GUILTY IL - Dora Betancourt, 11, stabbed to death, Mundelein, 21 Jan 2014

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I have a feeling that a proportion of those stabbing thrusts were also directed at her mother. JMO

Snipped for space.

I think those stabbing thrusts are a life long list of resentments towards her mom, stepdad, and stepsis. She has been living with a family that she may have felt like an outsider her whole life, coupled with emotions from knowing her "real" dad had left the picture. Teenage years are emotional enough for the traditional family situation now add on the added stress of a broken/split family situation.

Also, IMO she not only premeditated the killing but was implicating the stepfather as the attacker (if the pictures posted upthread are of Dora and her father - IDK though and I should not assume). In one of the news articles (again posted upthread - not good at adding links, lucky I can post a quote and snip it) it was stated that she told police a mexican man was the intruder which made me think of her wanting to blame the stepdad. Which then made me think, wow how sad, she must have been mad at all of them her whole life.

All just my opinioin, and some of it based on the picture upthread, if that in fact is Dora with her dad.
On top of all that, according to reports, she reprimanded her sister with EACH knife thrust. In full control of her actions.

That's sadistic in the extreme.

That's terrible. At some point, absentee parenting or divorce, etc just can't be blamed for such viciousness. As horrible as it is to contemplate, all sadistic killers were once 14. If she isn't charged as an adult, she will be free at 21. That is terrifying.
Snipped for space.

I think those stabbing thrusts are a life long list of resentments towards her mom, stepdad, and stepsis. She has been living with a family that she may have felt like an outsider her whole life, coupled with emotions from knowing her "real" dad had left the picture. Teenage years are emotional enough for the traditional family situation now add on the added stress of a broken/split family situation.

Also, IMO she not only premeditated the killing but was implicating the stepfather as the attacker (if the pictures posted upthread are of Dora and her father - IDK though and I should not assume). In one of the news articles (again posted upthread - not good at adding links, lucky I can post a quote and snip it) it was stated that she told police a mexican man was the intruder which made me think of her wanting to blame the stepdad. Which then made me think, wow how sad, she must have been mad at all of them her whole life.

All just my opinioin, and some of it based on the picture upthread, if that in fact is Dora with her dad.

Yes, that is a photo of Dora with her dad. I believe he's an American, but I don't know his ethnicity. I googled the last name Betancourt & it is potentially French, Spanish, or Portuguese. But, I agree that he could potentially be Hispanic. (I've never met him.)

To my knowledge, the 14yo was not trying to pin the killing on her stepdad, but on a random Hispanic male (that she made up).

The village of Mundelein is having some racial growing pains, IMO. The village has historically been mostly Caucasian, but over the years, it has experienced an influx of Mexican immigrants. There has been tension between white vs. Mexican teenage gangs, grumblings over the school system having to spend resources on ESL classes, etc.

The 14yo blaming a random Hispanic man is, in my view, akin to someone in the South, where there has historically been white vs. black racism, blaming a crime on an imaginary African American man.

Her adding the racial bit into it was like the poop icing on the cr@p cake. Awful, but I doubt she ever tried to pin her stepdad. The girls both spoke well of him, FWIW.

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Here's an article that talks about the character of the 14 yr old...People that know them are truly shocked.

Everyone is shocked. I would never in a million years have guessed that this would happen. They were both nice kids. I can't wrap my mind around it.
This seems to be the general consensus from people who knew them: classmates, neighbors, coaches, family friends. Everyone is shocked. :(
Dora's funeral is on the 29th, & I read that the 14yo will appear in court again on the 31st.

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To my knowledge, the 14yo was not trying to pin the killing on her stepdad, but on a random Hispanic male (that she made up).

Her adding the racial bit into it was like the poop icing on the cr@p cake. Awful, but I doubt she ever tried to pin her stepdad. The girls both spoke well of him, FWIW.

snipped for space

Thank you for your reply - and after reading what I wrote, maybe my statement of her implicating the stepdad as the intruder was harsh. But it did make me think that she may have had resentment towards him, and that is why she claimed the intruder was hispanic.

