I've been doing a LOT of thinking over the past week. I've torn the PC apart and examined every word. I posted shortly after the Presser to make the comment that I felt that every word was chosen specifically and that LE was on script. I still believe that.
1. The Shack - I don't think this was just arbitrarily thrown into the mix, just because. It was part of the Presser for a specific reason. It brings religion, spirituality, faith, redemption, forgiveness and other christian themes to the forefront. Somehow, LE believes that either the POI is religious in himself, OR there is a religious reason for the murders. They played on those beliefs in the Presser to elicit a response somehow. I do not believe we can discount "The Shack" as meaning nothing. It was mentioned for a specific reason.
2. The Timing of The Presser - Easter Monday is significant I believe. Again it goes to religion and a belief system. Jesus DIED FOR OUR SINS is the theme of Easter and new life. Forgiveness and the promise of being born again. Jesus is risen. To me, this was Presser was timed to take advantage of those themes and thoughts. The girls have risen and are not how you left them. They are in a better place. Then pressure on the killer by way of the Easter theme of someone dying for his sins. I could be way off base here but just thinking out loud at this point.
3. The Timing of the Presser and Prior Notice - They wanted as many people there as possible. They know they are looking for a younger person so over Easter break University Students would be home. If the Killer is a University student then the likliehood of him being home for Easter is a possibility. If there are religious ties, then being home for Easter is even more likely.
4. "We've either interviewed you or someone close to you" - This is to illicit fear. OMG you know me! It's also a message to whoever he's either told or who is protecting him that LE is on to them.
5. Hiding in Plain Sight - How do you hide in plain sight? Well, the original sketch allowed the killer to hide in plain sight for 2 years. That's number 1. You hide in plain sight when you believe you are untouchable and no one would suspect. You hold a position in the community that holds you in fairly high esteem. Teachers, Clergy, LE, Policitians, Volunteers, Firemen, Doctors, Paramedics, Government Officials. You are someone that can talk the talk and walk the walk and people would NEVER suspect you. You are from Delphi or neighbouring areas. You belong there. You know people. You know the lay of the land. You are connected. You are beyond reproach. You can walk down the street and know people. You are one of them. This is probably the most frightening part about this whole thing. Everybody knows you.
Sorry for the long post but I've been thinking about this presser for days now and I just had to get this all out.
MOO as always.