FL - Dr Teresa Sievers, 46, murdered in home, Bonita Springs, June 2015 *ARRESTS* #6

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We really don't know what was going on behind closed doors in their marriage. Maybe there were problems that were unknown to anyone else, including family.

I'm thinking that the VERY last place your mind would EVER go would be that your happy (or even unhappy) husband wanted to kill you.

I don't think anyone close to Scott Peterson thought he wanted to kill pregnant Laci, probably especially Laci.

And, yet, the spouse is always the first person LE looks at, because it's so often the case.

I was just going to write a post somewhat saying the same thing. I have tried to think of every possible scenario in which Wayne would have motive to murder TS without MS's knowledge/involvement/direction and not a single scenario works. (And let's just say he did. MS would have figured it out and turned him in. I don't care how loyal you are to your best friend--or possible brother/cousin. If that person kills your wife right under your nose, you turn that person in. And you say something to her family when the arrest is made. Unless you wanted your wife dead.)

Two thoughts on insurance:
1) It's true that an personal life insurance payout + practice life insurance policy might equal less than TS's lifetime income. (I dunno that for sure.) BUT, ins is basically like getting free money and he could continue to earn and get money from the practice with LS's energy healing.
2) I think I read here that over the past months MS's name was put on titles of multiple companies that MS and TS owned. Would he be collecting multiple insurance payouts on her death? Maybe in that case (and with the additional $1 mil he and LS were hoping to get from account--the arrogance!--it would be a giant payout that would far surpass TS's lifetime earnings.

(PS-I can't go there with the possible involvement of a family member. It crossed my mind at one point, but I just can't. I can absolutely go the direction of a staff member!)

This is where I'm stumped as well. It makes no sense that he would just kill TS, they're husband and wife , a partnership, if WW was worried about being turned in
from TS, shouldn't he be worried about MS too. I would think that MS and TS would
have same knowledge about anything nefarious.
Since the perps were caught and hubby still hasn't made a public thank you statement about the arrest is very telling.

Anyone would be happy that the killers were no longer on the loose. Especially for the sake of the kids.

So why isn't he showing his kids that he will openly cast hatred on those responsible. He just seems to be hiding and ducking and dodging while he should be front and center while leading the charge to justice for his murdered wife. Jmo
Someone in the office (probably a nurse) may have innocently gone to TS and said Hmm I notice an awful lot of bla bla drug missing. Have you been selling, giving it as samples?? This may have been going on awhile. BUT.. someone would have had to funnel that drug to CWW. How was he getting it? Even if there were phony prescriptions written on the computer.. they were written for Florida.. CWW would have had to appear for a few days every few weeks to run around like a nut filling prescriptions. That doesnt make sense to me. Something with drugs and money but that would involve someone ON THE SCENE who could fill these prescriptions or PROVIDE CWW with the material to sell or convert into some other illegal substance. People may have even been getting insurance statements ( medicare part D) for example.. saying the drugs they filled. Maybe one or more patients started saying.. hey i never had a script for that and brought it to MS's attention. All names were obtained from office records..let's say.. When the patient got no satisfaction from MS or after speaking with a nurse in the office.. they mentioned it to TS. Get a couple of people asking the same questions and TS got suspicious.. I also think there was a smart CPA who looked at their books( computer generated accts receivable and payable) at tax time and saw irregularities.. JMO Inside job all the way..MOO
It seems the investigation remains ongoing and more arrests are immenent. LE most likely advised everyone not to say a word, which to my amazement no one is talking.

I have to go back and read about 15 pages on here. I'm behind from the weekend. I did want to point out a couple things.

Someone has an account set up to raise money to move because of a "horrible situation". This is person is close to one of the alleged murderers.

Also, there was a Detective in the courtroom for hearing of JR. JR will have to serve his sentence in Missouri before being extradited. However, I do think (and it was stated very clearly from Sheriff Scott) they will use JR and CWW to try and get some leverage on the other(s) suspect. It is my opinion, they have all of it figured out but would like to have testimony from one on another, etc. With this in mind, it could be a day, a week or longer to make more arrests.

This is could be why nobody including LS is going to talk to the media.

IMO, I think that both JR and CWW carried out the murder. I also think they may have drove to Florida and had everything already set-up either for "this opportunity" or another. I think this has been planned for sometime meaning they had codes, keys and everything they needed to carry out the murder. This is only MOO. That is all.
It seems the investigation remains ongoing and more arrests are immenent. LE most likely advised everyone not to say a word, which to my amazement no one is talking.


