Couple ask people to vote for whether they should abort their baby or not

these two are definately immature and not suited for parenthood

at the link it states that by the time the poll is over, the fetus will be at a stage where he can feel extreme pain

I would urge them to have the baby and give him up for adoption and then get fixed so that neither of them ever has to be 'bothered' by a decision of such magnitude again

Because it's a personal choice.

The decision should not be placed on a ballot for others to decide because the pregnant one doesn't have the fortitude to make up her mind. She's a pin head, if she had even two brain cells to rub together should would have given it some thought before becoming pregnant for the THIRD time.

The whole point of being pro choice is to NOT have other people deciding.
I can't even describe how sick this makes me feel. What is WRONG with these people? They can see the ultrasound pictures, a perfect, beautiful little baby boy, and they are still insane enough to ask the public whether they should let the baby live?

I will never understand, except that God had it right when he said he'd looked in the human heart and found it wicked.
This is an anti-abortion publicity stunt, imho.

As sickening as that would be, I hope you are right. I'd rather think they are deliberately stirring up controversy instead of putting the life of their baby into the hands of others....

I don't understand the outrage on the pro-choice side? if it's legal, and moral to do - who cares if they make it public? Seems a little hypocritical.

I lean heavily towards pro-life. I do think women should have a choice, but I think that ideally the choice should come before the baby is actually conceived. Because our situations are not always ideal, I do understand that some women will choose to abort their pregnancy, and I don't judge anyone who makes that decision. So, while I LEAN pro-life, I actually have one foot in the pro-choice arena.

HOWEVER, I believe a decision like this one should not be a "game" or anything less than a soul-searching, heart wrenching decision. To turn this into what essentially boils down to a game played by strangers falls far short of what anyone should be comfortable with, whether they are related to the baby or not.
I have bile building up in the back of my throat. Good gawd. I actually can't write here what I truly think/feel about these so-called people. To sink so damn low as to request votes????

I am honestly just beside myself and this has nothing to do with Pro-Choice or Anti-Abortion. Simply disgusted on so many levels. I'd get banned.....
Unfreakingbelievable! These people are morons and I pray that childrens services in the state get involved and remove this poor child as soon as it's born (if the votes turn out that way). Why not ask for a vote on where to go on vacation? What to eat? Not whether or not a child lives. I hope that people are voting in case this is real (I think it may not be). In the article it says the voting was leaning towards abortion and now it is 80% to not abort.

Your experience my vary but not all decisions in my life carry equal weight or consideration. Is this dress too slutty for the office party, let me take a poll. Okay.

Should I have a child? Should I terminate a pregnancy? In my own little universe is not a trite decision that should factor in strangers opinions.

The whole right to choose (I thought) is based in the fact that a woman's body is her body and that her choice to be a mother is her own intimate decision and that we, the public, should not have a say in her reproductive choice.

So how I ask you, is taking a public poll, part of that? Pro-choice advocates have fought for years to keep John and Jane Q Public out of that decision and these people just nonchalantly decide to have a vote on it?

I am sorry but this is just so cavelier? So, uggghhh

BTW these people must have a couple screws loose to invite the world to judge them, their decision. In doing so they've invited everyone to have an opinion on whether they should have the right to parent this child.
I'm having a really hard time speculating upon this as anything other than a hoax meant either to 1.)fulfill some immature, perverse need for pseudocelebrity and publicity, or 2.)like someone else mentioned above, some right to life stunt. I just can't believe anyone on this planet would seriously present this scenario for legitimate public debate. It's asinine. Then again, what about the two that recently had their children taken away for naming them Hitler and some such? Maybe I'm giving people too much credit in general. Ok, I take it back, maybe people are really this stupid and callous...
Your experience my vary but not all decisions in my life carry equal weight or consideration. Is this dress too slutty for the office party, let me take a poll. Okay.

Should I have a child? Should I terminate a pregnancy? In my own little universe is not a trite decision that should factor in strangers opinions.


Everything is so public these days...we as a society in general have lost our ability to filter what should be public vs. private.

I don't know what the point of what they are doing actually is - but I personally am 100% unabashedly pro-life, and anti-abortion, and I see it in black and white.

A. It's a baby at conception, and life has an intrinsic value to it.
B. It's a blob and there is no value until it's born and becomes valuable with the first breath.

