says. "She felt she was being treated like a criminal. She couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to hire a lawyer, but she refused."

Sonia quit the hospital and had been working happily for a month or so in Mississauga at the time of her murder, her mother says.

In addition, there was an alleged conflict between the hospital and the Workers' Safety and Insurance Board over disability pay Sonia was due after taking time off to heal a shoulder injury suffered on the job, Michele says.

In fact, Michele says, a key meeting was called for that Monday, Aug. 30, within hours of her daughter's murder, to decide who was responsible for making that payment.''

''Michele says things quickly got resolved when police paid a visit to the hospital.

"The cheque came by courier very fast,"
Michele says, adding that Southlake Regional Hospital had paid up.''

''In addition to those alleged disputes, Michele has revealed for the first time that her daughter, who lived alone, had several disputes with three or four young men, who had rented a unit a few doors away, because of their late-night rowdiness.

"She was a nurse who worked shifts, so she called the police on them several times," Michele says, adding that the young men have since moved out of the complex.''
Thank you.

The confusing, mixed behaviors of Sonia's murderer could be an indication of someone smart, acting under the influence of substances, in a mix of planned and unplanned behaviors because of drugs and/or alcohol.

No suspects have been named, no one brought to account. Who knows? The timing at the end of August could be related to a change of employment or return to studies in September. Many people pass through the doors of Southlake on various internships for all kinds of medical professions. Just something to reconsider as this case is in its second decade.

Another thing that struck me as interesting about Dr. N. was the doctor's choice of picture for his LinkedIn account in Nevada: himself wearing a black ball cap, carrying a backpack out walking somewhere in a field. It seemed so interesting that I screen captured it. Just something I noted until we could learn more.

Sonia also loved walking in nature. Her last image, taken by her boyfriend, was of her, backpack on the ground, out in nature.
Didn't Sonja expect a visitor (female or male, afaik we don't know) from Alberta and asked her mum to bake a cake for this meeting? If Dr. N. was in Alberta since 2010, it is an odd coincidence also, but perhaps indeed only a coincidence.
Didn't Sonja expect a visitor (female or male, afaik we don't know) from Alberta and asked her mum to bake a cake for this meeting? If Dr. N. was in Alberta since 2010, it is an odd coincidence also, but perhaps indeed only a coincidence.
Sonia Varaschin's final days filled with strife, mother says
''Michele thinks back to that Sunday, the last time she saw her daughter alive. There was lunch at the family home in Bolton and later a message left on the phone.

"She asked if I would bake a cake because a friend was coming from Jasper, Alberta, on Wednesday," Michele says.

That was the last she heard of Sonia's voice.''
Article was updated Feb. 28, 2020
re post.
SV seems to have relied on LE quite a bit to settle her problems, imo, speculation. rbbm.
Sonia Varaschin's final days filled with strife, mother says
''Although Sonia Varaschin has been portrayed as a smiling, bubbly nurse who was loved by all, her life was hardly carefree.

In fact, her life was full of conflict in the days leading up to her murder, her mother says.''

''Parts of the new phase in the investigation will lead back to Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, where some of the alleged conflict took place.''

''According to Michele, Sonia had a confrontation with a supervisor while employed as a nurse at Southlake over Sonia's decision to change a dosage that was prescribed for a patient.

The supervisor, Michele says, challenged why Sonia had changed the doctor's orders without authorization and created tension in the workplace.

"She would come home crying every night," Michele says. "She felt she was being treated like a criminal. She couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to hire a lawyer, but she refused."

Sonia quit the hospital and had been working happily for a month or so in Mississauga at the time of her murder, her mother says.

In addition, there was an alleged conflict between the hospital and the Workers' Safety and Insurance Board over disability pay Sonia was due after taking time off to heal a shoulder injury suffered on the job, Michele says.

In fact, Michele says, a key meeting was called for that Monday, Aug. 30, within hours of her daughter's murder, to decide who was responsible for making that payment.''

''Michele says things quickly got resolved when police paid a visit to the hospital.

"The cheque came by courier very fast,"
Michele says, adding that Southlake Regional Hospital had paid up.''

''In addition to those alleged disputes, Michele has revealed for the first time that her daughter, who lived alone, had several disputes with three or four young men, who had rented a unit a few doors away, because of their late-night rowdiness.

"She was a nurse who worked shifts, so she called the police on them several times," Michele says, adding that the young men have since moved out of the complex.''

