Found Deceased IA - David Schultz, 53, Wall Lake, 21 November 2023 #3

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I am hopeful this at least gets considered and more thorough searches are done. That night it was cold (20s I believe) with 25 mph winds and dark. Whether this was self harm or medical, he will be within a limited area of where the truck was found. If within his senses, he would got out of that wind and cold. If medical, he may have traveled some but not very far with hypothermia.
I so agree. I know the fields were plowed so it would be easy to look off in the distance, compared to doing a grid search where you need to be just arm’s length away from the person next to you, looking through bushes and such, but… you can walk a mile in 15 minutes. If someone was running, you could easily cover more distance. The reports we saw seemed to focus on the route he took, and north to where the truck was found, so mostly south. How far did the searches extend north, west, or east, of the final truck location? Really would be great to get a chart from Jake Rowley and LE on what areas they covered.
I am hopeful this at least gets considered and more thorough searches are done. That night it was cold (20s I believe) with 25 mph winds and dark. Whether this was self harm or medical, he will be within a limited area of where the truck was found. If within his senses, he would have got out of that wind and cold close by. If medical, he may have traveled some but not very far because of hypothermia. I forgot it was also drizzling out so he would be wet. Makes hypothermia or seeking of shelter close by likely. Eugene Prin went missing under similar conditions of that night. He was found 1 1/2 miles from where he went missing. He had been seen walking that night. Hypothermia was most likely cause of his demise. Gives kind of an idea when hypothermia kicks in. Eugene had alcohol in his symptoms so causes a delay and had a coat on.

I believe David will be within a mile of where the truck was found, unless foul play. who knows where he is??
You know, you just made me think of this in a new light. I hadn’t thought self harm, but I just had a little (very little) lightbulb go off. IF it is self harm, these are the items I think could point more in that direction. His vehicle going the wrong way, but still close enough to his original drop off that it would be located fairly quickly, hence, his family would have it plus the cash he had on him, etc. The truck was shut down/off ‘properly’ (noted upthread maybe in thread 2), and lights off. Which do not indicate a medical emergency, not to mention no call for help.

Left his phone behind so as not to be tracked. Maybe left his things strewn nearby to try to give the indication of foul play. Maybe he walked off and harmed himself in a way as to be possibly consistent with foul play so his family would believe it to be random violence and not self-harm. For insurance reasons also possibly. So he’s not too far, but far enough or in a spot he thought he would eventually be found for his family’s sake.

Sorry for the word salad. Had to get my thoughts out. All speculation and MOO

ETA: I’ve always felt he is there somewhere nearby. Can’t shake it.
Lately I reached the stage, where I think, DS has left his old life behind and will try another one far away. That he said to his wife not only one time, he can't take it anymore, sounds like advance warning. At least in his mind was it working already, IMO. He searched perhaps for a way out, but quitting his dream job (??) wasn't an option. Being on the road without breaks, the family at home without him, nevertheless always money worries (IMO, he MUST have had) - maybe, it was no longer conceivable to continue for the next 20 years (his pension very late or even never at the horizon).
Maybe, his $$ left in his truck were meant for possible damage, for example to the loaded piglets. So he wasn't stealing, he wasn't causing material damage for his last client, but "only" left his family. Maybe, when the family of his wife was visiting, it wasn't a reason for hindrance, but showed him even more, how very well his wife would manage the family without help. She herself said so in the beginning after DS' disappearing, that she had lived as a single mother before DS and didn't need a husband.
IF he disappeared on his own, Idk, how he would be able to return one day in the future. At the time, when he first ran away, he had no family and certainly much less debts. Now his way back will be rather impossible, IMO.
The one thing that throws me off with this theory of him disappearing himself is the report from his wife that he was allegedly in such a hurry that he didn't hug one of his kids goodbye. Nothing makes sense in this case :(
I understand how families always lean toward something nefarious has happened when their loved one goes missing. Especially the ones who did not speak about harming themselves out loud, probably only to themselves and in their own minds or even reacting to a temporary emotion unfortunately. Or had a medical issue that caused unpredictable behavior.

