Elisa Lam - What Happened?

Why did Elisa die?

  • Homicide/crime of opportunity - Murder due to chance encounter with someone on the day she died

    Votes: 162 47.4%
  • Homicide/preplanned - Elisa was lured to her death in a scheme planned before the day she died

    Votes: 46 13.5%
  • Accidental death - related to an altered mental state: drug induced, psychosis, sleep walking, etc.

    Votes: 86 25.1%
  • Suicide - Elisa intended to end her life due to mental issues/other

    Votes: 7 2.0%
  • Occult/supernatural/conspiracy - related to occult, supernatural phenomena or gov./other conspiracy

    Votes: 5 1.5%
  • Unsure/Do not know

    Votes: 36 10.5%

  • Total voters
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What about the COD though? Isn't a death certificate public record in California?

The rules don't apply during an ongoing investigation :(

I check for updates on a daily basis. It has gotten so bad that my Twitter account popped up on an "Elisa Lam toxicology" Yahoo search. It was only showing posts for the past 24hrs but I'm not sure if that makes it any better lol
The rules don't apply during an ongoing investigation :(

I check for updates on a daily basis. It has gotten so bad that my Twitter account popped up on an "Elisa Lam toxicology" Yahoo search. It was only showing posts for the past 24hrs but I'm not sure if that makes it any better lol


Oy.......it's funny yet so sad :/

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This is ridiculous...what's the deal? I've seen a million results come back in shorter periods than this. Must be intentional?
This is ridiculous...what's the deal? I've seen a million results come back in shorter periods than this. Must be intentional?

Absolutely. I think we've moved in to the realm of something fishy going on regarding her death.

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Hello! I am sorry I am so late commenting on this case, but I literally just found out about this story yesterday. Needless to say, it has already consumed me and I spent the entire day (not that I had anything better to do haha) reading comments about this case and watching the video over and over again. It is a quite a chilling video and I just want to express me thoughts, even though they may be redundant in terms of what has already been posted here.

In no way, shape or form do I believe Elisa was under the influence of anything in the video nor do I believe she was suffering some mental episode. I can see why it is easy to assume that since we cannot hear anything that is going on in the video or see the other person (and I 100% believe there was someone else there). I have a couple things that stand out and I hope this doesn’t come off as disjointed.

From her entrance and overall demeanor on the elevator, I get the impression that she had encountered some issues prior to this particular video. Maybe someone harassing her or maybe someone trying to be friendly with her, yet she felt uncomfortable with the person. I also think it is possible that she just had an encounter with the person before entering the elevator and possibly told him off and/or told him to leave her alone, in which the person retreated, or at least she thought the person did. Notice the elaborate way she raises her hand to push the buttons when she first enters; it is very confident and almost a sign of victory like “I told him!”.

However, it is obvious she hears a noise—possible the person saying something uncomfortable to her from the hallway. Why else would she cower and hide? I doubt she is doing it for the heck of it and at that point I do not believe she looks to be playful. I also agree with the notion that the person who was harassing her knew there was a camera in the elevator and knew to avoid it. At some points in the video, I think it seems Elisa is trying to lure him to the elevator or to step closer to her because she also knows there is a camera. I get this impression from her standing immediately to the left of the open elevator when talking to the person—she knows that if he wants to “get” her he will have to cross the open elevator and the camera. She is frustrated that he will not leave her alone and there is an obvious change in her demeanor when she enters the elevator the second time and frantically pushes the buttons again. She steadies herself like she was just told something disturbing. As far as her getting off the elevator the final time, maybe the person threatened her or maybe acted like they went away. I dunno. The video has been haunting me and I have watched it numerous times and again, do not at all get the impression she was under the influence or suffering a mental episode. Her actions and movements are very in line with someone being frightened and try their best to conceal it and I think it is obvious she is communicating to SOMEBODY. I also notice a jump in the video when the elevator closes at the end, as if something was edited out.

Overall, it just does not make sense that a young lady would climb the roof of a hotel and jump into a water tank. So many things do not add up to that scenario. Someone had to be involved with her death. I mean, would a girl her age even KNOW that those were water tanks on the roof of the hotel? I am much older than she is and I wouldn't even know they the tanks actually contained water. I just can't see that she would know that in the climb up, open the small opening and jump in.

