FL - Tracey Nix, two of her grandchildren died in her care in separate incidents (7mo in hot car Nov '22 & 16mo drowned Dec '21)

Frankly I don't understand this whole case. Experts testifying after jury is sent out to deliberate? And about some facts that could account for her behavior??? Why could that not be part of her defense? If one doc is writing all these scripts what is going on there? She had to be getting them legally I assume. And as a patient maybe she did not realize what they were doing to her judgement etc? Can anyone explain what I am missing?
Just thinking out loud as someone who didn’t follow the trial and just getting the gist from comments here…..I don’t think you can use medication as a mitigation in the guilt phase maybe for sentencing, right? If they present evidence saying the medication made her do it, it’s quite prejudicial for the state I would think. If the medication was for mental health reasons especially I would imagine it’s prejudicial and not probative and that’s why it’s kept out. IANAL so take with a grain of salt. I think maybe also she would have to testify to bring that evidence in. She would have to say I was having this or that reaction to medication and that’s why this happened. But that just makes her more culpable not less. JMO
Just thinking out loud as someone who didn’t follow the trial and just getting the gist from comments here…..I don’t think you can use medication as a mitigation in the guilt phase maybe for sentencing, right? If they present evidence saying the medication made her do it, it’s quite prejudicial for the state I would think. If the medication was for mental health reasons especially I would imagine it’s prejudicial and not probative and that’s why it’s kept out. IANAL so take with a grain of salt. I think maybe also she would have to testify to bring that evidence in. She would have to say I was having this or that reaction to medication and that’s why this happened. But that just makes her more culpable not less. JMO
thanks..yes still culpable and probably same result. I don't think too many honestly think she is doing this on purpose. That woman wanted to kill herself when she saw what she had done.
The FL Attorney's Office declined to bring charges in the first grandchild's death... wow!

According to The Daily Mail, police attempted to pursue charges against Nix for Ezra’s death, but the State Attorney’s Office declined to bring charges.


According to DM article:

Police had attempted to file charges against Nix at the time, but the Florida Attorney's Office 'stated that a one-time lapse of judgment would not establish culpable negligence of the caretaker.'

There's also an older child, which I wasn't aware of and two dead (Ezra & Uriel) children.

From DM article:

The couple said they did not allow their first-born son, Asher, to be alone with Nix after Ezra's passing because they didn’t trust the grandmother 'at all.'

Months after losing Ezra, the grieving mother gave birth to her third child, Uriel.

'There wasn’t a moment to get a grip of the death of my son before there was the life of my daughter. And how beautiful is that,' she said.

'She came out so small, she was beautiful and just radiant.'

In November 2022, Kaila left Uriel in her mother's care while going to get her hair done.
All snippets from posts have been snipped to reply.
...Dr. Daniel Buffington, Pharmacist outside of Jury's presence gave a lot of info about the drugs Tracey was taking under prescription.
...Ryan Estevez, Geriatric Psychiatrist thinks it affected her alertness, etc., for a long period of time.
...I know they ruled out her medical history and medications she was on as being brought into evidence but can someone point me towards any articles where this was discussed?
I think you'd get a lot out of listening to both those experts give their views of Tracey's condition, and the drugs she was prescribed. I don't know if their testimonies can be found. (I believe both outside of Jury's presence and for the defense.) Caught it on Court TV, but I wasn't giving them my full attention and want to listen to them again too.
...And if she does have dementia or another condition why would they not say that? Is there a reason her medical conditions were not brought forth? Could someone else be charged then?
Not sure why. To be clear, I'm not sure if Tracey has a definite diagnosis of dementia. Some conditions have strict guidelines before a diagnosis can be declared.

I imagine people can come in and out of alertness and memory as early onset Alzheimer's or dementia progress. Others have mentioned HIPAA laws could be protecting the patient's privacy.
"HIPAA compliance is a set of standards that healthcare organizations must implement within their business to protect the privacy, security, and integrity of protected health information."
...Is she a malicious narcissist sociopath who doesn’t really care about her grandchildren and can’t be bothered if they’re too much of a bother, or is she experiencing early onset dementia and/or has a substance use disorder?

All your questions are important to ask. I definitely believe Tracey was experiencing a mental decline. Her reputation and history is of being very caring does not point to her being a malicious narcissist that didn't care about children. She had a history of caring as a teacher.

MOO here, but I just want to share some of my own thoughts. First, I don't know for sure what Tracey had been diagnosed with, or why she was on the medications. The Geriatric Psychiatrist had a lot to say about drugs and the aging patient and it seemed maybe Tracey was prescribed drugs that affected her too much.

MOO here is that even depression can change a person's personality. You probably know this, but others may have not had any personal experience dealing with a person going through progressive dementia.

People's personalities change greatly as those conditions progress. Even on a tv commercial, they point out someone's mother was becoming more uncommonly, stubbornly argumentative. They may struggle with memory. They might have a cold and unfeeling affect. The word progressive is important though because they may go in and out of symptoms. They might not notice it themselves or easily accept their condition. Those around her should maybe have noticed, and not relied on her to care for young children. All MOO

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thanks..yes still culpable and probably same result. I don't think too many honestly think she is doing this on purpose. That woman wanted to kill herself when she saw what she had done.
Exactly. Actually it’s not even prejudicial to the state it’s prejudicial to the defense now that I’m thinking it over again! Even if the defense tried to say the meds made her do it, they’d be shooting themselves in the foot. Think about how that evidence would come in. A doc would come in to testify the medication was prescribed. Then you’d have to show she actually TOOK it. I guess her husband could testify that he saw her take it every day. OK-now the question is why is that relevant? Her husband would say she becomes loopy etc when she takes this medication. OK - so why was she taking the responsibility for caretaking a child and driving, would be the next question. Presumably the symptoms were observable. You’ve got your negligence right there I think.


