Halyna Hutchins Shot With Prop Gun - Alec Baldwin indicted & Hannah Gutierrez-Reed charged, 2021 #7

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"It was kind of peculiar, actually, now that I think of it," Gutierrez-Reed told Cpl. Alexandra Hancock on Nov. 9, 2021. Prosecutors played a recording of the interview for jurors Wednesday, the sixth day of Gutierrez-Reed's trial on charges of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence.

"This box was kind of just sitting right next to my space on this extra bag I bring to carry guns in," Gutierrez-Reed, then 24, said in the interview. "I thought it was kind of weird ... considering it was just sitting on top of my stuff.

"It was weird, and I think it just said 'dummies' on it," she added. "And it was not the usual font I'm used to, either."

Morning comrades, I don’t have much time for updates today but I can report that #Rust asst. director David Halls was in the hallway with his attorney earlier and when armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed came out they shared what seemed to be a heartfelt embrace. #nmcourts

1:35 PM · Feb 28, 2024

JMO, it sounds like two people who did a poor job and cost someone their life. Instead of feeling sorry for what they'd done, they decided to blame it on the actor, whom they assured the gun was "cold". Two really awful people from my opinion so far.
For the Brooklyn 99 fans, I had 3 'Oh Damns" on the last question state asked the line producer. A hammer extractor is used to remove a bullet from a casing. You only do that when taking rounds apart. And the only time I've done that is to make dummy rounds. I can't think of any reason why someone would need one on a movie set.
I’m having a hard time following this trial - probably just all the distractions in my life right now as opposed to the trial itself :) but I’m trying to get a few things straight in my head and hoping you all can help…
1) Did HGR check the ammo after the lunch break when she gave it to DH and said it was loaded with dummy rounds?
2) Did HGR say she loaded the gun that morning with dummy rounds from a box of ammo that wasn’t kept with the other ammo and she had no idea where it came from and that she didn’t check every round in the box?
3) Is that the box that HGR says she told someone to check after the shooting and that person said over 1/2 of it was bad?
4) And did “bad” mean live ammo?
5) And are they saying that reloaded what are typically dummy rounds and made live ammo out of it? And then that those reloaded live rounds were boxed together with dummy rounds and that box just magically appeared on set and HGR (nor anyone else) checked each round individually but rather assumed that because of the brand they were all dummy rounds?
6) In the HGR interview with the corporal who testified today, the corporal said that there was other live ammo found on set that wasn’t in the box and wasn’t from AB’s gun. I’d heard this before but never heard whether it was all 45 ammo or where it was found - can anyone clarify any of that for me?

TIA - am having a hectic week and only able to listen in from time to time and am missing so much - but so far I think my conclusion is that several people on the crew were incompetent and/or didn’t bother doing their jobs and that while I think the majority of the responsibility lies with the armorer, if any one of several others on that set did their jobs or even knew what their jobs were, this tragedy could have been avoided at several turns.
Unpopular opinion (so far)…

I think her bigwig step-dad armorer vouched for her when he had no business to. Having been in and around his sets while he was on the job her ‘whole life’ or whatever is hardly experience yet she keeps reiterating this tidbit as if it counts for all that and then some. For all we know she was barely sober, half asleep, on her phone, too young to comprehend, etc. for the majority of that time. Not trying to be accusatory, just saying we really don’t know how much - if any - experience she truly took away from any time spent on his set.

Being an indie film where budget is understandably limited she likely came cheaper than cheap (so much for that…). Not that this is an area to skimp out on (it’s not) but coupled with the fact that she came with a personal recommendation from a highly respected heavyweight in the industry I can’t really fault whoever hired her for being had.

And speaking of, rather than shoulder some of the blame for his part her step-dad seems far more concerned with protecting her (or perhaps more so his reputation) so it’s no wonder she comes across the way she does. If he doesn’t find fault in anything she did why would she?

Back to HGR - I get no sense of professionalism from her in any of the playback footage shown so far. She’s there yet comes across as though she’s completely checked out. And I can’t even write it off as ‘day of’ shock because it goes beyond the first interview.

I understand this is Hollywood where image is everything and optics take precedence. But somebody died as a direct result of something going wrong within her job duties and instead of taking even an ounce of responsibility or showing remorse her overall demeanor keeps giving “that sucks”.

Also, I could’ve sworn reading around the time this happened that she went from working a retail gig to this job? Does anyone else recall this?

End rant.


This article gives alot of detail on her but no retail mentioned.

Unpopular opinion (so far)…

I think her bigwig step-dad armorer vouched for her when he had no business to. Having been in and around his sets while he was on the job her ‘whole life’ or whatever is hardly experience yet she keeps reiterating this tidbit as if it counts for all that and then some. For all we know she was barely sober, half asleep, on her phone, too young to comprehend, etc. for the majority of that time. Not trying to be accusatory, just saying we really don’t know how much - if any - experience she truly took away from any time spent on his set.