Again, I should not assume anything by looking at just one picture, and when I was trying to explain my thoughts to my sister I even told her I have no idea what descent they are - could be Italian, Spanish, Mexican, who knows? Just that, that is the description she had used and it made me think she may have been upset/resentful towards the stepdad.

IMO - I still think she must have been carrying around a heavy load for her to have thought about and carry through such an act, and once it started just snapped and everything poured out. It's truly shocking, mind boggling, and so sad for all involved. I feel for each family member in different ways and for different reasons - Prayers to all for some type of comfort, especially the mom. I can't even begin to think I understand what she is going through. Definitely a tragedy.

My condolences, rest in peace Dora, God Bless!
There is also a fund raising online account raising money, for funeral and other expenses. The goal is $50.000 with more than $18,000 already raised. It also mentions that donations via check can be sent directly to the PNC Bank, so the amount raised could be even higher.
It says there that mom, after funeral costs, still is responsible for the older daughter, financially, legally, medically, emotionally, etc. so people know what they are donating to.

The mom is still the mom, and it is horrific, but what would you or I do in her shoes?
There is also a fund raising online account raising money, for funeral and other expenses. The goal is $50.000 with more than $18,000 already raised. It also mentions that donations via check can be sent directly to the PNC Bank, so the amount raised could be even higher.
It says there that mom, after funeral costs, still is responsible for the older daughter, financially, legally, medically, emotionally, etc. so people know what they are donating to.

The mom is still the mom, and it is horrific, but what would you or I do in her shoes?

Sorry, deal breaker for me.
That doesn't mean I'd cease loving my child. But that would be the extent of any "support" given by me.
While she is "legally" responsible for the cost of her defense, she can refuse.
Reimbursement IMO would not be pursued.

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Sorry, deal breaker for me.
That doesn't mean I'd cease loving my child. But that would be the extent of any "support" given by me.
While she is "legally" responsible for the cost of her defense, she can refuse.
Reimbursement IMO would not be pursued.

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Parental responsibility laws mean that the mother may not have any choice, especially if there is a record of the police being called out to the house for anything related to the accused (and since there are provisions for a "governmental agency" to be the plaintiff in asking for reimbursement):

Granted, when the law was written, probably no one anticipated the horrific possibility of a parent being responsible for legal bills involving one child killing their other child. (Also, as mentioned above, there will be other expenses, such as the mother's missed time from work. Plus, she probably will hire psych expert after psych expert, looking desperately for some "explanation" of the older daughter's behavior, some kind of "answer"--because who wants to think that your child is just evil? It's as much for the mother's psychological survival as anything, I would imagine.) I do think the mothers' group soliciting donations on the "Go Fund Me" site is a little...tacky. I don't have a problem with an account being set up for donations at a bank, or through a local church, but a crowd-funding site just seems "off" to me somehow. "Help me finish my independent film!" "Help fund my dream trip around the world!" "Help me pay for my child's murder trial..." not so much. But maybe I am just old-fashioned about social media.

*I'm not a lawyer, though, so I may be completely misreading the statute.
It says there that mom, after funeral costs, still is responsible for the older daughter, financially, legally, medically, emotionally, etc. so people know what they are donating to.

Seems to me the STATE is now responsible for the daughter's room and board, medical costs, etc...

Is the mother planning to hire an attorney to fight the charges? If she tries to get that kid off on a light sentence (and basically set her loose to victimize others) I have no sympathy for the mom.
The 14yo blaming a random Hispanic man is, in my view, akin to someone in the South, where there has historically been white vs. black racism, blaming a crime on an imaginary African American man.

If the girl made that claim early on (to her mother for example) I assumed she was NOT Hispanic (one reason I asked if they had the same father). Folks don't casually describe the ethnicity of a person if it matches their own unless they are directly asked or making a point.

