IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #1

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Too many posts seem to be disappearing from here...

Whats up mod, why is stuff being pulled down that is directly related to the case...
I remember walking into an adult bookstore in San Francisco in the mid-to-late 1970's and being shocked that child *advertiser censored* was openly displayed on bookshelves and on 8mm films. It was shortly after this eye-opener that child *advertiser censored* became illegal (prior to that, it appears that it was not only openly available, but perfectly legal :confused: ).

I am a printer and worked in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles (ground zero for the "mainstream" *advertiser censored* business) in the mid 1980's and had several adult video companies as clients. By that time, anyone who was caught publishing child *advertiser censored* received what the industry called "the death penalty" and was completely shut out by the *advertiser censored* producers themselves (in other words, they were forced completely out for life of what was and is a very lucrative business). Some of the people involved in *advertiser censored* may have produced child *advertiser censored* on the sly, but it had been completely removed from the mainstream.

Considering the prevalence of child *advertiser censored* available today via the internet and the relatively few prosecutions for possession (even less for producing), I question how vigorously the crime is persued by LE. It has been driven underground, but I wonder how much of that is as a result of aggressive prosecution as compared to self-policing by the *advertiser censored* industry itself.
Roy Harrold said:
What has never been found in such collections, (and the FBI and Interpol have 10's of thousands of seized images), is pornographic pictures of officially missing children. If there had been *advertiser censored* pictures of Johnny Gosch, it's inconceivable that they would not have been traded around and turned up in collections seized by police over the years.
I'm beginning to agree with you, Roy. I now think (especially after hearing Florida investigator Nelson Zalva's comments on the photos) that the photos sent to Ms. Gosch do *not* show her son and that the boys in the photos are now grown up and safe (and hopefully leading normal lives despite posing for the creep who took the pictures).

I don't know what to think yet about the photo of the older man...
I have a question and if the answer is in here somewhre jsut direct me to the post. I was watching somethign last night that said Johnny's Mom received a visit from him & sient stranger when he would have been about 27 years old it was a very short meetin gand he left. Can any one tell me if this was indeed true & if there is anymore details about this meeting?

Noreen Gosch claims its true, but no one except her and JG know for sure.
MistyGirl said:
I have a question and if the answer is in here somewhre jsut direct me to the post. I was watching somethign last night that said Johnny's Mom received a visit from him & sient stranger when he would have been about 27 years old it was a very short meetin gand he left. Can any one tell me if this was indeed true & if there is anymore details about this meeting?

It has been talked about on here and she does say that he came in the middle of the night or something and visited, showed her his birth mark to prove who he was....I will never find it too many posts, you'll have to weed through unless someone knows right where they are....there are many posts about this meeting.
Roy Harrold said:
Dr Doogie - I respectfully disagree. It seems to me that child *advertiser censored* is being vigorously persued & prosecuted. A few examples:





[warning! links may contain disturbing descriptions of child abuse]
Mr Roy, I respectfully disagree based on your research presented, 5 cases that you found over a 5-6 yr period is not 'vigorously' being persued and prosecuted, IMO. Now, I have not researched myself, so I could be wrong, but what you researched doesn't prove to me that it's being vigorously persued or prosecuted.
No problem, MistyGirl.:eek: It's a crazy, complex case, and it helps to have all the details and history down.
Roy Harrold said:
Dr Doogie - I respectfully disagree. It seems to me that child *advertiser censored* is being vigorously persued & prosecuted.
There is no doubt that some cases are persued and prosecuted, the it seems to this lay-person that it has not made a dent in the production and distribution of this material. I probably was not as clear as I should have been: I believe that LE does seek to arrest those involved, it just is they only scrape the surface of the number of crimes committed (similar to drug dealers are busted, yet drugs are readily available to anyone who makes an effort to purchase them).

John Karr, who now faces five counts of misdemeanor child *advertiser censored* in Petaluma, CA, is a good example of how these crimes are prosecuted. I heard a report today that the usual sentence for a first time offender facing these charges is about six months in county jail. Since he already was in jail for nine months prior to him making bail, it is conceivable that he will walk out of court with "time served". I hope that the fact that he avoided trial by fleeing the country, plus his overall noteriety after the JonBenet mess, will force the courts to give him the maximum sentence and he will not see daylight for many years.

