Case Questions/FAQ's


Former Member
Oct 5, 2007
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What did the girls for the days preceding the event. Who did they talk to? LE already has the computer and they have the cell phone. Has it been mentioned if Skylar also had a cell phone?

Was this just a one night sleep over? Maybe this was Skylar's second night over or maybe the night before Taylor had slept over at Skylar's house??

Does anyone know how deep the water is under the bridge?? Are there any trails that were obvious in the ariel maps that showed County Line Road where the Plackers lived that maybe someone was on, including the girls?
When is the exact date Taylor started walking these roads? Was it started since school was out, by the way I think Friday was the last day of school and she was shot on Sunday.

What does anyone know about this all boy school, that these 2 young girls were attending? What do we know about the population of Weeleka?
Do the parents of these boys have criminal pasts? What are the teachers like that teach at this school? Could something have happened at the school and the girls were silenced?
When is the exact date Taylor started walking these roads? Was it started since school was out, by the way I think Friday was the last day of school and she was shot on Sunday.

What does anyone know about this all boy school, that these 2 young girls were attending? What do we know about the population of Weeleka?
Do the parents of these boys have criminal pasts? What are the teachers like that teach at this school? Could something have happened at the school and the girls were silenced?

May 9th was the date reported as the last day of school
Graham is not an all boy school - The combined 5th and 6th grade class (2007-2008 school year) had 11 students - 6 girls and 5 boys. I would assume all the classes were similarly divided between boys and girls - about 50-50.
Taylor was the only girl in 6th grade, but there were 5 girls in the 5th grade. 6th grade was Taylor and 4 boys, 5th grade was Skyla, 4 other girls and one boy.

There is an article posted that verifies the end date of the Graham school year and the breakdown of the students - the info came from the school principal.

My Opinion
I have been looking for a photo of the bridge and that portion of the roadway. We have seen pictures from the Placker house to the scene , but nothing from the bridge area. Since it is mentioned as a weekend hang out, etc in articles..I'd like to know what it looks like.

Has anyone come across a photo of that bridge?
I have been looking for a photo of the bridge and that portion of the roadway. We have seen pictures from the Placker house to the scene , but nothing from the bridge area. Since it is mentioned as a weekend hang out, etc in articles..I'd like to know what it looks like.

Has anyone come across a photo of that bridge?

I would love to see a picture of the bridge and under the bridge, how much water there, etc.
Posted by Albert:

* Where did the original 5pm start of the timeline come from and what info caused them to change it to 4:30pm or thereafter?

* What time were Taylor and Skyla last seen alive?

* Is there any info besides the two weapons that leads you to think it was two shooters?

* Did the witness who drove past the POI mention the girls?

* I assume that after the shootings, the killer beat a hasty retreat. Did anyone see the white truck leaving the area at high speed or does anybody remember any other vehicle speeding?

* Did people who weren't on that particular part of the road see the POI in the white truck and if so, how many people were in the truck?

* How close do you think the shooter was to the girls?

* Was the shooter at ground level?

* Did they get good enough tire imprints from the scene to determine the brand of tire and does this help in identifying whether it was a Ford or Chevy?

* Are the shell casings from both weapons or just one?

* You recently announced you know what type of weapons were used and now we are being told you want to take the search national. Any connection between these two?

* Let's assume for a moment there are no lawyers. Do you think the POI is a/the shooter? If so, then help me with one POI but two shooters.

* Where did Peter find Taylor's cell phone?

* Estimated time of crime?????

* Type of weapons used?????


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