India - Slumdog Millionaire Kid Star Reportedly Put Up for Sale by Father


Retired WS Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
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I put this in the crimes section because if true, it would be an illegal adoption.
I put this in the crimes section because if true, it would be an illegal adoption.
Or even Human Trafficking.

(The 'Googled' definition: A criminal activity in which a person is recruited, harbored, transported, bought / sold, or kidnapped to
serve an exploitative purpose, such as sexual, forced labor or servitude).
Is this the same father that beat one of the kids and demanded money for the family from the producers? The father was upset because the producers had made sure that the children's money was protected from the families looting it, I think...
Here it is... the story is heartbreaking, but please be warned that the pictures show the child in pain and crying from being beat by his father. The father wanted more out of the child, money wise, when the producers had already started giving them loads of stuff... but the producers were trying to do right by the child about the money. It's horrible that these parents would see their children for only one thing: to get money.
This is why we have laws on child labor. I believe the producers did the right thing by putting most of the money away for the kids. To beat your child... to try to sell your child... all these parents think about is the money that they could have and not the child's welfare.
I'm sure the producers thought they were doing something admirable by setting aside money for these children. What a shame. I wish someone would legally adopt both of them and given them a good, loving home. If I had the money to raise two more kids I would take them in a heartbeat.,,20273620,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines-yahoobuzz From this article they say it isn't true. . reference to the News of the World story, which has been picked up around the world, an angry Meena told PEOPLE: "We are poor, yes, but not so poor that we have to sell our children. The whole thing is a lie."

Rubina backed up her father's statement, calling the News of the World report untrue. "I trust my father. He loves me. He has never said that he wants to give me up," she said. "I did meet an uncle and auntie in a big hotel but it was not about adoption. I will never give any foreign journalist an interview again
Ahhh, arent' third world countries fun??? How sad. I refused to see that movie for that very reason - glorifying poverty etc. I just won't do it.

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