Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #14

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It is a miracle imo they got as many hostages out as they did. Thank God they were able to get so many children, elderly, women out. (Sadly at the expense of terrorists being released). I don’t believe in negotiating with terrorists, this is Terrorism 101, but so happy of course these hostages were able to go home.

Again I was expecting many of the hostages to already be dead, Yaffa, Itay, Mia…or if alive being held onto for months/years.

We’ll see what this next long phase holds. Not looking good, imo but there are so many ups and downs. I’ve learned that while deductive reasoning can sometimes be applied with some of the information we get or “don’t get”, for example as applied with Shiri, Kfiri, and Ariel, there are always surprises, like the hostage previously thought dead emerging alive, etc.

How is the elderly lady released hostage that was in critical condition doing? So much to keep up with.
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6min ago

IDF, Shin Bet heads green light fresh battle plans for Gaza ground push

L-R: Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, an unknown officer, and the head of the Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman, hold a meeting, December 2, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)
L-R: Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, an unknown officer, and the head of the Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman, hold a meeting, December 2, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)

The IDF says Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and the head of the Shin Bet, Ronen Bar, held an assessment today at the Southern Command in Beersheba, and approved battle plans for Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza.

“We are focused on continuing dismantling Hamas, and on creating conditions for the return of additional hostages,” Halevi says in remarks provided by the IDF.
Maybe the new intel they’re receiving is via interrogations of captured Hamas.


Hamas would not even feed her dog.
Maya had to share her meager rations.

Per above link posted by @dotr, they didn’t know she had the dog, as I understand it.


Libya on Friday released four terrorists belonging to the Palestinian terror group Hamas at the request and mediation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, local media reported.

Now it’s saying it was Turkey? Last night’s article said it was US.
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Another photo of Asaf. May he rest in peace.

IDF says senior officer was killed October 7, body being held by Hamas

Col. Asaf Hamami, the commander of the Gaza Division's southern brigade who was killed on October 7, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)'s southern brigade who was killed on October 7, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)
Col. Asaf Hamami, the commander of the Gaza Division's southern brigade who was killed on October 7, 2023. (Israel Defense Forces)


... Hamami was from Kiryat Ono.

In recent days, the IDF has been confirming the deaths of several hostages held by Hamas, due to new intelligence and findings obtained by troops.

Hamami is the most senior officer to have been taken hostage by Hamas.

A hero, bring him home.
3min ago

Relatives of still-captive Bibas family say they ‘won’t be broken’

Relatives of the Bibas family refuse to be “broken” by a Hamas claim that hostage mother Shiri Bibas and her young children Ariel Bibas, 4, and Kfir Bibas, 10 months old were killed in an Israeli bombing in Gaza, a cousin says.

The three, who were taken hostage along with dad Yarden, were supposed to be released last week, according to the IDF, but remain among the few mothers and children still being held in Gaza.

“We won’t let them break us. We’re continuing to fight for their release and to bring them home,” Yifat Zeilar, a cousin of Shiri Bibas, says in a statement to the press on the sidelines of a rally for the hostages in Tel Aviv.

“We should also get to embrace them, and it will happen,” she adds. “Don’t forget us, don’t forget them.”

I really feel for Israel they have no choice , if they were to stop and pull out of Gaza would Hamas stop hell no. Hamas wants to erase Jews from the earth . My family survived holodomor I understand genocide what I don't understand is why the news is against Israel and is throwing a pity party for terrorists. Jmoo
“So what’s the plan Tom?”

“Fix my broken child. Fix my broken baby.”

9 year old Emily Hand’s family father and sister speak out about what Emily and her family have endured since October 7th, when she was brutally kidnapped by Hamas and held hostage in Gaza.

Emily's father says when she has recovered enough, "I'm going to find out where and if Beyonce' is touring and I don't care where it is in the world, she's going." :cool:

I'm still hoping for Emily to receive a Facetime call from Beyonce, and an invitation to one of her future concerts. Surely someone should be arranging this, helping Tom to make this happen.
1min ago

IDF says Hamas tunnel shaft found in Gaza schoolyard during truce

The IDF says that before the temporary ceasefire, troops of its 551st Reserve Brigade found and destroyed a Hamas tunnel shaft in the yard of a school in the Beit Lahiya area in the northern Gaza Strip.

It says that the 551st Brigade has now completed operations in the area surrounding Jabaliya.

During the operations, the brigade killed several Hamas operatives and seized weapons, the IDF says.

My mind is going to very dark places how Israel knows some of these hostages are dead when Hamas is still holding their bodies, specifically the soldiers. But as mentioned, there are various ways they could be getting this intel, interrogations, released hostages, videos, etc.

There is sooo much obviously going on behind the scenes we don’t know about, highly, highly classified intel continuously being acquired.

Interesting they were able to recover soldier Ofir Tzarfati‘s body. Per my notes above, he was abducted in the “vicinity of Re'im base.”