To be fair, people do call the police for neighborhood rowdies, usually after asking nicely, or when the problem continues/escalates/spills into the streets/involves fights/weapons, etc. The police are there for a reason.

Sonia couldn't have known the police visit would resolve the disability settlement.
Can someone here help me? I'm new, and I hope I can gather some info here that could lead to new clues in this case.

I'm interested in knowing what years Sonia worked at headwaters hospital in Orangeville as part of the maternity ward... Does anyone know or could help narrow it down?

So LE released a picture likely of the perp driving her car at a high rate of speed they believe with Sonia inside dead. More evidence for high risk there - no reason to be driving at a high rate of speed nobody is chasing him yet.

Question, a terrible one to ask: how easily can police determine if a person was sexually assaulted post mortem. The only interesting thing I ever heard Ted Bundy say in I think his last interview is that that type of deviant sexual desire is more common among serial killers than even they usually want to admit.

In any case to me it seems that either 1. the person is 'caring' for Sonia in a strange way they maybe have a hospital background they are rendering care 2. they are just out of their mind and not thinking rationally since whatever is to be gained by removing her body which from what we know was an obvious murder scene would be made up for by the risk to them 3. this theory of the person wanting to 'visit' Sonia whether sexually or non sexually after her death. 4. Was the person driving more or less in the direction of Sonia's Mom's place? If so that could be significant too.
Why did we have to wait so long to see this picture? Did the police not receive it until now? If they showed it shortly after the crime, it might have jogged someone’s memory. Hmmm my neighbour has a car like that. But 10 years later, I don’t remember what car I was driving back then. What would be the harm in showing it closer to when the crime happened? What have they gained by waiting this long to show it?

I wonder how many other businesses and homes in the area had cameras? We’re they asked to check or share their recordings? Are there more things to see? Can we stop getting crumbs once every few years? I wish the police would show us what they got. Gee, it might solve the crime! I know they have their reasons but I just don’t understand this one.

So LE released a picture likely of the perp driving her car at a high rate of speed they believe with Sonia inside dead. More evidence for high risk there - no reason to be driving at a high rate of speed nobody is chasing him yet.

Question, a terrible one to ask: how easily can police determine if a person was sexually assaulted post mortem. The only interesting thing I ever heard Ted Bundy say in I think his last interview is that that type of deviant sexual desire is more common among serial killers than even they usually want to admit.

In any case to me it seems that either 1. the person is 'caring' for Sonia in a strange way they maybe have a hospital background they are rendering care 2. they are just out of their mind and not thinking rationally since whatever is to be gained by removing her body which from what we know was an obvious murder scene would be made up for by the risk to them 3. this theory of the person wanting to 'visit' Sonia whether sexually or non sexually after her death. 4. Was the person driving more or less in the direction of Sonia's Mom's place? If so that could be significant too.
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Is it possible Sonia was killed by someone whom she did know? A person who visited her home regularly or was in her car? Their DNA would not seem out of place. In fact it would be expected there. We just don’t know the relationship that she had with those close to her, what might have being going on behind closed doors, what disagreement she might have had that suddenly enraged someone. If a friend or relative killed her, their DNA would not be out of place and they could easily explain why it was there.
Is it possible Sonia was killed by someone whom she did know? A person who visited her home regularly or was in her car? Their DNA would not seem out of place. In fact it would be expected there. We just don’t know the relationship that she had with those close to her, what might have being going on behind closed doors, what disagreement she might have had that suddenly enraged someone. If a friend or relative killed her, their DNA would not be out of place and they could easily explain why it was there.

This has been a topic of discussion before. Many wonder if DNA at the three crime scenes has not been linked to anyone because it is DNA left by someone who knew Sonia, who could explain why their DNA was in her home, her vehicle and on her person.

I believe some on the investigation team have advocated successfully for genetic genealogy in cases that have been solved subsequently. Why wouldn't they do the same for Sonia? One reason might be that Sonia's killer was someone who did know her, and was known to visit her home. IOW, do they know exactly whose DNA was found at the crime scenes, but this is not helpful to prove who murdered her?
<modsnip: Removed broken quotes>

Where is this image available to view I have not been able to find it?

I would like to see this image, too. Why sit on something this important? Almost 11 years have passed. "Person of interest" is how such things are usually phrased.

Something is wrong with this investigation. Something has been wrong with it since the beginning. It is no wonder that Sonia's mother said, "He got away with." She's right.
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