Possession of large quantities of child *advertiser censored* should be a felony. (I specifically mention large quantities because of the situation of an accidental download of an improper file from a site that is immediately deleted once discovered shouldn't result in jail time and registration as a sex offender. One time, I was having a friend work on my computer when he uncovered a hidden file named "Kiddy Film". I guarrantee you that I NEVER downloaded such a file, and even if I did, I never would have kept it with such an inflammatory file name. The only answer that I can come up with is that it was loaded onto my computer as a trojan virus as a "joke" by some mischevious spammer. Some allowance should be made for situations such as this, but multiple files and images should bring on draconian punishment.
Here’s something important to understand about Paul Bonacci’s conspiracy allegations and the lawsuit DeCamp “won” on his behalf.

Larry King was destitute and in no position to hire a competent lawyer to answer the lawsuit at the time it was filed, as the shrewd lawyer John DeCamp understood. So, King failed to respond to the lawsuit - he did not have a lawyer representing him at the court proceeding against him.

Because of this, the presiding Judge ruled that ANY allegations made by the complainants Bonnaci/DeCamp would be “presumed to be true”. The judge did not “declare the allegations proven” as the conspiracy theorists claim, he ruled that because King had failed to respond “The defendant King’s default has made those allegations true against him”.

From the transcript of the proceedings, DeCamp is about to question Bonacci under oath:
“Q. Paul, I had originally planned to just go through detail of everything in the petition. For the purposes, as I understand it, of this hearing all that is presumed to be true.

MR. DECAMP: Is that correct, Your Honor?

THE COURT: Yes, that’s right. That’s acceptable.”

DeCamp then proceeds to take full advantage of the situation, to have umpteen pages of his witnesses testimony read into the record as “presumed to be true”.
Could someone please tell me what has become of P Bonacci and L.King.?
I have no info about King's current situation, and all I have about Bonacci is rumor.
I have been told that Paul Bonacci became a Pastor or Minister, specifically working with youth and claiming to be an expert on "occult crime".
ok, I am confused now, aree the photos a hoax or are they for real?
2sisters - DocWho3 posted an analysis of the B&W photo showing only one boy, compared to the color version of the same photo found on the bondage site. It seems that the B&W photo was likely a copy of the color one, but someone has used Photoshop to add a "brand" to the arm of the boy, in the B&W copy. This would appear, by itself, to be an attempt to create a hoax - an attempt to create a photo intended to bolster claims made by "Franklin Cover-up" sources that children (Johnny Gosch specifically) were kidnapped and branded by an organized criminal conspiracy.

The B&W copy of the photo is definitely a hoax and an attempt to deceive.
kazzbar said:
Could someone please tell me what has become of P Bonacci and L.King.?

Bonnacci lives in a small town in Nebraska. As Far as I know, he is not a minister.
Roy Harrold said:
2sisters - DocWho3 posted an analysis of the B&W photo showing only one boy, compared to the color version of the same photo found on the bondage site. It seems that the B&W photo was likely a copy of the color one, but someone has used Photoshop to add a "brand" to the arm of the boy, in the B&W copy. This would appear, by itself, to be an attempt to create a hoax - an attempt to create a photo intended to bolster claims made by "Franklin Cover-up" sources that children (Johnny Gosch specifically) were kidnapped and branded by an organized criminal conspiracy.

The B&W copy of the photo is definitely a hoax and an attempt to deceive.

Using photoshop, you can blow up the color photo, and it appears that there is something on his arm. I played with both photos for a while last night, playing with gamma, and overlaying them. If you look at the photos on a larger scale, you can see the mark on the right side of Johnnys head. I believe without a doubt, brand or no brand, its him. ALSO, if you have photoshop, blow his face up to about 1000 pixels wide. You can see, without question, that he has been beaten severly. The right eye is actually cut, and it is bruised below that.
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