Conrad Murray trial -Day sixteen.

Beth Karas said this morning that her information is that Dr.White has gone back home to Texas and is coming back later in the week for his testimony. They've all been speculating that the defense first witness will be the head of AEG (can't remember his name right now).

Randy Philips :)
I'm baaack!

Well from reading and catching up it seems the cross was blasé.

And as usual Walgren was masterful on redirect.

Thanks for all the updates!:woohoo:

Welcome back, Oceanblueeyes, :seeya:
I hope your rib pain wasn't too bad during your errands run. :)
You definitely didn't miss much on the cross at all. If you caught the redirect and recross, that was the most exciting of the day so far.

I did come back in time to see Chernoff get testy and act like a wittle kid on recross.

Dona Norris on the stand for the defense. Is she the lawyer for AEG?

Nope, the property manager for LE Beverly Hills.
Dona Norris on the stand for the defense. Is she the lawyer for AEG?

Nope, the property manager for LE Beverly Hills.

LOL So much for TH's knowing what they were talking about this morning saying AEG president would be first defense witness.
Ok, now we know how the Beverly Hills LE logs 911 calls. No cross from Prosecution.

Witness is done, next up: Alex Supal. Police surveillance Expert.
From Twitter:

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
After that, defense begins their case calling witness: We're told LAPD Detectives Dan Myers, Orlando Martinez; 911 custodian of record.
Well, the defense is certainly starting off w/ a bang. not.
From what I could tell from the grainy video, that was Murray arriving at the end of the second one.

Defense asked witness if he ever went back to download additional footage, witness said no. Defense asked if anyone ever asked him to go and download additional footage, witness said no.

I believe this is the start of defense trying to plant the seed of doubt about someone else planting evidence in that period of time the house was not secured. My opinion.
They must have something planned for the 911 call and these videos. Those first two witnesses did nothing but lay the foundation for those to come into evidence. No clue what they plan to use them for though.
Defense done with this witness, lunch break before prosecution's cross.
Defense done with this witness, lunch break before prosecution's cross.

Walgren said no questions before they recessed. So, defense will be calling a new witness after lunch break.
I am "assuming" the DT may bring up that surveillance video in their closing to say that nothing followed showing anyone who may have exited or entered the premises after that time. The "someone else did it" theory.

I suppose they will somehow tie the 911 call in their closing as well -- my guess would be that when a 911 call is placed from a cell phone - exact location cannot be determined from the number.

The problem is though that Dr Murray did know the address just not the zip code plus he had ample opportunity to get it from a staff member in the home or the call he made to MJ's assistant.

See you all after lunch
Walgren said no questions before they recessed. So, defense will be calling a new witness after lunch break.

At this rate defense's case is not going to take too long.
It was very sad to see that video knowing that this would be Michael's last ride home until he was taken away dead on a gurney just hours later.

It was very sad to see that video knowing that this would be Michael's last ride home until he was taken away dead on a gurney just hours later.


Were those people outside the gates "fans"? Because that video was after midnight and there were people out on the sidewalk. Did they know he was coming home from rehearsal or were they there all the time around the clock?

Jane V-M is having Jose Baez on her show this afternoon and he will give
his opinions of the CM Trial. How exciting! GRRRRR

I'm glad she warned me. I can definitely be doing something else at that time.
Were those people outside the gates "fans"? Because that video was after midnight and there were people out on the sidewalk. Did they know he was coming home from rehearsal or were they there all the time around the clock?

From what I've heard there were always fans outside his gate.

Some fans have said they'd be at the gates, then when MJ left to go to rehearsal, they'd go there.
And then leave there to go back to the gates at MJ's home, sometimes getting there before MJ did.

Now that's a fan!

Fans have also said that MJ always wanted to stop to say hello to the fans and to accept the gifts they gave him.
From what I've heard there were always fans outside his gate.

Some fans have said they'd be at the gates, then when MJ left to go to rehearsal, they'd go there.
And then leave there to go back to the gates at MJ's home, sometimes getting there before MJ did.

Now that's a fan!

Fans have also said that MJ always wanted to stop to say hello to the fans and to accept the gifts they gave him.

I remember from the security guard's testimony he said they brought things fans had given MJ into the house and left them at the foot of the stairs. I had no idea that was a nightly recurrance, I figured when MJ had public appearances and media appearances, not every day.

Those are some hard core fans alright.
I am really glad that site went poof. I felt the mods were unfair.

But anyway here is the time line per DT.

DTs timeline:

1AM - MJ arrived home, took shower and CM gave him 10mg valium
2AM - 2mg lorazepam
3:15AM - MJ fell asleep and awoke at 3:30AM
5AM - 2mg lorazepam
7-10AM - MJ got up; entered his bedroom and took 8 lorazepam tablets without CM knowing
10:40AM - CM administers 25mg of propofol because MJ threatened he could not attend rehearsal
11:00AM - MJ sleeping comfortably so CM goes to bathroom and makes telephone calls
11:58AM - CM notices that MJ has stopped breathing

So, what now??? The famous gap (another mysterious "gap" -- some of us are old enuff to know what the first one was & that it happened to another famous person, the POTUS, but POTUS not for much longer after his gap was discovered...).

Back on track now -- so now the gap has gone from 2 minutes to 58?? :thud: Yeah, this really makes CM look good and like he's the most knowledgeable and caring MD on earth.

They're all on demerol, methinks...

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