Intriguing, disturbing case indeed and I hope more information.
Welcome to Ws TroyinTX!
Great first post and one that I tend to agree with at the moment.Indeed this is a peculiar case and that video is chilling in retrospect.
Her actions and movements are very in line with someone being frightened and try their best to conceal it and I think it is obvious she is communicating to SOMEBODY.

Hello Troy, welcome :) it's great to have fresh faces to liven up our interest in the case again. It's been a slow drag with still no word on anything :/

Snipped by me.....I agree. I think when we are frightened we don't behave rationally and to assume that she will behave logically with all that adrenaline coursing through her is a mistake IMO. Fight or flight response makes us jittery, nervous, jumpy. In addition, as you pointed out, the video has no sound and without sound many things can be inferred by her actions alone. I don't think she's acting crazy or drugged either, but others seem to believe so with strong conviction....so perhaps we are all right.....perhaps she was drugged or delirious from sleeplessness AND frightened at some point....

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Where is the darn toxicology report!?!

What is the official COD!?!
Maybe they have uncovered something consistent with foul play and are building a case or trying to connect the dots?

Or maybe the family requested the results not be released for some reason (if that were the case, would they honor that?)

Or maybe they are still conducting tests, fwding the latest results to other special experts bc they still can't conclusively interpret the results of the tests?

This is baffling.
Maybe they have uncovered something consistent with foul play and are building a case or trying to connect the dots?

Or maybe the family requested the results not be released for some reason (if that were the case, would they honor that?)

Or maybe they are still conducting tests, fwding the latest results to other special experts bc they still can't conclusively interpret the results of the tests?

This is baffling.

I think your first and last points are most likely the case.

I'm not sure on the family request....I suppose it's possible. I think someone clarified this earlier but I have forgotten. At any rate, even if the actual tox test was withheld I believe they are still supposed to release a COD, even if it's undetermined.

To have no word at all...this is crazy. I hope that LE is on to something.

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I just ran across a post on CNN written by a Canadian tourist who had recently stayed in the hostel at the Cecil. It doesn't really change much of what little we know but does offer up some new info on the setting.

-The hostel, like most others, has shared bathroom and bathing facilities. Not sure if it is per floor.

-It is also has shared kitchen space and common eating area.

-A guest may find when they arrive that they have a room mate.

-A bank of computers are up one flight from the hostel's lounge and guests who did not have Internet access were free to use them.

-The Cecil's hostel was the downtown alternative to a hostel in Santa Monica.

I am thinking she chose LA as a hub and the Cecil because she used public transportation; remember, it was reported she traveled by bus or train.

He also backs what I have been thinking about this case. This may be why there is no further reporting and just wild speculation in China.

This investigation may be beyond the capabilities of the LAPD, because the likely suspects in Lam's death may be scattered all over the globe again by now. It seems to me like a case for the FBI or even Interpol.

See comment by George Howden:

Great find Conductor.

Yes I think it is beyond obvious now that this has become an extensive investigation and the comment from the article about it being beyond the scope of the LAPD seems pretty spot on.

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I searched #elisalam on Instagram this morning and came across a girl living in Vancouver who claimed to be Elisa's sister. She posted a few photos related to her death a few months ago but nothing related since. I commented on one of them asking if there was any news. I'll let y'all know if she responds.
I searched #elisalam on Instagram this morning and came across a girl living in Vancouver who claimed to be Elisa's sister. She posted a few photos related to her death a few months ago but nothing related since. I commented on one of them asking if there was any news. I'll let y'all know if she responds.

Good idea :) I know her sister is on fb...she is a makeup artist...so if you see makeup related posts it just might be her.

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I'm really glad to see there are still so many of you checking and posting on this thread.

Still waiting for answers for Elisa. (Rest in Peace)

Not sure if this is credible, but the only new news. I hadn't heard any of the residents or hotel workers speak out yet. I wish he had been a little more specific about the "tremendous noise."

That's not very new at all. there have already been reports of Bernard and the loud noise. I'm sure there are more details from him we're simply not privy to :/

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That's not very new at all. there have already been reports of Bernard and the loud noise. I'm sure there are more details from him we're simply not privy to :/

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Well shucks. I was really hoping for something new in this case. I sent out an email in hopes of getting contact info for Bernard.
Well shucks. I was really hoping for something new in this case. I sent out an email in hopes of getting contact info for Bernard.

I know :/ its frustrating.....Trust me you do NOT wanna be in contact with Bernard....dude has a record.

I have some news though....I got a response to one of my emails to the coroner's office...her death was deemed an accidental drowning.

Also, case closed apparently.

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