Father says DNA could solve one of country’s biggest murder mysteries: Who killed JonBenét Ramsey

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Sure, but they would gain nothing from lying about it.
That was a huge part of their alibi. The narrative would have been a whole diffent story if they copped to her being awake. It would have narrowed the time in which your intruder had opportunity. Time lines help tell the story.
Probably and conclusively are very different and point to differnt people.
If the blanket was from her bed, I would think they would have noticed that morning it was missing and mentioned it.
Had it been an intruder, did he bound back upstairs after killing her to retrieve it?
Did he take it downstairs with jonbenet? Why?
If the blanket was from her bed, I would think they would have noticed that morning it was missing and mentioned it.
Had it been an intruder, did he bound back upstairs after killing her to retrieve it?
Did he take it downstairs with jonbenet? Why?
Because he was a kind and gentle sexual psychopath?
That was a huge part of their alibi. The narrative would have been a whole diffent story if they copped to her being awake. It would have narrowed the time in which your intruder had opportunity. Time lines help tell the story.
I am still left slack jawed at Burkes Dr. Phil interview where he admits to being awake and sneaking back downstairs - and his Dad put him to bed with a flashlight …
I’d give anything to see PART 3 that never aired.
I am still left slack jawed at Burkes Dr. Phil interview where he admits to being awake and sneaking back downstairs - and his Dad put him to bed with a flashlight …
I’d give anything to see PART 3 that never aired.
Right? Although JR is having a harder time keeping his
" facts" Straight. That interview was a disaster. It did not bolster his reputation at all.
That was a huge part of their alibi. The narrative would have been a whole diffent story if they copped to her being awake. It would have narrowed the time in which your intruder had opportunity. Time lines help tell the story.

How can it be a huge part of their alibi, when the outcome is identical? They put JonBenet to bed, then go to bed themselves. Nothing changes in their alibi whether or not JonBenet was awake or asleep when they came home. Narrowed the time? The time difference would have been infinitesimal, and in either case would be over long before midnight.
If the blanket was from her bed, I would think they would have noticed that morning it was missing and mentioned it.
Had it been an intruder, did he bound back upstairs after killing her to retrieve it?
Did he take it downstairs with jonbenet? Why?
I think they were more concerned over JonBenet missing, than the blanket. The killer most likely swept it up along with JonBenet before carrying her downstairs.
I am still left slack jawed at Burkes Dr. Phil interview where he admits to being awake and sneaking back downstairs - and his Dad put him to bed with a flashlight …
I’d give anything to see PART 3 that never aired.
Burke didn't say that. He said he was downstairs fiddling with a toy when he thought everyone else was asleep upstairs. John says after putting JonBenet to bed, he went down to find Burke with his toy, helped him, then took him up to his bedroom.
I don

I dont find it ludicrous.
Patsy was all about appearances. Like dressing her daughter all up, without bathing her and having her wear stained up panties.
I believe Patsy was well aware that Burke had been inappropriate with her many times before, even the housekeeper caught them.
She was too worried what other people would think to get help and certainly would NEVER admit it after her death.
I don’t believe an adult strangled her as there wasn’t a whole lot of muscle behind it.
I believe he used the paintbrush and train tracks to poke her.
I believe the clean up, the change of panties, the staging, the note, the covering her body up was all done by Patsy.
I don’t think Patsy ever went to bed that night.

None of what you just listed is evidence or proof in any way, shape, or form. It’s speculation and innuendo from which you’ve drawn your own conclusions. Neither of us knew the Ramseys, we weren’t privy to what went on in their daily lives or the nature of their relationships with one another. A lot of mothers are obsessed with appearances, especially ones with children in beauty pageants; it’s an enormous leap to say that means a mother would cover up the murder of their young daughter, alter the body, stage a crime scene, then proceed to lie about for decades.
I don't know if this is factual but I'd be very surprised if any nine yr old who committed a murder has ever actually successfully covered it up and managed to fool the authorities for any real length of time. I think that's probably impossible.