I don't mired down by the what ifs, and what abouts. Life is either valuable or it's not.

So to me personally, when I see something like this and the outrage, I don't understand it. What makes it less heinous if it's kept a private decision vs. being touted on the internet?

If it *is* a real thing, then I hope the public opinion of keeping the baby convinces them.

If it's a publicity campaign, I have to wonder why there is so much disdain and outrage, for something that is fought so hard to keep a "right".

(and for the record for this thread...This Charlie, is a single mommy who understands very clearly the whisper of "no one has to know" and I walk my talk. I'm not saying every circumstance is the same...but I absolutely stand firm in my opinion that every innocent life matters, is valuable and worth having a chance at living.)
I am not sure we can get into the pros and cons of the actual debate onthread so I have been carefully avoiding that topic.

I find it wrong for me. I feel that is between the individual and their own belief system. I also don't feel like it is my right to impose my beliefs on others. I have known dear friends who made that choice. I do not condemn them as it is not my place.

To me this couple's behavior isn't life or choice or whatever. To me it's disresepctful and its rabble rousing of the worst sort. I cannot imagine what would motivate someone (If this is for real) to do that. And if its a hoax - well just what the he77 is wrong with them?

again, I gotta go back to my initial comment

ugggghhhh this story just makes me blech
Everything is so public these days...we as a society in general have lost our ability to filter what should be public vs. private.

I don't know what the point of what they are doing actually is - but I personally am 100% unabashedly pro-life, and anti-abortion, and I see it in black and white.

A. It's a baby at conception, and life has an intrinsic value to it.
B. It's a blob and there is no value until it's born and becomes valuable with the first breath.

I don't mired down by the what ifs, and what abouts. Life is either valuable or it's not.

So to me personally, when I see something like this and the outrage, I don't understand it. What makes it less heinous if it's kept a private decision vs. being touted on the internet?

If it *is* a real thing, then I hope the public opinion of keeping the baby convinces them.

If it's a publicity campaign, I have to wonder why there is so much disdain and outrage, for something that is fought so hard to keep a "right".

(and for the record for this thread...This Charlie, is a single mommy who understands very clearly the whisper of "no one has to know" and I walk my talk. I'm not saying every circumstance is the same...but I absolutely stand firm in my opinion that every innocent life matters, is valuable and worth having a chance at living.)

I understand that point of view.
And I can see where coming from a 100% pro-life black and white point of view you see no value in the outrage, but just because I (used generically so no one thinks I am taking this to personal debate or attack) but just because *I* am prochoice doesn't mean that I don't find it disgusting for someone to take the decision lightly or like it is meaningless.

It is a serious decision. Whether you agree that it is moral/ethical/legal/accepted by society or not they are clearly not looking for spiritual guidance, wisdom, alternatives.... they are just making public specticals of themselves (or making a political statment).

It is legal/moral/ethical to euthanize my ailing dog. It is in poor taste and belittles the weight of the decision (and I am not comparing it to an abortion as a one to one) to make a blog poll out of it.

It is legal/moral/ethical to have my breasts removed because breast cancers runs in my family. It trivializes it to everyone that struggles with that horrible decision to make it an internet poll.

Same for declining chemotherapy for reoccuring cancer.

Now what if that reoccuring cancer is in my teenage daughter and she wants to decline treatment?

There are many heavy decisions that people make everyday that I agree the outcome is the same at the end of the day whether they run an internet poll or flip a coin but it is inappropriate nonetheless and offensive even to those that agree with the exisitence of the choice.

I am pro choice and I stand by the opinion even if it is abused by people like this, it is not what *I* believe the option needs to be there for, but I believe strongly enough to stand by their right to choose even though I disagree. Doesn't mean I can't be disgusted by it though.
snipped from impatientredhead

There are many heavy decisions that people make everyday that I agree the outcome is the same at the end of the day whether they run an internet poll or flip a coin but it is inappropriate nonetheless and offensive even to those that agree with the exisitence of the choice.

and BBM


It offends me that people would make light of somethig that is so divisive and such a hot button topic.

Almost like poking a caged bear for fun.

inappropriate indeed.
I don't understand the outrage on the pro-choice side? if it's legal, and moral to do - who cares if they make it public? Seems a little hypocritical.

