Houston- Adult, child injured in shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood church

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Like, who's going to shoot a woman who has a young child with her, even in self-defense? (snark)

The RWNJ press (OANN, Newsmax, certain "Christian" YouTubers, etc.) is having a field day with the suspect being a native of El Salvador and possibly AMAB.

She was shooting several rapid rounds. I think they had to stop her and didn’t mean to take her out. The church is massive so it would be easy for her to hide throughout the building. It’s the former MBA stadium. It was renovated to accommodate Lakeway church.

They can’t take a chance of a shooter moving around. I’ve been there and it’s like a maze. It takes 7000 volunteers to cover the 3 services on Sunday. There are approximately 45K people for each service. Some people are hesitant in going to church there because they assume the parking is a nightmare. It’s the opposite, it’s a constant organized flow thanks to the volunteers who man the parking.

It’s an unlikely scenario for it to be a woman and a child but she could have killed herself and the child. She could have used him as a human hostage.

The shooter used an AR-15 that had “Free Palestine” written on it, according to a federal law enforcement source. Investigators are trying to sort out whether she was politically motivated or a disturbed individual, the source said.
not sure the two are mutually exclusive at this point tbh. Not if your political passions inspire murder and hate.

A pro-Palestinian anti-semite wanted to shoot up a Christian church? make it make sense (you can't). JMO
Well it was her child. Its confusing. What I read it seemed it was a male who transgendered. But guess I read wrong. She should have known she was taking that child into a dangerous situation. How on earth could she do that?

I doubt she cared as she's been known to have hurt him at least twice in the past and still a judge gave her custody
so who, besides her, is responsible for her son dying?

the judge that gave her custody? the mother-in-law who didn't show up for court when custody was decided? the father who landed himself in jail so he couldn't fight for custody of his son? the law that somehow makes it ok for a mentally unstable person with a criminal record to buy a gun?

all of the above?

and are we supposed to refer to her as a female even though she used male aliases?
“Moreno had a documented mental health history and was placed under an emergency detention order by Houston police in 2016. Law enforcement records show she was arrested several times since 2005. She pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a weapon and pleaded to a lesser charge after authorities accused her of assaulting a public official”

The mother-in-law's affidavit also suggests that Moreno should not have been able to own a gun, claiming that under an alias, Moreno had been under involuntary psychiatric commitment at least four times. She also claimed Moreno "filed a fraudulent birth certificate" for the child and "refused" to correct it and told hospital staff that the father [Carranza] was "dead" and, alternatively, that he was "homeless" and unknown.

Her son "has been reticent to file the criminal charges against his wife; now his former wife because, as she is not a US citizen," the mother-in-law's affidavit said, and "as she already has had criminal convictions, she would likely be deported if convicted of the 3rd degree felony that stems from filing a fraudulent birth certificate. He told [Houston Police] detectives this is not what he wants for the woman he loved and married and the mother of his child. He wants her to live, he told police, where she can get quality mental healthcare. He doesn’t hate her; he hates her mental illness and her refusal to treat it."

“We have uncovered some items, we do have some anti-Semitic writings that we have uncovered during this process.” Hassig said. “We do believe there was a dispute with her ex-husband and his family and some of them are Jewish."

“Moreno had a documented mental health history and was placed under an emergency detention order by Houston police in 2016. Law enforcement records show she was arrested several times since 2005. She pleaded guilty to illegally carrying a weapon and pleaded to a lesser charge after authorities accused her of assaulting a public official”

And yet despite all of this she was able to obtain a weapon (legally) while not even being a US citizen.
She won custody of the 'severely' special-needs child - who CPS noted she 'demonstrate[d] no attachment to', and only referred to as 'the boy.'

She won custody of the 'severely' special-needs child - who CPS noted she 'demonstrate[d] no attachment to', and only referred to as 'the boy.'

This poor child never stood a chance, every agency failed him.
so who, besides her, is responsible for her son dying?

the judge that gave her custody? the mother-in-law who didn't show up for court when custody was decided? the father who landed himself in jail so he couldn't fight for custody of his son? the law that somehow makes it ok for a mentally unstable person with a criminal record to buy a gun?

all of the above?

and are we supposed to refer to her as a female even though she used male aliases?

