George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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IMO, lots of time devoted to the entering of the re-enactment video, knowing full well
that this judge is not going to let it in. The judge indeed keeps this trial moving and on time, but her obvious disdain for the defense attorneys really bothers me. IMO.

Yes maybe we should start referring to her as the "Mad Bull" ( a Rumpole reference so Tricia doesn't freak).
Has it ever been said who's picture was on the button? I've often wondered but can't find any info on it.

Someone that Trayvon was close to and looked up to that had passed away, if I remember correctly.
this opinion that pot "mellows you out" is simply incorrect and misleading.

google possible effects of pot. maybe it mellows some people out, but that doesn't mean it mellows everyone out.

ANXIETY IS one of the most common results of pot smoking and i'm betting anyone that has smoked smoke pot knows a little about that.

From my experiences when much younger, there was no anxiety. :facepalm:
I would have liked this judge to be the Arias judge... I think she would have said to suck it up to her migraines. haha
I live in the pot capital of North no - meth is a hugely different hard drug.

Meth, coke, adderral are all favored by people who like to be speedy and aggressive. Potsmokers are pretty much the opposite, IMHO. They prefer to stay mellow.
Thread will be closed in ten minutes. I know the hearing is still going on but too many alerts and snarks. Done for the day in 10 minutes

IMO, I agree and I'm sorry for that. Thanks for all the work and time that you devote to this board.
I now believe that Good was lying and made his story to fit GZ's! Why he did it, time will tell. If a State witness did this, and the State was being it, people would be outraged. I am outraged that the defense directly went against the courts admonishments. We expect the jury to do it, but not the defense and their witnesses. :furious: JMO
I now believe that Good was lying and made his story to fit GZ's! Why he did it, time will tell. If a State witness did this, and the State was being it, people would be outraged. I am outraged that the defense directly went against the courts admonishments. We expect the jury to do it, but not the defense and their witnesses. :furious: JMO

JG's story has been consistant from day one. I'd love to hear why he would be lying for someone he doesn't know.
This is a thin line you have backed on to. It sounds like you will fit the evidence to your best advantage to me but that is your choice, not mine. IMO

:seeya: Per witness testimony isn't something made to it? :blushing:
Im trying to keep up with each sides witnessed and confirmed points.
It is a bit difficult. lol
I now believe that Good was lying and made his story to fit GZ's! Why he did it, time will tell. If a State witness did this, and the State was being it, people would be outraged. I am outraged that the defense directly went against the courts admonishments. We expect the jury to do it, but not the defense and their witnesses. :furious: JMO

Good's statement hasn't changed since he was first interviewed by the police... can you please explain the molding to GZ story?
The defense is opening a door that will bury them.

One of the comments that did not make sense before but is making sense now.

GZ said that TM said "you got me".

It could be that GZ said "you got me" which made TM get up and then GZ shot him. That is why TM was over him and the shot was at an angle parallel to the ground.

GZ statements are from the event but altered. He is taking segments of the event and switching position.

My comment is based on the animation that depicts the scuffle the defense is submitting.
I now believe that Good was lying and made his story to fit GZ's! Why he did it, time will tell. If a State witness did this, and the State was being it, people would be outraged. I am outraged that the defense directly went against the courts admonishments. We expect the jury to do it, but not the defense and their witnesses. :furious: JMO

I wonder if they paid him to consult on the video..... lots of NRA $$ backing this, in MHO.
I believe if you continue reading you will find that "chronic" users may experience "anxiety" and TM wasn't old enough to be considered "chronic"
Particularly when watching trials, it's been my experience that relying on wiki as factual can be dangerous, especially considering how they gather their information. Having said that, how old someone is may not be as important as how often and long they've been a user. One might even consider that the purity of a substance is a variable as well as what it might have been cut with. Just a few thoughts that come to mind.
"mild" paranoia? that's a good one.

I submit that the most paranoid people I have ever seen were smoking pot at the time their paranoia struck.

and , true, many times they circled the psychological wagons so to speak, but throw paranoia and anxiety into a dynamic situation fraught with danger and the repercussions might just surprise the "pot only mellos you" crowd.


Just FYI - Pot is sold in "medical" outlets and there are dozens in the city - dozens may even be a low number can get a script from your doctor for chronic pain ....and it is available everywhere for the everyday user.

I'd guess in the younger generation there is more pot rec use than there is alcohol use. So IMO - comparing GZ prescriptions and GZ very low residue in his blood - I think the defense was very wise to exclude any pot evidence. IMO
Meth, coke, adderral are all favored by people who like to be speedy and aggressive. Potsmokers are pretty much the opposite, IMHO. They prefer to stay mellow.

Pot is very very popular in many of the most high crime violent cities in the US. It ain't only used by folks that are "mellow". It is a common drug and is often used by people that are NOT MELLOW to mellow out to some degree.

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