I’m still perplexed by the Facebook activity, but I don’t think it was an effort to establish fake proof of life.
I say this because the timing is too early; she was clearly alive the following day.
It was either Barry fishing, Suzanne trying to piss him off, or legitimately trying to reconnect with people.
I totally agree with him not knowing the identity of the man Suzanne was having an affair with. He was all but begging investigators to tell him who it was.
After Suzanne's "I'm done" text, none of Barry's former manipulations worked. Her resolve was absolute. He talked about her chronic drinking (the occasional IPA) and her recreational drugging (Rxs for pain management) but, while he maybe couldn't fault a guy for wanting Suzanne, secretly his ego couldn't take her wanting another man. IMO he was rabid to learn who this man was and if he learned who it was, he would have killed him, expecting that Suzanne would return to her senses (as he defined them).
What is surprising is that Barry didn't apparently think of JL, his ancient nemesis. Had Suzanne's lover been local and discovered by Barry, he'd have disappeared.
Friday night, he was foaming at the mouth, desperate to find out The Who, was all over the place and everywhere but bed that night, probably a mental wreck trying to figure out how to stop an affair, stop a divorce, maintain control of all the money and maintain control of his family. He reached resolution at 11 am. (I think, in addition to his Facebook search the night before, he may have repositioned his trail cams that same night, in order to catch Suzanne with her lover) (instead catching her alone, sunbathing, possibly engaged in an intimate conversation and it enraged him.)
I think, to this day, Barry feels he had no other choice. His weird interpretation of religion -- Suzanne wasn't in her right mind, drugs and alcohol impaired her judgment -- and she wasn't listening to his. So he put her down. Apparently his brand of religion doesn't have that prohibition about killing... when you strip away his crappy self-justification, you have
every murdering husband who kills his wife to keep her from leaving him. Nothing clever or unique about Barry. "If I can't have you..."
It must take everything Barry's got not to go after JL now, unless he blames Suzanne for that and the male gets the free pass, because who could-blame-him. Didn't he say Suzanne was the prettiest woman in the county?
I'm guessing that he'll never blame himself. That's not in his wheelhouse.
He wouldn't oblige Suzanne her half of their wealth, but he's blown it on his indefensible defense.
For all of it, he's earned his stripes. Horizontal, state issued.