I would say all had a hand in his abuse and neglect. All of these adults FAILED this child.
But only she brought her child to a mass shooting.
All imho…..
Schizophrenia is a very frightening illness and extremely heritable.
It is among the most serious psychotic disorders that a person can be diagnosed with.
Those affected often see things that are not there- for instance seeing demons or angels on people’s shoulders, seeing a “face” in an inanimate object and such.
They also hear voices - “the devil made me do it“ is real in some schizophrenic psychosis. Women with schizophrenia have been known to drown or strangle their own young children- because imaginary voices are commanding them to do so- it’s unimaginable and horrifying .
Also 60% plus of schizophrenics stop taking their medication after a matter of weeks and 80% stop their medication after a couple of years. Medication is the only way to truly eliminate the psychosis. Lapses in medication lead to psychotic episodes that are breaks from reality.
Schizophrenics are often in denial of their diagnosis and they feel abandoned by others. It’s a horribly sad illness that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.
I can understand the Munchausen by Proxy diagnosis correlating with schizophrenia. This woman is seeing symptoms in her child that aren’t there or being told by imaginary voices to harm her poor child.
She also can’t figure out her own identity taking on a variety of aliases.
The schizophrenic mother likely grew up in an abusive household with a schizophrenic abusive father or other family member(s).
She terrorized her neighbors in Conroe, Texas with violent threats and brandished weapons.
Neighbors tried to intervene to no avail.

The fact that this extremely mentally ill violent schizophrenic was able to purchase a semi-automatic assault weapon legally?

Then her delusional brain tells her to wreak havoc on the largest and most notable place of worship she can think of and she was thwarted by security before she was able to manifest her literally crazy plan. She may have thought she was spraying a protective shield around herself. She may have thought she actually had a non-existent bomb.

Our country has now closed almost all our public mental health facilities. Huge cities don’t have options for care of the mentally ill. Hospitals have far too few beds for mental episodes of schizophrenics, bipolar manic episodes and the like. Extremely ill mental patients are released after a few days if they can even secure a bed in the first place.
If you are blessed to come from a very wealthy family you can afford outrageously expensive private care which is available.
If not, you (and your family, your friends and your neighbors, innocent school children, innocent church goers, innocent bystanders) are basically all screwed as more and more severely mentally ill people follow the instruction of their increasingly dangerous imaginary voices.
At Osteen's fabled Houston congregation on Sunday she used an AR-style rifle to gun down two victims - one of whom was confirmed to be her seven-year-old son.
Others said the woman - who ex Enrique Carranza claimed was a diagnosed schizophrenic during their divorce in 2022 - would regularly 'swerve' at them for kicks.

Each interviewed by Fox 26 Sunday added that in the years the family lived there, there's been one incident with her after another, with police called several times.
Red bolding mine.

Sounds from this article GM herself may have been the one who shot her son ?
Red flags abounded for a long time before this.
God alone knows what her child endured before this. :(
"The women who spoke said things got so bad in the neighborhood that five of them spent a day about five months ago talking to local elected officials, police, the sheriff's office and city's legal department. They wrote letters to the neighborhood's property management company and met with its lawyer, and they called media, said L, who lives in the neighborhood."

"We're being told 'see something, say something.' Well, we're seeing stuff, we are saying stuff... and Conroe PD is not helping us," H said. "I don't want to bash them, but help us. Please."
"The women who spoke said things got so bad in the neighborhood that five of them spent a day about five months ago talking to local elected officials, police, the sheriff's office and city's legal department. They wrote letters to the neighborhood's property management company and met with its lawyer, and they called media, said L, who lives in the neighborhood."

"We're being told 'see something, say something.' Well, we're seeing stuff, we are saying stuff... and Conroe PD is not helping us," H said. "I don't want to bash them, but help us. Please."
Does anyone have a copy of the press release/public announcement the women sent to the media? Although it says the women "called media", they may have also provided them a press packet or written explanation.

Did anyone see the media report on their meeting? I wonder which outlet(s) they called.

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