VERDICT: FL v Tracey NixNot guilty of aggravated manslaughter.Guilty of leaving child in car for over 15 min which is a 3rd degree felony (2nd degree misdemeanor if the child was not injured) punishable by a max of 5-8yrs in prison, according to Nix’s defense. Sentencing Apr. 3

It seemed conflicting, how initially it was stated that this was the first time grandma was watching Uriel/first time Mom had allowed it. Upon a quick review of some of the older articles, I’m wondering if what was meant was, this was the first time Mom handed the baby off to grandma, instead of grandpa? JMO, IMO
It seemed conflicting, how initially it was stated that this was the first time grandma was watching Uriel/first time Mom had allowed it. Upon a quick review of some of the older articles, I’m wondering if what was meant was, this was the first time Mom handed the baby off to grandma, instead of grandpa? JMO, IMO
I had not heard that. But I am 100% I heard the grandfather Ney say the Uriel was over at their house multiple times per week and I have to assume that was for babysitting. He was on the stand. And on that day not only was Uriel there but the other daughter was bringing over her child. Come on...what is going on here? Can you imagine after what had happened less than a year earlier.
Now, another expert, a doctor. He says Tracey lost awareness on the way home, the drugs she was prescribed could've contributed to it, but this dr. knows of hundreds of children dying in hot cars not due to drug usage, but the driver's forgetfulness and becoming unaware during the drive. I'm confused then by what he's sharing.

According to this doctor she didn't seem to be in mental decline due to dementia. He has such a high opinion of Tracey as a caring person. He doesn't understand why no medical, psychiatric, or pharmaceutical experts were allowed to testify in the trial.

I like his suggestion to prevent people from forgetting their precious child in the back seat. Suggestion is to always take a child's stuffed animal putting it in the front seat to remind the driver there's a child in the back seat. Make it a habit to move that stuffed animal. I do something like that with my car pop out radio case.

Dr. David Diamond, who evaluated Tracey Nix, was not permitted to testify in front of the jury during her manslaughter trial. (1/16/25)

Doctor: Tracey Nix Was On Medications That Impair Memory
Where is there evidence of this? I hadn't seen anyone describing her reaction other than withdrawn and not speaking.
sorry I should have said "in my opinion" all she wanted to do was get in the car and drive and kill herself. I can't prove that was her goal but I have some r ecollection in that long hard to hear interview with LE that she mentioned it. But to your question I have no evidence short of listening to that interview again and can't do that.
Tracey Nix’s Husband Details Caring for Baby Uriel
Nud Nix, the husband of Tracey Nix, testifies for the defense, stating how he helped care for his late grandchild, Baby Uriel.

Defense Closing Arguments

Prosecution Closing Argument
It seemed conflicting, how initially it was stated that this was the first time grandma was watching Uriel/first time Mom had allowed it. Upon a quick review of some of the older articles, I’m wondering if what was meant was, this was the first time Mom handed the baby off to grandma, instead of grandpa? JMO, IMO
I watched Ney Nix again he was clear he would pick the "child" up from parents office and bring her home and then "tracey took over". No question the mother entrusted her child to Tracey with no problem.
I watched Ney Nix again he was clear he would pick the "child" up from parents office and bring her home and then "tracey took over". No question the mother entrusted her child to Tracey with no problem.

This is heart wrenching all the way around for everyone. It appears that both daughters seemed to leave their children with Mom and Dad with no concerns, even after the first boy had died there. I just watched the other daughter's testimony of that day, and she said after work she picked up her son, and was taking her son to her Mom.

At the 1:09:00 minute mark-- Correct me if I'm hearing wrong, but is she saying her son was suppose to go out of town with Tracey? What do you know about that?

Video - Aunt Testifies She Called 911 As Dad Performed CPR on Uriel Schock

This is heart wrenching all the way around for everyone. It appears that both daughters seemed to leave their children with Mom and Dad with no concerns, even after the first boy had died there. I just watched the other daughter's testimony of that day, and she said she was taking her son to Mom.

At the 1:09:00 minute mark-- Correct me if I'm hearing wrong, but is she saying her son was suppose to go out of town with Tracey? What do you know about that?

Aunt Testifies She Called 911 As Dad Performed CPR on Uriel Schock
I heard her say that, and it sounded like "out of town" to me also, but earlier I know they said he was supposed to go into town with her to do some Christmas shopping.

Also remember, the other daughter's child is much older than the baby, so maybe more understandable why she was ok leaving him there. I think he is a teenager.
Florida is just so weird with its verdicts. Think of what you believe should be the outcome -- then do a 180. That's what the jury will rule.
I am not sure I disagree with the verdict in this one but the lack of any real case seemed strange. It really should never have gone to the courtroom. She was guilty but seems so out of touch she can't accept that she can't just allow children to die and not account for it.l


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