Justice for Liz Barraza
Bowles on CROSS: CB agrees they should have had two armorers for this movies because it was gun heavy.
CB agrees he doesn’t know from clips, if HGR went up to talk to those actors afterward.
CB says armorers should know Cooper’s Four Rules":
1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded
2. Never point gun at anything you aren't willing to kill
3. Keep finger off trigger until sights are on target
4. Be certain of target and what's around
CB agrees Baldwin violated rules
Morrissey on REDIRECT: KM: When you started as an armorer, would you have held a shotgun by the barrel, pointed your own head? BC: I would not.
CB says he has worked on a set and discovered a live rounds just by doing inventory. CB immediately called prop master, shut everything down (stopped production), got rid of everything on set.
CB agrees HGR should not have given gun to Dave Halls and left room.
CB agrees he doesn’t know from clips, if HGR went up to talk to those actors afterward.
CB says armorers should know Cooper’s Four Rules":
1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded
2. Never point gun at anything you aren't willing to kill
3. Keep finger off trigger until sights are on target
4. Be certain of target and what's around
CB agrees Baldwin violated rules
Morrissey on REDIRECT: KM: When you started as an armorer, would you have held a shotgun by the barrel, pointed your own head? BC: I would not.
CB says he has worked on a set and discovered a live rounds just by doing inventory. CB immediately called prop master, shut everything down (stopped production), got rid of everything on set.
CB agrees HGR should not have given gun to Dave Halls and left room.