this interview was over the top as it relates to JS and her ability to vacillate presenting emotions...then, quickly recovers most times during her 'sobbing' and resorts to her 'script' voice as I call it when asked certain questions.
her still wanting to believe he was a 'good guy' despite being shown a pic of SS engaged in SA against Madeline....and says she didnt want to believe he did something evil<----not referencing the SA, she equated evil with murder....she could have just said the word murder given the fact that is what the entire conversation is about. but, she says she can 'believe' the sex stuff, and punctuates it with 'thats fine', not because she approves of it, rather, because she saw evidence.
but despite SA evidence, she discussed with SS's father getting SS a lawyer. OMG, quite a defining moment as to being shown evidence of her daughter being abused, yet, she is more focused on the 'evil deed' a/k/a murder she simply cant believe he would do.
another great statement/question by the detective: SS didnt just wake up that day and decide to murder Madeline. something HAPPENED that led to her murder. (bear in mind, Madeline still is missing, at this point presumed deceased)
JS is able to give her opinion as to 'what could have' caused SS to murder Madeline. 'maybe she was going to tell me about the relationship and he couldnt let that happen'.....(paraphrasing)<-----pretty quick assessment by JS??
disturbing: referring to Madeline's body as "being dumped' and terminology also used: the words "stashed' and 'her body'. referencing Madeline, she keeps repeating the words, 'the body' over and over.
so much was revealed in this interview: .....first she says she hasnt been in 'the room' (#4) since Madeline went missing but then she says she doesnt understand how a murder could occur and there isnt a mess.... then quickly attempts to back pedal and then asked did you find evidence.
Im not finished listening to interview. however, so far IMO, JS has no comprehensive issues, meaning, she listens, she absorbs what is being told/asked of her, and she responds on track. its not dizzying, disjointed responses IMO. she was focused and attentive, able to absorb and respond coherently to what I call compound statements/questions by the detective. IOW, she did not require the questions to be broken down or repeated to her over and over again, she didnt get lost in the statements/questions being posed to her.