Halyna Hutchins Shot With Prop Gun - Alec Baldwin indicted & Hannah Gutierrez-Reed charged, 2021 #7

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Bowles on CROSS: CB agrees they should have had two armorers for this movies because it was gun heavy.

CB agrees he doesn’t know from clips, if HGR went up to talk to those actors afterward.

CB says armorers should know Cooper’s Four Rules":
1. Treat all guns as if they are loaded
2. Never point gun at anything you aren't willing to kill
3. Keep finger off trigger until sights are on target
4. Be certain of target and what's around

CB agrees Baldwin violated rules

Morrissey on REDIRECT: KM: When you started as an armorer, would you have held a shotgun by the barrel, pointed your own head? BC: I would not.

CB says he has worked on a set and discovered a live rounds just by doing inventory. CB immediately called prop master, shut everything down (stopped production), got rid of everything on set.

CB agrees HGR should not have given gun to Dave Halls and left room.

What do you all think about the prosecutor’s behavior so far? I’m starting to feel sorry for Mr. Bowels. I feel like she’s being unprofessional and bullying him. I wouldn’t have been capable of being so even-keeled with that prosecutor shrieking at me like that periodically. I think he needs to be better prepared for his cross cause she’s throwing off his confidence. JMO
What do you all think about the prosecutor’s behavior so far? I’m starting to feel sorry for Mr. Bowels. I feel like she’s being unprofessional and bullying him. I wouldn’t have been capable of being so even-keeled with that prosecutor shrieking at me like that periodically. I think he needs to be better prepared for his cross cause she’s throwing off his confidence. JMO
She is acting scummy with things like reading aloud the phone numbers, when he screwed up and didn't file to redact them, but it's not her job to do his job.
Scene from Rust with #AlecBaldwin played for jury. Expert on the stand says Baldwin was "entirely too close to the camera...." for safety purposes using blanks.

Another scene with #AlecBaldwin. Armorer/firearms expert on the stand testifies Baldwin is using the weapon as a "pointing stick" which is unsafe. Carpenter says it's the defendant's responsibility to stop the unsafe gun behavior on set.

“Rust” director, Joel Souza near the courthouse this morning. He was injured in the shooting that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Souza is expected to testify sometime this week.

First assistant director, Dave Halls is also here and expected to testify soon. He was the first person held responsible in the deadly shooting.He pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge and received 6 months probation.


WITNESS 22: John Ziello, Rust Grip
JZ: Came across prop cart, unmanned with no one around. Firearms and ammo lying around. JZ: “Not something you see normally on a set. It seemed wrong. Anyone could have done anything to those weapons.”

3:26 PM · Feb 29, 2024 from
Santa Fe, NM

Yesterday, the special prosecutor in the #RustMovieTrial made "speaking" objections almost every time she objected. Some of those times she took digs at the defense attorney. The defense quipped back a few times. It was craziness. I tweeted out a few clips and our chatroom was talking about it. I can't remember a judge that would allow that. BUT, the judge has changed today and now they have to come to the bench for EVERY objection.



3:07 PM · Feb 29, 2024

Background on the prosecution team: They are not prosecutors. They were appointed as Special Prosecutors. Kari Morrissey and Jason Lewis are private attorneys. Morissey's background is criminal defense and civil rights-related cases. Lewis' background has focused on labor and employment cases but also has experience with homicide, drug and DWI cases.

3:24 PM · Feb 29, 2024
Wow. Today’s testimony of the professional armorer is compelling and damning. HGR’s actions on set are so completely substandard. I have been watching the trial so far but not much of the pretrial publicity and I don’t know NM law, so please forgive my ignorance. My question is honest: is HGR lucky to have *only* been charged with involuntary manslaughter?

No. Nothing lucky about being charged with any felony.

Gabrielle Pickle said she confronted Hannah Gutierrez about complaints that guns were left unattended and negotiated for improved monitoring.

Just wanted to mention in Ms. Pickle’s testimony, she stated in 12 days of shooting the movie, she gave HGR 10 days to work as armorer. So it doesn’t sound as if she was having to spend much time performing other duties on set.
Just wanted to mention in Ms. Pickle’s testimony, she stated in 12 days of shooting the movie, she gave HGR 10 days to work as armorer. So it doesn’t sound as if she was having to spend much time performing other duties on set.
You know I watched a bit of Gabrielle Pickle's testimony, and I wonder if she wasn't being completely truthful.

