I wondered about the paint myself after seeing the items from her backpack. Also the squashed med containers. What in the world was that about? And paint is messy. There'd have to have been splatters from the looks of what I saw. I jsut can't imagine what that was about and why and when it was done. Also, why is the background of what those pics taken on smudged with the same color paint? Was the paint not dry on Maddie's things? Talk about things that make you go Hmmm...
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Pics start about 1min in:
thanks for capturing the stills. no water bottle.
from her subpoena interview:
WJ: Okay. Alright. Now, Madeline, does she lay out her clothes for school the next day, or is that something she gets in the morning, makes a game-time decision like my kid?
JS: (Quick Sigh) Typically It is a game-time decision, morning of.
WJ: Okay, what about this specific evening, do you remember anything about it?
JS: Yes. This evening we had, um,
I had already discussed prior to Stephan coming to visit that he was going to help me take Maddie to school that day. Um, so because I knew that that was what was going to happen that night, I had asked Maddie to pick out your clothes, have everything ready, have your backpack ready,
your water bottle, everything you need ready, so that way you could just grab your stuff and head out. It won’t be too much--too much of a hassle in the morning. Um, and so she did. She picked out her clothing. I asked her what she was wearing, and she told me what she had picked out. I said, “Okay, fine.”
WJ: Alright, so she picks it out, but does she physically take it out of somewhere, wherever she stores her clothes, and put it somewhere?
JS: I’m not sure.
WJ: Okay.
JS: I'm not sure if she took that clothes upstairs with her or anything like that.
WJ: Alright. So far you didn't see them in your room. And did you have the opportunity to kind of see her cubby part of the living room to see if she had put them on her bed or anything like that?
JS: I hadn't seen them.
WJ: Does Madeline have like a water bottle or a Hydro Flask or whatever the kids call it that she likes to sleep with and bring up or bring wherever she's sleeping?
JS: Mmmmm.... Typically not. That stays downstairs in her backpack, and then she'll clean it in the morning and then fill it back up and just leave it in her backpack. That typically stays in the backpack.
JS asks Madeline what she picked out to wear???? I call BS on JS asking Madeline what she picked out to wear to school...as if she cared. I base my opinion on her friends statement she usually wears the same kind of outfit, black shorts. of which JS THOUGHT that was what she was wearing when she was 'missing'. then she says Madeline 'told her' but she never saw the clothes.
JS claims she had a discussion with Madeline PRIOR TO SS coming there...I can bet that is why Madeline was crying to her gm and gpop about going home. maybe she didnt specify to them it was because of SS, but heck she WAS crying according to them. which again, I wonder why they never revealed why she was upset, didnt they ask her? or is that something that has been redacted. because if she did say it was because of SS, imagine THAT guilt.