FBI considering hate crime charges against Zimmerman #1

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You know, we KEEP hearing about how the ONLY think suspicious to GZ was TM's color. This COULD NOT BE more false. GZ was in his car, on the phone with the police when TM walked up to the car, stared at GZ, and took off running.

Sorry, black white or green, since when is a teenager staring at you then taking off running NOT suspicious?

I don't believe that GZ ever said that he walked up to the car, stared at him and then took off running.

But even if it had happened that way, thinking as an adult, if a kid was being watched, then that kid stops to look at who was in the car watching him, the kid doesn't recognize the person and then takes off running, two thoughts would immediately come to my mind, the kid was stopping to see who it was that following him, perhaps to see if he recognized the person inside the can. Then seeing that the person following and watching from in the car was a stranger, running away would be because he was in fact some random stranger that was following him. The fact that he ran away would show he wanted to get away from this stranger.

But if Trayvon's running away from GZ made him more suspicious then how can it also be said that him not running, not running fast enough, or not getting home fast enough also made him suspicious?
If your statement is true, I predict Zimmerman will have a very hard time adjusting to life in the big house. I guess he won't be invited to join any of the Mexican gangs in prison.


I predict George won't be going to any big house, unless it's the one he buys with the money from the civil suits he brings after this is all over. But if he did go to prison, I don't think he'd be interested in joining any Mexican gangs, what with him being white and all. jmo
Correct, 8 burglaries in 15 months, not the major rampant black crime spree some are alleging. Stolen bikes, stolen construction items, goes on even in some better neighborhoods. No need to embellish them, they are what they are.

A reason to be concerned, of course. A reason to say that a kid walking home was another *advertiser censored******* about to get way so I need to take my gun to make sure he doesn't, not so much.


I don't get into the alleged race angle of this situation too much because it's not as important to me as the specific actions of that night. I would like to understand, however, where this alleged crime spree of "young black males" is coming from other than George Zimmerman and his pal Taaffe.

The link below has copies of 47 Event Reports resulting from calls placed by Zimmerman. Of the 47, twenty three are from 2009 forward after he moved to Twin Lakes.

Of these 23 reports, only 3 mention to term "black male", young or otherwise. I waded through every one of his calls ranging from problems with 4 year olds, 7 year olds, motor bikes doing wheelies, and loud parties but 2 reports in August, 2011, SIX MONTHS before TM went walking down the street, and one in February 2012 were the only ones I found.

True, 24 days before he killed a young black male doing nothing illegal, Zimmerman SAYS he watched a black male at Taaffe's house. All I know is what the report says.

When the same LE officer that held Zimmerman at gunpoint on 2/26/12 arrived at Taaffe's house on 2/2/12, no black male was there, nothing was wrong or out of place, and nothing had been burglarized.

Where's this "young black male" crime spree that is supposed to have justified Zimmerman's scrutiny of TM coming from? Does anyone have a link that DOESN'T have what Zimmerman or his pal Taaffe have to say on the subject?

I'm sorry to disagree, but I don't think that's silly at all. Given the state of race relations in this country for the last 200 or so years, our black citizens are wary of a white man following them in the dark. And as it turned out in this case, with good reason.

So, based on 200 years of race relations, our black citizens are justified in "profiling" a white man. Was this white man responsibile for those 200 years? Not unless this white man was 200 years old; and, if he was that old he would be the one in more danger from a crack in the sidewalk.

The Founders pulled a slick trick against the pro-slavery faction. "All men are created equal" paved the way for all men to begin this "human race" equally. White men.

White men fought a war because of equality. My great-grandfather died in the Civil War--fought for the Union, captured and brutalized, he died in a camp. It made a big difference in my grandfather's life, and a difference in my father's life. My gasoline costs the same; there is no benefit from what happened 150 years ago.

Legislators passed Civil Rights Laws. Largely White Men.

So, if it's proven that GZ shot TM with malice because he was black, he goes to jail--based on fact.
Would that mean he is biased against himself? After all, isn't assaulting a police officer considered a criminal act?

Only if the officer identifies himself as such and there is an actual assualt. Plus, there's that little detail of those charges having been dismissed.
Mexicans walking around messing with people's cars and pulling knives?? They sound like criminals to me.

I have no idea what you're talking about wrt a 7-9 yo black child so I can't comment on that.


Or so one would think. Why then, did Zimmerman make it a point to say Mexicans instead of guys, criminals, gang members, or any other descriptive term that wasn't race or ethnicity based?
Are you sure? I thought he called because the kids were playing in the street.
We did read in the police call report that he called on kids playing in the street as they were running in front of cars- not an unreasonable call if true.

But, in the docs, I think it was page 26? not sure, but the officer states that all his calls "regarding suspicious persons" were regarding black males. I don't think the children or some of the other calls would be included in the ones he referred to as "suspicious persons" calls.

So, while there may have been numerous calls by George in general, the impression I got was that the officer was only referring to the calls that concerned reports of suspicious persons adn every one was concerning black males. IIRC, the call about Trayvon was his 5th such call.

Or so one would think. Why then, did Zimmerman make it a point to say Mexicans instead of guys, criminals, gang members, or any other descriptive term that wasn't race or ethnicity based?