You read my mind. I was just about to ask if anybody expects another arrest this week?

If this murder is one for the movies I expect lots more drama and reveals before this all ends.

Mark's friend has stated that another doctor which called by Mark and then went and found the body... I thought the police did.

Are locals familiar with more information and know about this?
Mark's friend has stated that another doctor which called by Mark and then went and found the body... I thought the police did.

Are locals familiar with more information and know about this?

I read that too.

So the "office" calls MS and MS sends a doctor friend to check on her.

I'm going to go out of the box here for a moment. What has bothered me a lot and made me look again at MS was his lack of contacting TS's family after the arrests and also his lack of a statement in general. After coming back from the "Skinner" board I'm again wondering if MS is innocent and his lack of contact after arrests is due to him having a severe mental breakdown after learning his best friend murdered his wife? Possible? Baker Acted? Curled up in a ball somewhere and too distraught to have contact with anyone?
I read that too.

So the "office" calls MS and MS sends a doctor friend to check on her.


And I assume that doctor has a way of entering the home? Perhaps it was a close friend who would have a spare key in case of an emergency or perhaps MS gave this doctor friend the garage door code (keypad we discussed last night) to enter??? So many new questions, but perhaps a few new answers coming from Mark's friend.
Someone in the office (probably a nurse) may have innocently gone to TS and said Hmm I notice an awful lot of bla bla drug missing. Have you been selling, giving it as samples?? This may have been going on awhile. BUT.. someone would have had to funnel that drug to CWW. How was he getting it? Even if there were phony prescriptions written on the computer.. they were written for Florida.. CWW would have had to appear for a few days every few weeks to run around like a nut filling prescriptions. That doesnt make sense to me. Something with drugs and money but that would involve someone ON THE SCENE who could fill these prescriptions or PROVIDE CWW with the material to sell or convert into some other illegal substance. People may have even been getting insurance statements ( medicare part D) for example.. saying the drugs they filled. Maybe one or more patients started saying.. hey i never had a script for that and brought it to MS's attention. All names were obtained from office records..let's say.. When the patient got no satisfaction from MS or after speaking with a nurse in the office.. they mentioned it to TS. Get a couple of people asking the same questions and TS got suspicious.. I also think there was a smart CPA who looked at their books( computer generated accts receivable and payable) at tax time and saw irregularities.. JMO Inside job all the way..MOO
As TS took a holistic approach to healing I doubt she had "drugs" in her office or it was Medi-Care fraud. But I do think CWW was afraid he was going to be caught doing some illegal activity related to her business. He could have very well known TS and MS schedule without anyone tipping him off since he most likely had access to the online office calender and was well acquainted with MS and the office staff.

Right now I want to take the position that MS was not involved in his wife's murder but he and TS had suspicions that some unknown person or persons was scamming money from their business. He may have casually mentioned it to CWW. Just a thought of course. The truth will unfold sooner or later.

It seems the investigation remains ongoing and more arrests are immenent. LE most likely advised everyone not to say a word, which to my amazement no one is talking.


Your first post???? Welcome to WS!!!! :balloons:
And I assume that doctor has a way of entering the home? Perhaps it was a close friend who would have a spare key in case of an emergency or perhaps MS gave this doctor friend the garage door code (keypad we discussed last night) to enter??? So many new questions, but perhaps a few new answers coming from Mark's friend.

New questions for sure.
I am one who has always believed MS was involved and "his friend" has not changed my mind.

I have no scenarios that do not include MS. Sorry.

Even with those plausible scenarios that does not include MS.....that GO effing FUND ME account overshadows those scenarios.

New questions for sure.
I am one who has always believed MS was involved and "his friend" has not changed my mind.

I have no scenarios that do not include MS. Sorry.

Even with those plausible scenarios that does not include MS.....that GO effing FUND ME account overshadows those scenarios.


I don't see any obvious plausible scenarios without the involvement of MS either, which is so sad. There are too many red flags and the 's initial request for $1M certainly didn't help. I still believe it was set up by LS initially, even if it listed MS as the recipient/owner (or whatever you call it) but quickly changed when they realized how obviously outrageous it was ... then the family jumped in and it was listed as going to charity, then to the daughters ... overall, it was a huge fiasco and did nothing to help the situation, other than add more suspicions. JMHO
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