Mark Riesberg was a perfect example. If this thread was his, his family would still be thinking he had been abducted. His bed had been slept in (according to the sisters observation), phone and wallet left at home, and his house was not far from the highway. Just him and his car were missing. Their thought was someone came to the house needing assistance, they took him and his vehicle, and something bad happened. It seemed plausible. With him being found, the true story was sadly revealed.

I sincerely hope this is not Davids story, for the sake of the family. If self harm or medical emergency, he is close by. Snow and cold hides alot. When it is gone and warm weather happens, I believe he will be found if either is the case.
Except it wasn't snowy or cold for weeks and weeks after he disappeared. There was a day or so with a little bit of snow but then it immediately warmed up and was in the 40s and even the 50s well after Christmas. Plenty of time for animals/vultures to circle and smells to become apparent to anyone searching.
The one thing that throws me off with this theory of him disappearing himself is the report from his wife that he was allegedly in such a hurry that he didn't hug one of his kids goodbye. Nothing makes sense in this case :(
But, if DS planned to get away, he certainly didn't want to be seen with tears in his eyes while kissing his boy/boys good-bye. So, I understand, when he only kissed his grandchild (which isn't HIS bloodline) in a hurry. I didn't understand it at all, when I was still thinking of foul play or something unintentional.

Except it wasn't snowy or cold for weeks and weeks after he disappeared. There was a day or so with a little bit of snow but then it immediately warmed up and was in the 40s and even the 50s well after Christmas. Plenty of time for animals/vultures to circle and smells to become apparent to anyone searching.
It was in the 20s with winds and drizzle the night he went missing. There was snow on the ground when Jake was searching. I have not done a day to day search of weather. Iowa is generally below freezing at night in Nov and Dec, in my experience. I was born and raised in Iowa.

It actually would be good to know if the member of Jakes team found Mark Riesburg because of smell and followed or just walked up to vehicle and saw? Surprised no one saw vultures since he had been there for a month.
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Just an FYI - Mark has a thread hetre also. I point it out because I think it is strange he disappeared on Oct 28 but his date of death is Dec 1...(eta:...on his obituary. Maybe his death certificate is different...dunno)

Just an FYI - Mark has a thread hetre also. I point it out because I think it is strange he disappeared on Oct 28 but his date of death is Dec 1...(eta:...on his obituary. Maybe his death certificate is different...dunno)

Date of death for missing persons is normally listed as the date the body was found.
It was in the 20s with winds and drizzle the night he went missing. There was snow on the ground when Jake was searching. I have not done a day to day search of weather. Iowa is generally below freezing at night in Nov and Dec, in my experience. I was born and raised in Iowa.

It actually would be good to know if the member of Jakes team found Mark Riesburg because of smell and followed or just walked up to vehicle and saw? Surprised no one saw vultures since he had been there for a month.
I live here and it's been unseaonably warm all winter and, again, the weather was consistently in the mid 30s to 50s for weeks, if not months after his disappearance. You can literally look it up on weatherunderground.

Also, vultures aren't going to circle a car, just like they're not going to circle a house with a corpse in it. But if DS is out there laying out in a field or ditch, there would have been vultures or other animals, plus a smell.

I'm not sure why so many non-locals are weighing in on the weather when they are not only NOT local and haven't experienced the mild winter we've had, but are too lazy to bother to look up what the weather was like during the time he was missing initially.
I live here and it's been unseaonably warm all winter and, again, the weather was consistently in the mid 30s to 50s for weeks, if not months after his disappearance. You can literally look it up on weatherunderground.

Also, vultures aren't going to circle a car, just like they're not going to circle a house with a corpse in it. But if DS is out there laying out in a field or ditch, there would have been vultures or other animals, plus a smell.

