So agree @Seattle1.How typical of MT -- acknowledges she was talking to LE in the presence of AB to save herself but her own actions prevented any deal because she gave them nothing during three interviews, but instead was evasive and used the interviews as a fishing expedition where she reported back to fD!
So no, MT, you can't screw up and blame the DA and your defense attorney.... MOO
But, I do think she gave them quite a lot during those interviews including a whole slew of lies and lies about lies along with partial truths that took the police weeks to investigate and unravel for which she was NEVER charged separately for obstruction but make no mistake imo she was not only fishing but she was obstructing the investigation with her statements aka lies. Her claim about excusing the lies simply is the cherry on the top of this crap cupcake imo.
But, the document is somewhat interesting as MT is now taking the tact of reinventing her relationship timeline and history with FD. She had started doing this via the public statements of her family and in her and the familys social media.
So, it looks like MT is now reinventing herself as the 'wronged' mistress of FD. But, to see claims that MT received no financial benefit from the relationship simply is an absolute whopper imo. And, my guess is that Atty Weinstein and GF and the late JF have the receipts to disprove this statement.
I guess it will take a visit to the stand by GF Atty Weinstein who spent so far as I know at least 3 years investigating FD and by extension MT and the finances of FD. My recollection was that FD on the stand in the Civil Trial didn't deny that he paid MT over $100,000 a year WHILE at the same time NOT paying child support to JD.
It looks like we also might see a guest appearance at trial by the CT Revenue folks as in this latest filing MT admits to being in the State of CT for YEARS but NOT getting a drivers licence (as it required) in CT and admits to operating a business during the entire time. Right. CT Revenue will focus on physical presence of MT in CT (check), Income Received (check) and Business not registered to do business in the State of CT (check). The fact that MT goes further and says she didn't change her bank when she moved to CT is frankly ridiculous as it doesn't matter where your bank or bank account is located in this day and age. The MT criminal proceeding trial record is filled with numerous examples of MT conducting business in the State of CT as who can ever forget MT showing rugs of hers to Mr and Mrs Dumb and Dumber who chose to not buy anything as MT "didn't have the silver rug color we required'! So, CT Rev will also see that MT had physical inventory located in the State of CT and also she AND Petu admitted under oath in the criminal proceeding that Petu had sold the MT 'for years' at her store in Avon/Farmington, CT. MT 'was given' a Jeep purchased by FD and this 'fact' is on the record in the criminal proceeding and so was this 'gift' declared as income by MT as it certainly had some value? What about the years of trips on the dime of JF and GF take by MT and FD? Is MT going to provide receipts to show she did this all on her own dime? Haha! I do wonder if baby daddy Begue is paying attention to any of this as based on this latest filing if I were providing any level of support to MT for whatever reason I would be very CURIOUS as to how my money was being spent? Did MT spend years jetting around on Begue's dime or was she (my best guess) simply double dipping on the 'dimes' of both Begue and FD! Who even knows if MT had any other boyfriends in CO as when did 'Mr Churro' even enter the picture? Was 'Mr Churro' providing 'churros' to MT for years behind the scenes and was just another income stream for MT? Boggles the mind.
Oh my. I guess when people choose to be dishonest and lie about some things that they become disconnected to ALL the other lies they tell in their lives and so presenting a document to the Court about her financial affairs with such statements as she made is really 'no big deal'. But, honestly where was the attorney that prepared this document to submit to the Court? Did he ask his client if she prepared and submitted tax returns in the State of CT given that is where she resided? Is she stupid enough to think that because she was visiting family in FL or going to CO to ski or owned a condo someplace else that the CT Rev long arm wouldn't be able to touch her?
I do think the statement she made about 'not being supported by FD' can be quite easily disproven by Atty Weinstein so I look forward to seeing him enter the fray on this case.
But, who couldn't have a good laugh about people with bad judgement when in this latest filing MT ADMITS to FD having a girlfriend when she first met him in 2016 (I believe this to be yet another whopper as now scubbed social media has them together in 2015 at the ski park fwiw). Now, you know a guy is married and your first meeting with him has him miles away from his wife with 5 small children in sunny FL AND with a girlfriend. Don't you think a red flag M I G H T have been waved here? But the classic was MT 'blocking' FD on social media as a way to indicate her displeasure with his ongoing lies. AND, I do wonder if the woman FD was communicating with while with MT was the infamous Anna Curry? FD 'fired' MT as his mistress so quickly and had to imo be lining up her replacement and then the world saw Anna Curry and her money bags show up at 4Jx!
This stuff simply cannot be made up and I do very much wonder if this new law firm independently corroborated the 'stories' of MT prior to submitting this motion to the court as I see any number of 'issues' for MT simply by virtue of putting this information on the record in a public court in CT. There is no way to prove any of the MT statements without receipts as she simply imo is not a credible witness. I look forward to the discovery process and evidence submissions by MT to prove out the statements made in this filing. I can also imagine the good Atty Weinstein spitting out his morning coffee reading these financial allegations of MT as he had the receipts on all the trips FD and MT took for years in the Civil Case or even the attorney Norm Pattis who knows no shame knowing how FD spent his money on MT. Classic liars are gonna lie imo.
Might need another box of organic popcorn after the one I just ordered as the issues raised with this revised MT timeline are extensive to say nothing of being interesting. I do wonder though why MT and Horn made no effort to include such a detailed timeframe in the criminal proceedings? I also wonder if flight tickets and business records will be produced on the record by MT to support any of this and I do think its impossible to prove anything MT is saying without extensive social media and phone records of ALL parties involved.
My guess is that if Petu were 'scared' of the CT police that she will be put into a total state of paralysis by exposure to CT Revenue! Petu said on the stand that she and MT had 'done business' selling MT rugs in her store for 'years'! Did MT register her 'business' in CT as is required and did she even file as a 'part time resident' in line with her imo bogus residency claims? What a cesspit imo.
What a collection of people.....I do wonder if MT latest tactic is to simply find attorneys to take to court as I have serious questions about what diligence the latest attorney did on the statements made to them by MT? Did the new attorney corroborate via direct evidence all the MT statements in this filing? My guess is not and is this just another example of rolling the legal dice in the State of Corrupticut and knowing that lying on the stand or presenting false statements wont either be found out or prosecuted by the State?
Oh the tangled web of 'lies' that MT has created and frankly this latest reinvention simply takes the cake. If this were an episode is the Price is Right based on the MT personal story then this latest story would be behind Door number 3 where behind Doors 1 and 2 were variations of Door number 3 story but altered to fit whatever MT was trying to prove at the time.
Does MT understand the definition of truth? Does she have the capacity to not only understand it but to say it? How can an avowed liar based on prior statements ever be trusted to tell the truth? Can the latest attorney provide court standards level evidence to support these latest statements of MT or as in the past the Court is being asked to 'trust her'?
Definition of TRUTH
the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality; the state of being the case : fact; a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality… See the full definition
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