Being an indie film where budget is understandably limited she likely came cheaper than cheap (so much for that…). Not that this is an area to skimp out on (it’s not) but coupled with the fact that she came with a personal recommendation from a highly respected heavyweight in the industry I can’t really fault whoever hired her for being had.

And speaking of, rather than shoulder some of the blame for his part her step-dad seems far more concerned with protecting her (or perhaps more so his reputation) so it’s no wonder she comes across the way she does. If he doesn’t find fault in anything she did why would she?

Back to HGR - I get no sense of professionalism from her in any of the playback footage shown so far. She’s there yet comes across as though she’s completely checked out. And I can’t even write it off as ‘day of’ shock because it goes beyond the first interview.

I understand this is Hollywood where image is everything and optics take precedence. But somebody died as a direct result of something going wrong within her job duties and instead of taking even an ounce of responsibility or showing remorse her overall demeanor keeps giving “that sucks”.

Also, I could’ve sworn reading around the time this happened that she went from working a retail gig to this job? Does anyone else recall this?

End rant.


Agree. Her demeanor is everything it shouldn’t be. She looks so annoyed at the process. ‘If’ she has any remorse her attitude is cloaking it.

Whoever is styling her for court has lost the plot. A big miss.

"It was kind of peculiar, actually, now that I think of it," Gutierrez-Reed told Cpl. Alexandra Hancock on Nov. 9, 2021. Prosecutors played a recording of the interview for jurors Wednesday, the sixth day of Gutierrez-Reed's trial on charges of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence.

"This box was kind of just sitting right next to my space on this extra bag I bring to carry guns in," Gutierrez-Reed, then 24, said in the interview. "I thought it was kind of weird ... considering it was just sitting on top of my stuff.

"It was weird, and I think it just said 'dummies' on it," she added. "And it was not the usual font I'm used to, either."

Did she say what she did after she noticed it on top of her stuff? That should have been addressed immediately.

I get the impression that she was hungover or recuperating from partying the night before.
I agree with this take. I think I have an icky feeling about her being prosecuted, as she's at the bottom of the totem pole, after hearing all the complaints and issues with production on this set. It seems safe to assume that this set was dysfunctional and poorly managed. We've all experienced this in various jobs so it was hard for me to blame her completely. But once I saw her demeanor, any sympathy/benefit of the doubt I had has pretty much evaporated. She comes across like 'oh well" and it's hard to stomach given what happened. It seems like that was the prevailing attitude by the top producers on this set and she fit right in. She's trying to evade responsibility just like Baldwin who claims he never pulled the trigger. And then, incredibly, the victim's husband settled with Baldwin and agreed to be a producer on the movie and they still continued producion of the movie. It's unbelievable all the way around. JMO
Watching her demeanor in these videos tells us something about her. I don’t think we can generalize that same behavior or attitude to producers or anyone else on the set without evidence and the ability to observe their behavior.

Appears to be no love loss between witness and #HannahGutierrez as the line producer left the stand she smiled/smirked at Gutierrez. Gutierrez then says something with an F bomb.

HRG should be nicer. That line producer made her look like a genius in comparison. State screwed up big calling her as a witness, IMO. She was dumb as a box of rocks and it was obvious she was trying to cover her own *advertiser censored*. If I'm on the jury, I'm thinking mitigating circumstances for someone working for her screwing up.
Wow. Today’s testimony of the professional armorer is compelling and damning. HGR’s actions on set are so completely substandard. I have been watching the trial so far but not much of the pretrial publicity and I don’t know NM law, so please forgive my ignorance. My question is honest: is HGR lucky to have *only* been charged with involuntary manslaughter?
Wow. Today’s testimony of the professional armorer is compelling and damning. HGR’s actions on set are so completely substandard. I have been watching the trial so far but not much of the pretrial publicity and I don’t know NM law, so please forgive my ignorance. My question is honest: is HGR lucky to have *only* been charged with involuntary manslaughter?
I haven't really been able to watch any of the trial, but in regards to your question about her charges, i don't really see what else she would be charged with that could be reasonably sustainable. Next step up would be some sort of 2nd degree murder, and I don't think that is all appropriate. What we have here is an accident. A terrible terrible accident that was avoidable for sure. But there is no intent to hurt anyone, so that limits what can be charged. I'm a bit surprised that the prosecution hasn't just plead out the charges and gotten it wrapped up. But maybe the prosecution has offered that and the defendants aren't taking it. As a defense attorney, I would have probably advised HGR to take a decent plea offer. This trial is making her look awful in my opinion. And it is costing her, or someone, a fortune.
Some late X posts from @DanaGriffinNBC, Feb. 28, 2024, Day 6 trial:

After much contention between prosecution/defense over video exhibit, judge tells jurors Ex. 67 (interview with HGR on Oct. 21) is relevant to both parties. Tells jurors they can view it later and come to their own conclusion.

