UK Eliza & Henrietta Huszti, sisters both 32, CCTV captures them near a river at 2am, Aberdeen, 7 Jan 2025.

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Police Scotland​

Enquiries continue in Aberdeen to trace missing sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti​

Officers have extended their search of the River Dee in Aberdeen as enquiries continue to trace missing sisters Eliza and Henrietta Huszti.

Eliza and Henrietta, both aged 32, were last seen on CCTV on Market Street at Victoria Bridge, Aberdeen, around 2.12am on Tuesday, 7 January, 2025.

They have crossed the bridge and turned right onto a footpath next to the River Dee heading in the direction of the Aberdeen Boat Club.

Specialist resources, including the police helicopter, dog branch and the marine unit, along with emergency service partners, have been assisting in the searches.

Police will remain at the scene while further searches, including the coast towards the Port of Aberdeen’s South Harbour, and towards Duthie Park, are carried out.

Officers are liaising with authorities in Hungary, where the missing women are from, to support relatives as searches continue.

CCTV footage from the area where Eliza and Henrietta were last seen is also being examined, with door-to-door enquiries being carried out, as well as speaking to local businesses.

The River Dee remains the focus of searches as there is no evidence of the missing women leaving the immediate area.

Eliza and Henrietta are both described as white and of slim build with long, brown hair.

Chief Inspector Darren Bruce said: "Eliza and Henrietta's family are understandably extremely worried about them and we are working tirelessly to find them.

"We are seriously concerned about them and have significant resources dedicated to the enquiry.

"We are again urging the public to come forward with any information relating to Eliza and Henrietta's whereabouts.

"The focus of our search remains the River Dee and I would again ask, if you were in the area at the time, please think back, did you notice anyone matching their description?

"Even if it doesn’t seem significant, please pass any information on and let us be the judge of that.

"I would again urge businesses in and around the South Esplanade and Menzies Road area to please review their CCTV footage for early morning on Tuesday, 7 January, 2025 and contact us if it holds anything that may be relevant to our investigation.

"We are also keen to hear from anyone with dashcam footage from that time.

"Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident number 0735 of Tuesday, 7 January, 2025."

Eliza and Henrietta
CCTV image

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Hi all!

Are there images showing the path to the boat club?

On Google Maps, it-s possible to see that the first lot has an empty area but with a wall there
But in the others, there is either no wall, or it is covered by plants

It would be interesting to see if there are ways to get to the parallel street, before the playground
Hi all!

Are there images showing the path to the boat club?

On Google Maps, it-s possible to see that the first lot has an empty area but with a wall there
But in the others, there is either no wall, or it is covered by plants

It would be interesting to see if there are ways to get to the parallel street, before the playground
@Coach posted these photos yesterday #163

Post in thread 'Eliza & Henrietta Huszti, sisters both 32, CCTV captures them near a river at 2am, Aberdeen, 7 Jan 2025.'
UK - Eliza & Henrietta Huszti, sisters both 32, CCTV captures them near a river at 2am, Aberdeen, 7 Jan 2025.
How do people know they are "walking with purpose" from a still CCTV image? Or has there been some video footage released I've missed?

Afaik there has not been detailed the time of the CCTV footage, only mention of the time when they entered the path by the river just after 2am. So we can't tell if they walked briskly to that path, or if they in fact took some time to get there.
I believe people are basing their opinions on still footage. I was one who said they appeared to be walking with purpose as they are side by side, walking together in the one direction. They both are swinging their right arms which also suggests walking with purpose and not just aimless wandering. They are striding out, like they have a destination, and are looking ahead.

But that's my point. Isn't the only image released the CCTV one, which has been pinpointed to a mile away from the path by the river without any indicated time. Have the official statements released mentioned they seemed "purposeful" or words to that effect? Or are people making that judgement based on this single frame capture?
I believe people are basing their thoughts on that single frame capture.

To debunk the going to work angle, only 1 of them is a cleaner so why would the other go along?
Also, if that was the case surely the wording from police would specify that they reported missing after one of them had not turning up for her expected shift (in the night time).

I'm pretty sure the family have said they don't know why they would be out in the town at that time of night.
Snipped by me.
I suggested the other sister may be going along for company and safety. AFAIK, there has not been a definitive time given or even date, that they were reported missing, let alone by who. With cleaning jobs after hours like this, they're often outsourced and the only way to tell if the cleaner has been in is if the place is clean. Of course, you can also access information from the security company (if there was one) as to what time the alarm was disabled as to allow access.