And why do so few people consider that if there was an intruder they were likely waiting in the house while the Ramseys were out for the evening which would make a lot of sense and also explain why the note is so dang long - they were restless and kind of spinning out from sitting around waiting.
I agree with you. The note bothers me. Not for the reasons others are bothered by it but what was written. I don't think a parent, let alone 2 write this content after find their beautiful daughter unconscious. My hand would be shaking and there would be tears on that paper if I could even think what to write. I think and this is a floating theory at this point: the killer or killers had a note that they brought. For what ever reason he decided to rewrite it on her note pad. I think they were in that house for hours, and looked around at stuff and his bonus information was out, visible. It is an odd amount, but if you are younger, immature as the note suggests, maybe this is what he did, thinking he didn't want the original note for whatever reason. I think he intended to leave her there, but he ended up SA her there and then had to hit her to end it. I think we can agree that there was nothing professional about this murder. So that is what I am think for now.
I agree with you. The note bothers me. Not for the reasons others are bothered by it but what was written. I don't think a parent, let alone 2 write this content after find their beautiful daughter unconscious. My hand would be shaking and there would be tears on that paper if I could even think what to write. I think and this is a floating theory at this point: the killer or killers had a note that they brought. For what ever reason he decided to rewrite it on her note pad. I think they were in that house for hours, and looked around at stuff and his bonus information was out, visible. It is an odd amount, but if you are younger, immature as the note suggests, maybe this is what he did, thinking he didn't want the original note for whatever reason. I think he intended to leave her there, but he ended up SA her there and then had to hit her to end it. I think we can agree that there was nothing professional about this murder. So that is what I am think for now.
I've suspected something similar. The killer came in, not with a prepared random note, but with a clipping of an article. The article had pictures of John Ramsey and others, with "no" written by those faces and a heart drawn by John's - all in red ink. You may remember the unexplained red heart drawn in the palm of JonBenet's hand. I think this article was the original note, not for ransom, but a calling card of sorts. And when the killer came up with the fake kidnapping plan while in the house, the clipping was tucked away.
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If someone in the family did this and wrote a ransom note, why didn’t they remove her body from the house?
Some possible reasons come to mind - one, they intended to remove the body. They either ran out of time, remember, they had an early morning flight scheduled, and had to activate the police by a certain time for their story to be plausible. They may have possibly detected movement in a neighboring home, such as lights on, and decided it was too risky to try to leave the house without being seen.

Or the ransom note served its purpose, erased the belief she was in the house, buying them time. They may have thought a note stating JBR was kidnapped would direct the investigation out of their house and into the search for where the kidnappers might be holed up. Oh, and it worked! The cops did not clear the home.
I am still left slack jawed at Burkes Dr. Phil interview where he admits to being awake and sneaking back downstairs - and his Dad put him to bed with a flashlight …
I’d give anything to see PART 3 that never aired.
There was a Pt3 taped?
I agree with you. The note bothers me. Not for the reasons others are bothered by it but what was written. I don't think a parent, let alone 2 write this content after find their beautiful daughter unconscious. My hand would be shaking and there would be tears on that paper if I could even think what to write. I think and this is a floating theory at this point: the killer or killers had a note that they brought. For what ever reason he decided to rewrite it on her note pad. I think they were in that house for hours, and looked around at stuff and his bonus information was out, visible. It is an odd amount, but if you are younger, immature as the note suggests, maybe this is what he did, thinking he didn't want the original note for whatever reason. I think he intended to leave her there, but he ended up SA her there and then had to hit her to end it. I think we can agree that there was nothing professional about this murder. So that is what I am think for now.
Agree. In a cross between the BDI camp and FDI camp. What's FDI you may ask? (a)Friend did it. Someone that knew them well and the house

The redressing and those brand new, out of the package, panties JonBenet was redressed with and the covering her body with a fresh clean blanket from the dryer proves to me, Patsy played a role.

Then add in her sweater fibers tied into the garrote knot, and found on the underside of the duct tape that John pulled from her mouth and left in the basement with the blanket.

Her pad & her pen, returned to the drawer and pen returned to the cup.
Phrases like “and hense” words like attaché

Her paint brush tote also littered with her sweater fibers - her paint brush
The DNA was also found on the fingernails. The DNA on the clothing was mixed with her blood.
JR definitely making a hot living off alot of these JBR documentaries (possibly anyway) in recent years. If you go onto Tubi there are a ton of them and many feature him in it, lol. Saw one last night that was a few years old, A&E produced where a retired FBI agent was hunting down leads for JR on JBR suspects. The premise of the show started off with investigating this Todd Fuss as a possible suspect. Lame as hell, don't bother unless you want a chuckle. JR appears in sequences with the show's hostess and the entire thing is in reality show format. John is rigid and emotionless and seemingly bored as if even he knows the whole show is lame. I couldn't even finish watching it.

Basically as you can figure out any JBR doc with him in it is going to rehash different variations of the IDI approach for obvious reasons.

The Overkill documentary by Schiller is pretty good with objective viewpoints. Still exploring others
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I haven’t watched it yet. Are these things being left out to be presented in Episode 2/3 or is it being dropped?
Was it just the families wealth that saved them from being prosecuted originally or a combination of wealth, connections & LE botching the investigation? If this was an inside job why is JR asking for dna on whatever he wants tested? Does he know it isn’t related to the crime or something else?
It’s been so long, I’m interested in what you & Tricia have to say.
Indeed throughout this entire NF series JR repeatedly emphasizes genetic DNA testing because deep down he probably knows it won't lead anywhere and keeps the heat off where he wants it off
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