George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #13 Thursday July 11

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Sep 13, 2003
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Dear Websleuths Members,

This thread will open the start of court each day.

We are going to try opening one thread for the trial of George Zimmerman.

Discussions became so heated and hateful that we closed the whole Martin/Zimmerman discussion until the trial started.

If things get out of hand again we will close this thread.

Just because someone might think George Zimmerman is innocent does not make them a racist.

Just because someone thinks Trayvon Martin was killed in cold blood does not make them a racist.

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Tricia Griffith
Live audio WDBO Orlando
good morning everyone! i guess the first thing today is the charging conference. imo manslaughter will obviously be a lesser included but i wonder if any of the other charges the prosecution is requesting will be brought in.
I hear there is big news!!!

The Judge looks tired.
ooo angela corey is sitting with the attorneys today, wonder if that means anything
Morning all! I wish the judge would do all or nothing, but I doubt it (especially with DW arguing). IMO
IMO I expect MoM to put to final nail in the states case in closing. He has out-lawyered the state in this entire trial, I don't expect closing to be different.
Dummy fail!

Dummy demo was a total bust....unless...
If in fact, TM was bangin' GZ head on the sidewalk, we know GZ had no hair to hang on to, if TM grabbed him by the shoulders or neck, where is the damage to GZ's upper body? thumbprints on collar bone? fingers buried into shoulder marks?

GZ's hair is grown out now, IMO, to hide the lumpy scalp that all of us have it is just covered by hair, go ahead rub your scalp....betcha find several lumps there
IMO I expect MoM to put to final nail in the states case in closing. He has out-lawyered the state in this entire trial, I don't expect closing to be different.

i agree. the defense also has the law on their side. imo, the prosecution is grasping at straws and hoping to appeal to the emotion of the jurors. I can understand this and it must be a hard position to be in as a juror. I know i would have a hard time with the emotional aspect of it, but IMO, the evidence is not there to convict. i predict a quick verdict. i think they will request to work late into the night friday and i believe the judge will allow it as they are sequestered. I think we might have a verdict of Not Guilty on all charges by friday around 6 or 7 pm. I believe i also read somewhere that a lawyer said he tried a case in front of Judge nelson once where the jury deliberated until 4 am..I will try to find link. again all this is JMO
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