UK Eliza & Henrietta Huszti, sisters both 32, CCTV captures them near a river at 2am, Aberdeen, 7 Jan 2025 #2

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The police stated earlier that they did not appear to have had a falling out with the landlady. But the final text which was to the landlady might seem to some like something you would do to maybe "get back" at someone.
I will admit it is strange that your landlady is the last person on your mind as you end your life. It is very bizarre.
It was the content of the text that was significant. It confirmed that they weren't coming back, and combined with the fact that they had left all their possessions behind it seems to be a clear message.
Of course we don't know if they left messages for anyone else.
Mr Meldrum said that the path only goes to a boathouse building. “It doesn’t lead to anywhere that would be open,” he reportedly said, and added after the boathouse “the path just comes to a stop at the next bridge”. At the same time he pointed out that the area is known to locals as being without CCTV which is by the deprived area of Torry, while for anyone who enters the river, the North Sea is close by
We also have no idea what that message said. It’s hard to imply tone or purpose when we don’t even know what words were used

I think one of the few things we can say, is that something caused the landlady concern. Whether it was the message, or what was left in the flat.

Also we can say that one of the women planned leave from work. There are three hypotheses for me on this - #1 she wanted some leave, #2 she wanted to buy some time before alerting anyone, or #3 she likes everything to be mega tidy - by which I mean putting her affairs in order.

The first doesn’t tie in with giving up the flat, so I’d say #2 or #3. As the landlady might be oblivious if the women were away for a day or so anyway, I’d bank on #3 being most probable.
I wonder if there is CCTV footage of the women entering the footpath near the boathouse earlier in the day? (ruff sack image)

It might be what LE are waiting on to determine definitively if the women could have exited via the boathouse at 2 am and not have been spotted.
New to the case and catching up.

I think the biggest thing I’m struggling to understand is suicide by drowning is so rare & that 2 people settled on that method. Obviously I say this as someone who was not in their situation and therefore no insight into their perhaps desperation.
These are the most used methods of suicide, split between male and female. Take into consideration that these stats are from a country where gun ownership hovers around 44%.

When removing guns from the equation, suicide by drowning is still way down on the list, percentage-wise.
These are the most used methods of suicide, split between male and female. Take into consideration that these stats are from a country where gun ownership hovers around 44%.

When removing guns from the equation, suicide by drowning is still way down on the list, percentage-wise.
In Scotland, there are an average of 29 water suicides a year. That's roughly one every week and a half.

These are the most used methods of suicide, split between male and female. Take into consideration that these stats are from a country where gun ownership hovers around 44%.

When removing guns from the equation, suicide by drowning is still way down on the list, percentage-wise.
The most plausible explanation seems to be that they took their own lives voluntarily, but I still struggle to understand how they could have entered the freezing water and gone ahead without changing their minds. At the beginning of this thread, a user who visited that place wrote that the river is initially shallow and the banks are not steep.

It would have been much quicker and immediate to jump off the bridge. Perhaps in the bag seen in the last photo they had pills, drugs and/or alcohol to avoid feeling the freezing water.
The most plausible explanation seems to be that they took their own lives voluntarily, but I still struggle to understand how they could have entered the freezing water and gone ahead without changing their minds. At the beginning of this thread, a user who visited that place wrote that the river is initially shallow and the banks are not steep.

It would have been much quicker and immediate to jump off the bridge. Perhaps in the bag seen in the last photo they had pills, drugs and/or alcohol to avoid feeling the freezing water.
As someone afraid of going up a ladder, it makes perfect sense to me.

That third party potentially would need to know the code to unlock phone if locked though.
It's possible to be coerced into sending a message
But the third party would need to know they were renting and who the landlord was (I suppose Im presuming they would have the landlord in as a name rather than landlord) and why, if they were texting the landlord so as not to arouse suspicion, would they not text the family ?
Do we know they were texting the landlord so as not to arouse suspicion?
I dropped out of this thread quite early on because I live about a mile and a half away from Charlotte Street and have to drive past Victoria Bridge a couple of times a week so I've found it all too close to home and too upsetting. I've had very tough times in my life, starting with a difficult childhood but I've never felt the extreme despair that these girls must have experienced. The LE were on the cliffs at Collieston this week looking out for bodies. Apparently, bodies are carried north and tend to be washed up on one of the beaches further up the coast. That, sadly, happened to a young colleague of mine who fell into the Dee after a night of celebration following a football match. His body was found on Newburgh beach a couple of weeks later. His fiancee at the time eventually married and seems to have built a life for herself. His parents were heartbroken.
Her bag and mobile phone were later found near a bridge, and her disappearance was reported by her landlord.

She went missing in Budapest in December 2008, after being caught on CCTV walking near the River Danube in the early hours of the morning
The police have said that the message they sent to their landlady was sent on or near the bridge, the very one they have the sisters on CCTV walking over and heading onto the dirt path. I would assume they could probably make out the action of one of them using the phone to send the message.
They will have the phone records, with the pings between phone masts to a fairly accurate area, as well as the pings when text was sent if sent via traditional text not WhatsApp/iMessage which is encrypted message wise, although they would still show be able to see who the message was to with either of those. So they wouldn't need to see on CCTV to confirm one of the sisters at the Bridge/Water location sent the message.
Her bag and mobile phone were later found near a bridge, and her disappearance was reported by her landlord.

She went missing in Budapest in December 2008, after being caught on CCTV walking near the River Danube in the early hours of the morning
It is quite similar in some ways, copy cat suicide?
In Scotland, there are an average of 29 water suicides a year. That's roughly one every week and a half.
It's also a method which doesn't require any means or equipment but the water.
And when it's cold enough, it's enough to kill you without drowning. Most of those lost on the Titanic didn't drown as they had lifejackets - it was the cold that killed them.
Eliza and Henrietta are from a set of mixed triplets, meaning they are identical while the third triplet Edit is fraternal. Blikk has also reported that Edit had a 'premonition' that something terrible had happened to her sisters.

Hungarian twin researcher Dr Júlia Métneki told the newspaper: "There's still no scientific explanation for it, but the fact that they develop together in the womb, that they feel each other's heartbeats and vibrations, brings them very close to each other."
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