I know we are in agreement that the evidence that is public is not enough and I respect that you are one of the few that is willing to acknowledge they need more evidence. I have always felt I was on an island expressing those thoughts and I had stepped away from the case because nothing was new and when I expressed my opinion on the case against Wendi being weak, it usually wasn’t received well and my motives were often questioned. I will add that my experience here in the forum has definitely been the most pleasant and my preferred place to post an observation or opinion because I wasn’t accused or having nefarious intentions like other places. I mentioned a couple days ago, it seems that more people are realizing the case against Wendi is not strong enough to realistically meet the burden of proof but still see many comments where misinformation and inaccurate details are mentioned. As a general statement, for as long as I followed the case, whenever I have seen comments that are either an exaggeration, misinformation or poor / misleading interpretation of an ‘event’, it generally goes unchecked ‘IF’ it is somehow is favorable towards the case against Wendi. In my opinion, that is a major contributing factor to the overwhelming belief by the average case follower that the case against Wendi is much stronger than it actually is.
With the above said, its been 10 ½ years since the murder, and its seems unlikely to me that at this stage that they are going to find a communication trail between Wendi and one of the coconspirators connected to the planning. Of course if they found something, anything that tied Wendi to the planning she is toast – a simple text like “Danny is in town that week, let’s move forward with the plan”. If that was the case, the attempted drive down Trescott wouldn’t even matter – the case would be ironclad. Other than someone flipping, thinking something else exists that the state isn't already aware of more than 10 years later is very wishful thinking. I thought there was a possibility that Donna and Harvey’s IOS devices might have some incriminating evidence and if Wendi was involved, that might have cracked the case. Since they have had those devices for a solid year, I no longer hold any hope there is anything incriminating towards Wendi on the IOS devices. In fact, it’s probably more likely they found something exculpatory than incriminating – perhaps a text between Donna and Charlie “Wendi can never know we did this”. Why do I say that? – Because the minute they found something like what you are suggesting or wishing for (proof Wendi communicated something connected to the planning) she would have been arrested within 48 hours. If they found nothing or something exculpatory, there would be no action by the prosecution.