I'm not sure why so many non-locals are weighing in on the weather when they are not only NOT local and haven't experienced the mild winter we've had, but are too lazy to bother to look up what the weather was like during the time he was missing initially.
Turkey Vultures migrate south during the winter. Raccoon and Coyote would be the most likely predators to pray on a body this time of year.
I live here and it's been unseaonably warm all winter and, again, the weather was consistently in the mid 30s to 50s for weeks, if not months after his disappearance. You can literally look it up on weatherunderground.

Also, vultures aren't going to circle a car, just like they're not going to circle a house with a corpse in it. But if DS is out there laying out in a field or ditch, there would have been vultures or other animals, plus a smell.

I'm not sure why so many non-locals are weighing in on the weather when they are not only NOT local and haven't experienced the mild winter we've had, but are too lazy to bother to look up what the weather was like during the time he was missing initially.
Not to mention - hunters. Every ditch, fenceline, brushpile, creek. If it's enough to hide a pheasant or a deer, it's been hunted. If there was a body to be found, they would have found it.
Lately I reached the stage, where I think, DS has left his old life behind and will try another one far away. That he said to his wife not only one time, he can't take it anymore, sounds like advance warning. At least in his mind was it working already, IMO. He searched perhaps for a way out, but quitting his dream job (??) wasn't an option. Being on the road without breaks, the family at home without him, nevertheless always money worries (IMO, he MUST have had) - maybe, it was no longer conceivable to continue for the next 20 years (his pension very late or even never at the horizon).
Maybe, his $$ left in his truck were meant for possible damage, for example to the loaded piglets. So he wasn't stealing, he wasn't causing material damage for his last client, but "only" left his family. Maybe, when the family of his wife was visiting, it wasn't a reason for hindrance, but showed him even more, how very well his wife would manage the family without help. She herself said so in the beginning after DS' disappearing, that she had lived as a single mother before DS and didn't need a husband.
IF he disappeared on his own, Idk, how he would be able to return one day in the future. At the time, when he first ran away, he had no family and certainly much less debts. Now his way back will be rather impossible, IMO.
Ever wonder what exactly he can't take anymore? I'll stop there.
Just an FYI - Mark has a thread hetre also. I point it out because I think it is strange he disappeared on Oct 28 but his date of death is Dec 1...(eta:...on his obituary. Maybe his death certificate is different...dunno)

Date of death for missing persons is normally listed as the date the body was found.

Thanks for that JF, I should have READ some before beaking...

Mark was found Friday December 1st - nothing to see here folks.

SORRY everyone.
Thanks for that JF, I should have READ some before beaking...

Mark was found Friday December 1st - nothing to see here folks.

SORRY everyone.
No need to apologize! We all learn new tidbits here every day and your question about date of death probably helped others who are quiet here learn how it is sometimes stated on records.

Except it wasn't snowy or cold for weeks and weeks after he disappeared. There was a day or so with a little bit of snow but then it immediately warmed up and was in the 40s and even the 50s well after Christmas. Plenty of time for animals/vultures to circle and smells to become apparent to anyone searching.
It had been a warm winter, kind of, until January. That was a rough month everywhere! But the first couple of weeks after David went missing were Cold, at night especially. I mean look at Nov 27 with a low of 9 and Nov 28 low of 5, That is a hard freeze. Most other nights when searches were happening were nights of below freezing. Not sure what it would take for thaw and odor? I am open for education about that.

It had been a warm winter, kind of, until January. That was a rough month everywhere! But the first couple of weeks after David went missing were Cold, at night especially. I mean look at Nov 27 with a low of 9 and Nov 28 low of 5, That is a hard freeze. Most other nights when searches were happening were nights of below freezing. Not sure what it would take for thaw and odor? I am open for education about that.

It was literally in the 40s and even the 50s for most of the month and a half after he disappeared.

AGAIN, there would have been an odor at the very least, not to mention being snacked on.

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