This is from the report of the NM Occupational Health and Safety Bureau:

In an email conversation that occurred on October 10, 2021, Gabrielle Pickle informed Hannah Gutierrez-Reed that she was allowed 8 paid days at the Armorer’s rate in her contract to perform Armorer tasks, and the rest of her time was to be spent as a Props Assistant.
Note: 8 days not 10.

On October 14, 2021, Gabriel Pickle emailed Hannah Gutierrez-Reed addressing Armorer and Key Assistant Props duties and stating, “…it has been brought to my attention that you are focusing far more on Armor and not supporting props as needed.”
So, GP did take issue with how much time HGR was spending as the armorer.

On October 17, 2021, Hanna Gutierrez-Reed sent a text message to Gabrielle Pickle stating, “Hey, we’re on day 8 of Armor days. So if there’s gunfire after this you may want to talk to the producers.” Ms. Pickle replied the same day that there would be “No more trading (sic) days.” Ms. Gutierrez-Reed then asked to clarify, “Training days?” Ms. Pickle responded, “Like training Alec and such.”
In her testimony GP claimed that she denied additional training because HGR wanted to provide training to the child actor who wouldn't be wielding a gun. But, in this text exchange, GP doesn't say anything about a minor and instead say that there would be no more training for AB.

WITNESS 22: John Ziello, Rust Grip JZ: Came across prop cart, unmanned with no one around. Firearms and ammo lying around. JZ: “Not something you see normally on a set. It seemed wrong. Anyone could have done anything to those weapons.”

(Note: Reporter provided no further X posts concerning JZ's testimony)

WITNESS 23: David John Halls, Rust First Assistant DirectorResponsible for creating schedule in collaboration with director and producersOversees and makes sure production is following schedule and cast/crew given info they need to knowSafety coordinator

DH had no concerns about HGR as armorer. KM: Did HGR load the gun in front of you on any occasion (assume there’s blank firing - prior to handing gun to actor)?DH: yes, she’d show empty gun before loading round, show barrel to show it was empty.

KM: Was it permissible for her to walk away?DH: No, not acceptable

DH: When Baldwin was called to set (DH called him) DH did not request gun, “I did not ask for the gun.”

DH agrees HGR may have understood it would have been time for her to come into churchDefense objects- sidebarMorrissey to restate question

DH: Baldwin entered church, took position on pewHGR appeared on left hand side and said lets’ do gun checkShe showed drum, rotated cylinder, “it was empty.”Checked barrelReferred to it as cold gunHGR handed gun to Baldwin - (contradiction to past witness testimony)

DH: “I was negligent in checking the gun properly.”

DH: “The gun went off.”“It wasn’t computing.” Thought a blank round had been loaded. “Something I couldn’t compute in my mind.”(DH emotional) HH was on the groundDH to HH: “Are you alright.”KM: Did she respond?DH to HH said: “I can’t feel my legs.” (wipes eyes)

DH: I recall seeing 5 dummy rounds with distinctive brass rounds and one casing that had no projectile.“It was completely different looking."

KM: Did you direct or ask anyone to put dummies in the gun?DH: I did notDH confirms his probation ended in October and he's not under subpoena.

DH says he agreed to testify because “It’s important to me that the truth be known, that Halyna’s husband, son, family know the truth of what happened.”Also wants cast, crew and the industry to know what happened so it doesn’t happen again.

CROSS: DH agrees that HGR was diligent in checking firearms on set

DH was impressed with how HGR took control during safety briefing; how she communicated everything very clear and confidently.

Bowles describing Baldwin firing after “cut” was yelled.DH didn’t render that a safety concernDH: “I don’t characterize that as Mr. Baldwin rushing people.”DH: There was never Mr. Baldwin rushing anybody.