WITNESS 18: Gabrielle Pickle, Rust Line Producer. GP expressed concerns to HGR in email (Oct. 14) and in person because she left firearms unattended. GP suggested a logging system. GP says HGR responded and did not agree with check in/check out system.

GP can’t recall if HGR expressed concerts about Baldwin not paying attention during training.

Judge: next witness will take longer than 45 mins. Will approach this fresh in the morning.

We assume next witness is Dave Halls. We didn’t get to him today because of all the delays.

Just confirmed with prosecution team: These are the next three witnesses they plan to call next:
Bryan Carpenter
Dave Halls
Ryan Winterstern
I haven't really been able to watch any of the trial, but in regards to your question about her charges, i don't really see what else she would be charged with that could be reasonably sustainable. Next step up would be some sort of 2nd degree murder, and I don't think that is all appropriate. What we have here is an accident. A terrible terrible accident that was avoidable for sure. But there is no intent to hurt anyone, so that limits what can be charged. I'm a bit surprised that the prosecution hasn't just plead out the charges and gotten it wrapped up. But maybe the prosecution has offered that and the defendants aren't taking it. As a defense attorney, I would have probably advised HGR to take a decent plea offer. This trial is making her look awful in my opinion. And it is costing her, or someone, a fortune.
I hate doing this, but I don’t have a quotable article. I will look! Apparently she was offered ‘leniency’ for her testimony about where the live rounds came from and rejected that offer.
I hate doing this, but I don’t have a quotable article. I will look! Apparently she was offered ‘leniency’ for her testimony about where the live rounds came from and rejected that offer.
That certainly could be true. They were asking for her cooperation in regards to how the rounds got on set in return for a soft sentencing recommendation. She either doesn't know where the live rounds came from (odd) or she does but doesn't want to talk about it.
DAY 7 of the "Rust" manslaughter trial of armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed is underway.
WITNESS 19: Bryan W. Carpenter, Armorer (13 South Productions owner).

Carpenter is the prosecution's expert witness on firearm safety on movie sets.

Carpenter lists armorer responsibilities: Safety of the cast and crewGive the director the look and feel they’re looking forSource and handle the weapons

Carpenter adds that the armorer is responsible of safety checks and auditing all rounds on set.

BC describing process for checking weapons and showing off dummy rounds to first assistant director and whoever wants to see.This is done again with actor if they want to see as well.Armorer should hand off weapon to actor and stay on set to collect weapon from actor.

BC: If actor walks off set, this process is repeated.

BC agrees a rushed atmosphere can have an effect on armorers. If you’re being rushed, "that’s the time you’re supposed to slow down twice as much as you were before," to avoid making mistakes.

Prosecutor playing videos. First shows behind the scenes on film set. Can see a child and other adults walking around on set.BC says actor is handling weapon incorrectly. Muzzle should be pointing down. Appears muzzle is pointed toward that child as he walks.

BC: if HGR was present, she should tell actor to correct his handling of weapon.As video continues, actor then points weapon at chest of another actor.

BC says first safety rule: treat all weapons as if they are loaded. You have to assume that there may have been live rounds in any of the weapons to mitigate any potential issues.

HGR seen on camera holding shotgun muzzle, pointed upward toward her “neck and face.” BC: Never let the muzzle point at anything you don’t want to harm - fundamental safety rule.

Video shows adult actor hand weapon to child actor. BC: Armorer should intercede.

VIDEO: Alec Baldwin appears through door, firing blanks toward camera operatorBC: It appears to be a “full flash blank”BC: “He was entirely too close to that camera.”BC: Full flash blacks from 6-8 feet can peel skin and do damage.

Baldwin: “Here we go, come on!”BC: on Baldwin rushing crew to reset scene - this is creating an unsafe and nerve-wracking position.Baldwin's attorney is in court taking notes.

Ex. 161 - watching Baldwin interacting with crews while on the ground with revolver (this is the NBC News Exclusive video we obtained - videos were edited). BC pointing out “muzzle discipline”HGR attempts to move the crew knowing that Baldwin is using blanks.

HGR attempts to move the crew knowing that Baldwin is using blanks.
Baldwin: “I don’t want to shoot toward you.”Baldwin and child move backward in scene while firingHeard someone yell cut but KM says Baldwin continues firing.unknown audio: “Motherf***er.”

Case agent on #Rust case says evidence tying armorer Hannah Gutierrez Reed to live rounds found on set is “circumstantial”.

Case agent on #Rust case says she: never found any evidence connecting prop master Sarah Zachary or PDQ Arm & Prop owner Seth Kenney to live rounds found on set.

Jury hears recording of Gutierrez-Reed speak about mystery box with live ammo https://santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/jury-hears-recording-of-gutierrez-reed-speak-about-mystery-box-with-live-ammo/article_86f84728-d64f-11ee-9b74-83645ef3b6f0.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share via
In video, 'Rust' armorer says she loaded gun from unfamiliar ammunition box

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