I don't think it is hypocritical at all. I am pro choice and I stand by that - I am not saying she should have her right to choose taken away from her or from any other woman. It is the blase attitude towards it and the fact that she seemed to purposely get pregnant or at the very least not prevent it, and also that the baby is 17 weeks. I do not think abortion should be taken lightly, I do not think it should be used a a form of birth control. I have a problem that she is going to let this continue to 20 weeks - in my opnion only this is a different kettle of fish than terminating in the first 12 weeks. I find it sick that they have nicknamed their baby while at the same time coldly asking people if they should, in effect, kill it. They have personalised that baby, they have seen it wriggle around and named it. Most women I know that have had abortions never personalised the baby, never saw it on a scan and went through with the termination with much grief and sadness in their hearts regardless of the fact that they didn't want the child. It is their actions which are the cause of my outrage, not the basic question of termination.

I hope that makes sense, and please know that my anger is directed to this couple and not to you for asking the question. :)
I would LOVE to believe this is a publicity stunt...really I would.

But not in today's world. Today, people live their whole lives on line. What used to be deeply personal and private just isn't anymore. People will reveal their partner's infidelities, bodily functions, and sexual habits on their facebook updates..this isn't that outlandish considering the high publicity world we live in.

As for the couple and their website, I believe that they should have the child taken at birth, if it makes it that far. There was an old joke about how you would feel if you were the baby in Roe V. Wade...this seems a lot like that.
What are they going to tell the kid in a few years when he gets bored and googles mom and dad?

I'm PERSONAL choice. And I fully respect a woman's right to make a heartwrenching decision made on the basis of long deep thought...I don't support a couple that chooses to make this a worldwide decision and seems to be in it for shock value.
I would LOVE to believe this is a publicity stunt...really I would.

But not in today's world. Today, people live their whole lives on line. What used to be deeply personal and private just isn't anymore. People will reveal their partner's infidelities, bodily functions, and sexual habits on their facebook updates..this isn't that outlandish considering the high publicity world we live in.

As for the couple and their website, I believe that they should have the child taken at birth, if it makes it that far. There was an old joke about how you would feel if you were the baby in Roe V. Wade...this seems a lot like that.
What are they going to tell the kid in a few years when he gets bored and googles mom and dad?

I'm PERSONAL choice. And I fully respect a woman's right to make a heartwrenching decision made on the basis of long deep thought...I don't support a couple that chooses to make this a worldwide decision and seems to be in it for shock value.


I totally agree.

O/T: I hope everything is going well for you.

Many people want children in this world and can't have them. Now we have stupid here.

Let us forget this poll and have one on what idiots these people are and let that determine what adoption agency or couple gets the child.

So sick.

I'm a pro-lifer :angel: Yeah, I know, I'm in the minority.

But, putting that aside, THIS DISGUSTS ME!
I think I would feel that way being a pro-choicer or a pro-lifer.

It's the way they are going about this. It's disgusting.

I'll take the baby!!!!! I'd give anything for another one. Are they taking votes on that???? Where should my baby live if I give it up for adoption (south, north, west, east).

I say Louisiana, call me at the time of birth and I'll be there in a jiffy.
From the article in the opening post:

Alisha is now 17 weeks pregnant and web users have until December 7 to cast their vote - just two days before the 20-week cut-off line for a state-legal abortion.

UMMMM ok, way to go blockheads.:furious:
From the article in the opening post:

Alisha is now 17 weeks pregnant and web users have until December 7 to cast their vote - just two days before the 20-week cut-off line for a state-legal abortion.

UMMMM ok, way to go blockheads.:furious:

It is just mind boggling isn't it.
Seems like one of those decisions that if you are on the fence about you go with adoption. But maybe that is just me. Not really a topic I would try to convince someone to go with. You should feel pretty confident that termination is the right decision for you.

Kind of like a couple where one partner wants a child and the other doesn't. The no wins. It sucks for the one that wants one but that is the reality of the situation.

If you aren't sure you want to terminate a pregnancy error on the side of caution and go with adoption. Some decisions can't be turned back.

This has to be a publicity stunt. They had to think they would get on talk shows or something. I am surprised some shock jock hasn't offered to foot the bill.

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