As for the family, they're not in the country. The sister's could have had a "family face" they presented to their loved ones overseas, and then led very different lives. We do not know how strict a life they had in Hungary, or whether they had expectations put upon them by their mother. (There's been no mention of a father, so I assume he is absent , dead, or just media shy)

<snipped for focus>

LOTS of people from the EU have settled in the UK, particularly from Eastern Europe, in jobs such as these that many might not describe as "career" jobs.
I was the one that mentioned that it seems the women did not come to Scotland for a career. What I meant by that was they weren't given an amazing opportunity to say, teach Hungarian on an exchange program, their office wanted to send them to work on that big project in the Scottish office, or that they were offered a role at a large teaching hospital in Scotland for their medical knowledge etc. My point was that is seems they were not offered amazing job opportunities there, and that was probably not the reason they moved. (Maybe job prospects were better, better paying, or more plentiful than life back in Hungary, but a guaranteed, high paying "career" type role was not what brought them there. MOO)
but why else would they go out for a walk along the river at 2 a.m.??
In answer to your question- they could have decided to go out to a bar that night.
There are bars that are open until 2 am in Aberdeen.
There is a photo of these two sisters at a crowded lively bar/ party with drinking on social media from a few years earlier so it’s not that much of a stretch.
Huszti Eliza on Facebook - cover photo
Any of us who follow these threads know how often alcohol and water end up as a deadly combination for someone who is missing.
It’s not beyond the scope of possibility that something was slipped into a drink or drinks or that they were simply over served.
If this didn’t involve a bar, it could be that one sister had a date that turned out poorly and she asked the other sister to come get her.
They could have been invited to a private home or apartment for a dinner/get together that was full of lively conversation into the wee hours and they left by foot late. They may regularly enjoy late night walks in this city that is considered “safe” by many standards. They may be night owls and sleep in late regularly.
They (or one of them) may have a private profession unknown to relatives that includes late hours- child or elderly care until a parent or guardian comes home.
There are plenty of possibilities that certainly don’t involve planned suicide.
If they were at a private function or paid with cash at a bar or pub it may be hard to find out exactly what their prior destination was without some detective work.
Maybe they were at a bar where a credit card was used and this information may be made public soon.

All imho.
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In answer to your question- they could have decided to go out to a bar that night.
There are bars that are open until 2 am in Aberdeen.
There is a photo of these two sisters at a crowded lively bar/ party with drinking on social media from a few years earlier so it’s not that much of a stretch.
Huszti Eliza on Facebook - cover photo
Any of us who follow these threads know how often alcohol and water end up as a deadly combination for someone who is missing.
It’s not beyond the scope of possibility that something was slipped into a drink or drinks or that they were simply over served.
If this didn’t involve a bar, it could be that one sister had a date that turned out poorly and she asked the other sister to come get her.
They could have been invited to a private home or apartment for a dinner/get together that was full of lively conversation into the wee hours and they left by foot late. They may regularly enjoy late night walks in this city that is considered “safe” by many standards. They may be night owls and sleep in late regularly.
They (or one of them) may have a private profession unknown to relatives that includes late hours- child or elderly care until a parent or guardian comes home.
There are plenty of possibilities that certainly don’t involve planned suicide.
If they were at a private function or paid with cash at a bar or pub it may be hard to find out exactly what their prior destination was without some detective work.
Maybe they were at a bar where a credit card was used and this information may be made public soon.

All imho.

I understood that the video footage of them has them walking in the opposite direction of their home. Were they walking toward their home? cause if so, that changes things a bit for me.

Could they have been taking a shortcut toward their home??
Have we heard anything at all about their phones? I suppose their flat has been searched by LE by now, or would that be something they wouldn't do? If they had phones on them, would the authorities know this now? Maybe they didn't even have a phone. That would be rare enough that their co-workers would probably remember this and be able to tell the police. But they probably do have a phone, like almost everyone now. So why would they be out at all without their phone, much less at 2am in a dodgy part of the city? Maybe LE hasn't yet looked into anything about their phones. I hope they don't have any pets at home.
Have we heard anything at all about their phones? I suppose their flat has been searched by LE by now, or would that be something they wouldn't do? If they had phones on them, would the authorities know this now? Maybe they didn't even have a phone. That would be rare enough that their co-workers would probably remember this and be able to tell the police. But they probably do have a phone, like almost everyone now. So why would they be out at all without their phone, much less at 2am in a dodgy part of the city? Maybe LE hasn't yet looked into anything about their phones. I hope they don't have any pets at home.
I've been wondering this too, and meant to post about their phones earlier. I have zero knowledge of laws in Scotland, but I would assume by this stage police have requested phone records for the women. Important things are last known pings, what calls were missed (and did they go straight to voice mail?), last texts/calls sent and received, LE making contact with all their listed contacts, checking out what apps and social media accounts they had, etc. Any and all information gleaned from these would be helpful to start to paint a better picture of the women and their possible reasons for being out then, and why they are now missing.
Golly, that’s an interesting case. I do appreciate the suggestions thus far on potentials. All just speculations at this point by us all at this point. But I had a few others to add to the list:
-Human Trafficking
-They both decided to disappear (unlikely)