My sense so far is that HGR was assertive and confident on that set. I remember being 24 and insecure at my first job after college. She seems to have a high level of confidence (possibly arrogance) for someone so young and new to the field. The AD, Halls, seems far more deferential than she does. Just looking at their respective demeanors. Same for Sarah Zachary, her demeanor is far from arrogant. JMO
Interesting that he said he hadn’t requested HGR put dummy bullets in the gun. He wasn’t aware of anyone asking her to do that. Doesn’t know why she put dummies in the gun. This is something I’ve been wondering about. AB had been practicing before that with an empty gun. Why were dummies put in the gun at that time?
WITNESS 24: Sarah Zachry, Rust Prop MasterAfter Rust, didn’t want to work in film industry anymore

SZ was told she would be armorer on separate film even thought she had no experience with guns. Seth Kenney trained her how to load, unload weapons and call out cues on set. Trained a few days with SK.

SZ became prop master on Rust through Seth Kenney - he forward resume to line producer. SK had armorer in mind: HGR

SZ was loading/unloading firearms because of budgetary constraints. SZ received a few minutes of training from HGR.

Seeing image of HGR holding revolver taken by SZ on (Oct. 10). Second photo shows dummies in Alec Baldwin’s bandolier (Oct. 13). SZ doesn’t remember who loaded Baldwin holster

Day of incident: SZ: “I hear the gunshot go off and Joel scream.”

After shooting SZ took two other actors' guns back to prop cart and removed dummies from guns. KM: What did you do with those rounds? SZ: I threw them away in a state of shock and panic. SZ didn’t tell anyone she threw dummies away. SZ: later told law enforcement.

Court ends for the day.

I was surprised to hear DH say he did not give the gun to AB. I thought that had been settled. I’m not sure why he would deny that after admitting he should have checked the ammo and was at least partially responsible for the shooting. So now I’m not so sure that AB wasn’t correct in his interview the day of the shooting when he said HGR handed him the gun.

What are your thoughts?
I was surprised to hear DH say he did not give the gun to AB. I thought that had been settled. I’m not sure why he would deny that after admitting he should have checked the ammo and was at least partially responsible for the shooting. So now I’m not so sure that AB wasn’t correct in his interview the day of the shooting when he said HGR handed him the gun.

What are your thoughts?
Maybe people's memories get fuzzy after these kinds of traumatic experiences.

It sounds like HGR had been handing a gun to AB a few times before on that day. Maybe that imprinted on his memory? I don't see how AB benefits from saying HGR gave him the gun if she didn't. If DH's story has changed, IDK why. I assume that question will be asked at some point.


ETA: Overall, its depressing to read how these low budget films cut corners. Someone posted earlier here about the way the business works with producers and investors who want to earn some tax breaks, but don't want to spend much. What a messed up system when they can put workers lives at risk this way. JMO
The prosecution has spent a lot of time trying to convince the jury that HGR is the one that brought the live rounds to the set. I’m not sure they have succeeded in that because they haven’t convinced me. I think it is likely that she brought them but haven’t really seen proof of that. But my question is, does it really matter who brought them regarding whether or not HGR should be convicted? Isn’t the armorer still the one responsible for making sure the weapons and ammo are safe?

In no way do I believe this to be the case but for the sake of argument, let’s say that live ammo was intentionally brought to the set by someone who wanted to sabotage the film and they put them on HGR’s cart or where ever it was that she found that mysterious box of ammo that she had no idea where it came from but was so happy to have it because they needed it. Is there any plausible defense to her not individually checking each of the 6 rounds she loaded in AB’s gun? Is there any way that a live round could have been exchanged for a dummy AFTER she loaded the gun? I can only see that happening if either DH or AB INTENTIONALLY did it - there might have been opportunity for one of them to do it but I certainly don’t think they did. But again even if someone else switched it out, she still neglected to check it after lunch and would still be responsible. I don’t think there is any reasonable doubt that HGR loaded that live round in that gun regardless of where the live round came from and to me that is involuntary manslaughter under the “without due caution or circumspection” clause in New Mexico.

I know the trial isn’t over yet - but I’m not on the jury and have not taken an oath not to make up my mind before all the evidence is in - though I do reserve the right to change my mind if the defense is able to bring some evidence to the forefront that creates reasonable doubt for me - I just can’t imagine what that would be at this point.
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