Because they were Mexican?
Only if the officer identifies himself as such and there is an actual assualt. Plus, there's that little detail of those charges having been dismissed.

No, the charge was plead down. Doesn't mean the assault didn't happen or that the officer didn't identify himself.

While we're on the subject of identifying one's self, it's not a bad idea for members of Neighborhood Watch to identify themselves when confronting others. Especially when confronting at night, in the dark, while carrying a loaded weapon.
Was that sarcasm, or are you really wondering how someone can THINK something about a person, then have that thought verified when the person comes closer and faces you?
nah its not sarcasm.... Im really wondering how gz can identify the color of Trayvons pants, color of his shoes, color of his hoodie, and a hand in the waistband....yet you state.....but not the color of his skin...
im also wondering where this proof is that Trayvon came all the way up to gzs car....
No, the charge was plead down. Doesn't mean the assault didn't happen or that the officer didn't identify himself.

While we're on the subject of identifying one's self, it's not a bad idea for members of Neighborhood Watch to identify themselves when confronting others. Especially when confronting at night, in the dark, while carrying a loaded weapon.

No, the charges were withdrawn and the case dismissed. Again, that's the whole point of a diversion.
Actually, here is the link, and I will cut and paste the portion of the 911 call:


"911 dispatcher:

Did you see what he was wearing?


Yeah, a dark hoodie like a gray hoodie. He wore jeans or sweat pants and white tennis shoes. He’s here now … he’s just staring. [00:42]

911 dispatcher:

He’s just walking around the area, the houses? OK.


Now he’s staring at me. [00:48]

911 dispatcher:

OK, you said that’s 1111 Retreat View or 111?


That’s the clubhouse.

911 dispatcher:

He’s near the clubhouse now?


Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waist band.And he’s a black male.[1:03]

911 dispatcher:

How old would you say he is?


He’s got something on his shirt. About like his late teens.

911 dispatcher:

Late teens?


Uh, huh.

Something’s wrong with him. Yep, he’s coming to check me out.He’s got something in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is. [01:20]

911 dispatcher:

Let me know if he does anything, OK?



911 dispatcher:

We’ve got him on the wire. Just let me know if this guy does anything else.



These *******s. They always get away.

When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in and you go left. Actually, you would go past the clubhouse. [1:39]

911 dispatcher:

OK, so it’s on the left hand side of the clubhouse?


Yeah. You go in straight through the entrance and then you would go left. You go straight in, don’t turn and make a left.

He’s running. [2:08]"

Seems pretty clear to me.

No where in the snipped portion of the 911 call does the accused murderer state that Trayvon had walked up to the car and started at him which is what you said in your previous post. I believe the accused murderer states "he's coming towards me" and "yep, he's coming to check me out."
I predict George won't be going to any big house, unless it's the one he buys with the money from the civil suits he brings after this is all over. But if he did go to prison, I don't think he'd be interested in joining any Mexican gangs, what with him being white and all. jmo

He has a better chance of landing his dream job as a cop than he does of recovering damages in any civil suits. JMO.
We did read in the police call report that he called on kids playing in the street as they were running in front of cars- not an unreasonable call if true.

But, in the docs, I think it was page 26? not sure, but the officer states that all his calls "regarding suspicious persons" were regarding black males. I don't think the children or some of the other calls would be included in the ones he referred to as "suspicious persons" calls.

So, while there may have been numerous calls by George in general, the impression I got was that the officer was only referring to the calls that concerned reports of suspicious persons adn every one was concerning black males. IIRC, the call about Trayvon was his 5th such call.

Five calls in 3 years = a crime wave? That's what I'm trying to understand. I found 4 of these 5 in the link I posted above, but from what I can gather, of the ENTIRE 47 reports at the link, only ONE resulted in an arrest.

I'm just not following how this is supposed to explain or justify his heightened awareness or scrutiny of TM. As nearly as I can tell, he didn't follow the guy he says was at Taaffe's house 24 days earlier, and that time he also had a gun AND a 100 lb dog.

What's supposed to have made TM so much more worthy of following?

ETA: Excuse me, I should have said 2 arrests as a result of his calls. I forgot to include George.
Nope he was bashing....all Mexicans not just criminal types....I hope the FBI looks into that to, as I'm sure they have.
I wonder what criminal element GZ saw....in the 7-9 year old black child?

AFAIK, there were three instances of GZ calling in reports on children. One involved a 7- to 9-year old boy who was walking to school, alone, on a busy highway. GZ was concerned about his safety.

Another time, GZ called because some children were playing in the street and, apparently, he was again concerned about safety.

IIRC, the third instance involved children climbing over the pool fence when it was closed and being disruptive/vandalizing the area they'd trespassed upon.

JMO, OMO, and MOO because I'm too lazy to go look up the call dates.
Only because she knew it wasn't premediated murder or murder 1...that is what The Grand Jury is used for...so, she didn't need TGJ to convence for a 2nd degree murder charge..

She is NOT driven my politics or petitions, she is driven by the statutes her state has....she has an impeccable professional resume...she doesn't need to bow down to anyone or for anyone...she is driven by the laws of her state...

Great post and I, for one, admire her greatly because of the reasons you stated above.
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