My heart goes out to the family, especially their other triplet. Especially with them being in another country, language barriers, etc. I hope they are found safe soon.
My point was that is seems they were not offered amazing job opportunities there, and that was probably not the reason they moved. (Maybe job prospects were better, better paying, or more plentiful than life back in Hungary, but a guaranteed, high paying "career" type role was not what brought them there. MOO)
Well, tons of the people who moved here from the EU when you could do that did so not for high flying career reasons but because they thought that they could earn higher wages here in ordinary jobs like cleaning, cafes, etc and then send money home to Romania, Hungary etc, where wages are very low although cost of living is often much lower than here. They support families back home this way. But it is very hard.

Living in the UK has a prestigious air to it, like living in New York probably sounds to lots of us here. It's a dream. Especially true of London where ironically it's hardest to survive because of extreme cost of living.

In lots of cases, people believed some hype that the streets are paved with gold here and didn't realize that the cost of living is very high, or they managed to work their way up to better paying jobs, when they learned better English or gained experience.
I wonder how they found them on cctv. I wonder if someone was with them earlier and maybe they didn’t tell that person hey we made it home… and this friend maybe reported them missing? MOO
I have also been wondering this.. I feel like whoever reported them missing must know more than has been released to the public. Their family reporting them missing seems really unlikely, same with work, as surely neither of those entities would've known they would have been out around 2am in this area.
I have not seen any mention of them having partners however so really am curious as to who has reported them missing as believe this person could explain why the two sisters were out at this time and where they were headed.
Where exactly is that cctv footage taken from? Definitively.

As far as I can see, the CCTV footage is taken here on Charlotte Street, almost exactly a mile away from where the ladies entered the riverside path. The link points to Google Maps.

Post in thread 'Eliza & Henrietta Huszti, sisters both 32, CCTV captures them near a river at 2am, Aberdeen, 7 Jan 2025.'
UK - Eliza & Henrietta Huszti, sisters both 32, CCTV captures them near a river at 2am, Aberdeen, 7 Jan 2025.

The wording that the press have used (above) is a bit misleading, I think. Yes, Eliza and Henrietta WERE captured on CCTV near a river (undoubtedly that is how the police know they were on the riverside path), but the CCTV image showing them passing by a doorway was taken quite some distance away. I don't think there is any attempt at deception going on - the police have probably released the image that most clearly captures them.
I have also been wondering this.. I feel like whoever reported them missing must know more than has been released to the public. Their family reporting them missing seems really unlikely, same with work, as surely neither of those entities would've known they would have been out around 2am in this area.
I have not seen any mention of them having partners however so really am curious as to who has reported them missing as believe this person could explain why the two sisters were out at this time and where they were headed.

My guess is that it was probably Eliza's employer / colleagues at the coffee shop who reported her missing initially. I've known a few occasions where staff (women, I think it is fair to say) have acted very quickly when a colleague has failed to show up to work at the normal time, and fair play to them for doing that. Perhaps CCTV and doorbell footage was examined to determine their last movements to / from their home. They may live in appartment block - would it be normal for appartment block entrances / communal areas to be covered by CCTV?
I had assumed the Charlotte St image was captured relatively near to where they live? When reported missing, I think police would check cameras closest to home to see when they left. That area has lots of flats and this is presumably the image that is most clear.

The CCTV is Tuesday early morning. The news of their disappearance broke on Friday. So we can assume someone reported them missing maybe Wed or Thurs. I am not sure of how seriously police would initially take reports of 2 adult women as missing (e.g if one had not turned up for work, surely this would take a day or 2 before it was of significant concern?).

As always, I am sure the police have more info than is in the public domain.
Has it been mentioned whether they live alone (i.e just the two of them) or whether they have housemates? Rent everywhere has been going up and up, especially in cities, and Costa/cleaning jobs are usually at or near minimum wage. It was probably possible to afford with the two of them but it's also true that a lot of immigrants (mostly men but sometimes women too) live in HMOs (houses of multiple occupation). If they have a housemate that would explain them being reported missing quickly, if they had let their housemate know they were going out at that time (or they had seen them leave) they would be alarmed that they were not back in the morning.

If it's been mentioned somewhere that they lived somewhere with just the two of them, then please ignore me!
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