IMO opinion the victim's father definitely looks Hispanic (yes, I know Hispanic is not a race).
Parental responsibility laws mean that the mother may not have any choice, especially if there is a record of the police being called out to the house for anything related to the accused (and since there are provisions for a "governmental agency" to be the plaintiff in asking for reimbursement):

Granted, when the law was written, probably no one anticipated the horrific possibility of a parent being responsible for legal bills involving one child killing their other child. (Also, as mentioned above, there will be other expenses, such as the mother's missed time from work. Plus, she probably will hire psych expert after psych expert, looking desperately for some "explanation" of the older daughter's behavior, some kind of "answer"--because who wants to think that your child is just evil? It's as much for the mother's psychological survival as anything, I would imagine.) I do think the mothers' group soliciting donations on the "Go Fund Me" site is a little...tacky. I don't have a problem with an account being set up for donations at a bank, or through a local church, but a crowd-funding site just seems "off" to me somehow. "Help me finish my independent film!" "Help fund my dream trip around the world!" "Help me pay for my child's murder trial..." not so much. But maybe I am just old-fashioned about social media.

*I'm not a lawyer, though, so I may be completely misreading the statute.

Mouse! So awesome to see you!!!!! [hug]
Parental responsibility laws mean that the mother may not have any choice, especially if there is a record of the police being called out to the house for anything related to the accused (and since there are provisions for a "governmental agency" to be the plaintiff in asking for reimbursement):

Granted, when the law was written, probably no one anticipated the horrific possibility of a parent being responsible for legal bills involving one child killing their other child. (Also, as mentioned above, there will be other expenses, such as the mother's missed time from work. Plus, she probably will hire psych expert after psych expert, looking desperately for some "explanation" of the older daughter's behavior, some kind of "answer"--because who wants to think that your child is just evil? It's as much for the mother's psychological survival as anything, I would imagine.) I do think the mothers' group soliciting donations on the "Go Fund Me" site is a little...tacky. I don't have a problem with an account being set up for donations at a bank, or through a local church, but a crowd-funding site just seems "off" to me somehow. "Help me finish my independent film!" "Help fund my dream trip around the world!" "Help me pay for my child's murder trial..." not so much. But maybe I am just old-fashioned about social media.

*I'm not a lawyer, though, so I may be completely misreading the statute.

I was only speaking of my personal experience. I flat out refused, and my official reply was ..."sue me"

No one ever did.

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I was only speaking of my personal experience. I flat out refused, and my official reply was ..."sue me"

No one ever did.

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? Did I miss a post or was something removed/moderated?

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There is also a fund raising online account raising money, for funeral and other expenses. The goal is $50.000 with more than $18,000 already raised. It also mentions that donations via check can be sent directly to the PNC Bank, so the amount raised could be even higher.
It says there that mom, after funeral costs, still is responsible for the older daughter, financially, legally, medically, emotionally, etc. so people know what they are donating to.

The mom is still the mom, and it is horrific, but what would you or I do in her shoes?

Is this ostensibly from crowd-funding website of Mom?

If so, can you - or anyone - pls cut and paste the entire sentence or paragraph from that site re Mom's 'responsibilites' to older daughter (not a paraphrase)? I hope this very limited clip wd not violate ToS re SM.

Thx in adv. :seeya:
? Did I miss a post or was something removed/moderated?

If something was removed, I might have missed it, too. But I think that was a follow up to this post:

Sorry, deal breaker for me.
That doesn't mean I'd cease loving my child. But that would be the extent of any "support" given by me.
While she is "legally" responsible for the cost of her defense, she can refuse.
Reimbursement IMO would not be pursued.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Is this ostensibly from crowd-funding website of Mom?

If so, can you - or anyone - pls cut and paste the entire sentence or paragraph from that site re Mom's 'responsibilites' to older daughter (not a paraphrase)? I hope this very limited clip wd not violate ToS re SM.

Thx in adv. :seeya:
Here ya go....note:it's a comment on the page.

Thank you Katie and Mundelein Moms for being so selfless and helpful! This is just great! I have been promoting this site as much as possible personally and hope to continue to get more and more help. We need to acknowledge that not only will this mother need help with funeral expenses (immediate) .... She will also need to support her older daughter financially, legally, medically etc.... This is an unimaginable tragedy that EVERYONE can only imagine. Our hearts go out to Dawn and the rest of the family at this time of need! May I suggest that the "goal" be raised even higher?

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