FL - Derek Rosa, 13, charged as adult in stabbing death of mother Irina Garcia in her sleep, 13 Oct 2023

Jan 13, 2025

An online fundraiser to help with Rosa’s legal expenses has brought in nearly $150,000.

The hearing set for Monday did not happen but the women said they’ll be back to protest his detainment.

“Free Derek” the women chanted.

Rosa’s trial is expected to occur this year. His next hearing was rescheduled for Thursday.

He is charged with first-degree murder.
“He is a child, he can easily be manipulated by an adult,” she said. “I believe there was more than one person in that scene, we hear noises in the background of the 911 call, I strongly believe that he’s innocent and was manipulated by someone else around that scene.”
Manipulated? He's the expert manipulator!
Relative to Jose Baez, I just learned he represented DR in his appeal of the trial court ordering DR to share his “medical, mental health, psychological and social work records” “with counsel for Miami-Dade County Corrections.”

This occurred on Aug 29, 2024 while considering DR's motion for remand to a juvenile facility, which involved extensive evidence of the juvenile’s medical and other records.

Third District Court of Appeal Opinion was filed on Jan 2, 2025 -- DR's Petition granted; orders quashed.

*I dont even know what to say. This photo disturbs me
Prosecutors released this image of murder defendant, Derek Rosa. (Image: Office of the Miami-Dade State Attorney)

Prosecutors released this image of murder defendant, Derek Rosa. His hand appears to be red. Prosecutors said he sent the pictures to friends
I agree. It disturbs me, too.
Perhaps there will be some mitigating circumstances found (lots of recent life changes), but Derek is totally off, sorry, how could the school not notice? Or was he “quiet” and “did his homework”, and that’s all they needed?
I think the situation when we don’t know anything about his life, and then it happens and he is behind bars forever, and we are still left in the dark, doesn’t contribute to prevention at all.
How can these deluded women say DR did not commit this crime when there is physical evidence, he's captured on surveillance, and confessed to stabbing his mother! SMH...

“He is a child, he can easily be manipulated by an adult,” she said. “I believe there was more than one person in that scene, we hear noises in the background of the 911 call, I strongly believe that he’s innocent and was manipulated by someone else around that scene.”
Adults defend serial killers, establish relationships and marry them knowing what they’ve done, didn’t Ted Bundy married and had a child while in prison?
Wonder if it’s a saviour complex…
Adults defend serial killers, establish relationships and marry them knowing what they’ve done, didn’t Ted Bundy married and had a child while in prison?
Wonder if it’s a saviour complex…
While true, those are adult men - some of which were clearly charming enough to lure in victims as well as deluded love interests. Creepy? Yes, but it does make at least little more sense than a bunch of adult women upending their lives in defense of this murderous child. To me, this is way more creepy.


Corporal Cyrim Wimbs, a corrections officer from the Metro West Detention Center, testified that Rosa is under protective custody and is “flourishing.”
Right. He is being held in an adult jail, for stabbing his mother to death, and he is "flourishing"! Now why do I believe this corrections officer is clueless?? IMO
Right. He is being held in an adult jail, for stabbing his mother to death, and he is "flourishing"! Now why do I believe this corrections officer is clueless?? IMO

I actually believe it. He is in an environment that is 100% structured, with more male attention than he has probably ever had, that is consistent, with clearly defined rules and a schedule.
While true, those are adult men - some of which were clearly charming enough to lure in victims as well as deluded love interests. Creepy? Yes, but it does make at least little more sense than a bunch of adult women upending their lives in defense of this murderous child. To me, this is way more creepy.

Agreed 100 %.

And, aren't some of these women mothers, themselves ??
How would they feel if some criminal were to take them from their children ?
It boggles the mind, imo.
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Although Rosa is currently enrolled in a combination of individualized and group classes, his defense team informed Herschel that the Miami-Dade County Public School District has refused to provide him with an Individualized Education Plan.

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Although Rosa is currently enrolled in a combination of individualized and group classes, his defense team informed Herschel that the Miami-Dade County Public School District has refused to provide him with an Individualized Education Plan.

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Interesting. I used to teach Special Education at a prison, anyone who has an IEP is eligible for services until age 22. It is the law. It isn't that difficult, especially with Zoom now.
He stabbed his mother how many times?! 47?!!! Sorry, but I'm not overwhelmed with sadness that he might get a little lonely and bored sitting in his cell. Or even if he gets a little behind with his education.


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