It says Col. Asaf Hamami was “commander of the Gaza Division's southern brigade”…would that also be the Re'im base?

And re: Ori Meridian, the female solider they rescued much earlier on, why only she was rescued I wonder. Was she being held alone, or was it such a tough battle they were only able to get her out…iirc it was quite a battle, jmo, need to pull reference on her. (Eta/ quick ref)

Then there’s Noa Marciano…
“The military added that it made the declaration of Marciano’s death based on intelligence information, not the Hamas video.” / ref

In this video, this soldier says 15 of her friends were killed and it shows a picture of her with a group of female Israeli soldiers, so it sounded like it was her soldier comrades who were all killed.
Additional note from the video, she said for about a year people were coming up to the fence and messing with it, trying to gauge their reactions, etc., which she reported…

Some scattered thoughts.
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3min ago

Gallant: We have picked up fighting where we left off in Gaza


He says he ordered that fire be resumed Friday morning after Hamas refused to release 15 women and two children as part of a truce deal.

“We are continuing exactly where we left off,” he says in a press conference.

He says he toured Gaza from the air and the border area from the ground over the last two days, calling the results of the IDF’s restarting offensive “very impressive.”

“Thousands of terrorists have been eliminated, dozens of headquarters [have been struck], hundreds of terabytes of information are in our hands, hundreds of terrorists have been captured and are being interrogated in Israel,” he says.

“An achievement of 110 hostages returning alive, no army in the world has achieved this against a terror organization. We achieved because of the strength of the IDF,” Gallant says.
12 min ago

Harris says Israel must do more to protect civilians: "Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed"​

From CNN’s Sam Fossum

While the US supports Israel’s “legitimate military objectives” in Gaza, the civilian suffering in the enclave has been too high, US Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday.

Harris, who met several key leaders in the region on the sidelines of the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, said she spoke with them in depth Saturday about what expectations the US will have in regard to post-conflict planning.

“As Israel defends itself, it matters how. The United States is unequivocal: International humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering, and the images and videos coming from Gaza, are devastating,” Harris said at a news conference during the COP28 climate summit in Dubai. “It is truly heartbreaking.”

“As Israel pursues its military objectives in Gaza, we believe Israel must do more to protect innocent civilians,” she added.

33m ago
The International Committee of the Red Cross said the current conditions in Gaza “do not allow for a meaningful humanitarian response”.

In a statement released on Sunday, Pascal Hundt, the head of the ICRC’s Gaza operations, said:

A very high number of civilians have been killed and maimed, including thousands of children. Homes, hospitals, and other infrastructure critical to the survival of the civilian population have suffered colossal destruction … Current conditions do not allow for a meaningful humanitarian response, I fear will spell disaster for the civilian population.

The ICRC’s statement comes amid a deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where more than 15,200 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli strikes in the last two months.

Note, this article says soldier Tzarfati was abducted from “a music festival near the border,” while other source in my list says “vicinity of Re’im base.”

* Why is it important from where they were abducted, etc.? Possible patterns, collecting the dots before you can connect the dots, which soldiers were held where, all that stuff, which may come into account later.

* this is all too complex.

* link this to previous notes 1, 2
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1min ago

IDF says Hamas tunnel shaft found in Gaza schoolyard during truce

The IDF says that before the temporary ceasefire, troops of its 551st Reserve Brigade found and destroyed a Hamas tunnel shaft in the yard of a school in the Beit Lahiya area in the northern Gaza Strip.

It says that the 551st Brigade has now completed operations in the area surrounding Jabaliya.

During the operations, the brigade killed several Hamas operatives and seized weapons, the IDF says.

Forget about the safety of the children. :mad:
Hamas has killed -- and will continue to kill -- more children by using them as human shields.
I'd not doubt that these terrorists place children directly where they know the IDF is striking at Hamas, so the demon terrorists can pretend that the IDF killed them.
The blood of innocents is on Hamas and no one else !
Note, this article says soldier Tzarfati was abducted from “a music festival near the border,” while other source in my list says “vicinity of Re’im base.”

* Why is it important from where they were abducted, etc.? Possible patterns, collecting the dots before you can connect the dots, which soldiers were held where, all that stuff, which may come into account later.

* this is all too complex.

* link this to previous notes 1, 2
... the family of Ofir Sarfati, 27, from the Krayot, who was kidnapped from the party in Re'im to the Gaza Strip, was informed that he had been murdered.

For this investigation, CNN examined over 50 videos filmed by festivalgoers and passersby before, during and after the massacre at Nova festival in Re’im, Israel, on October 7, 2023. Most of these were obtained directly from festival survivors, while some were collected from public Telegram groups, such as South First Responders.

Also see: Mapping the Massacres
Libya on Friday released four terrorists belonging to the Palestinian terror group Hamas at the request and mediation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, local media reported.

Wth is this all about.

Erdogan has been very concerning during all of this, imo, as I commented in previous threads.

What is the purpose of this. When it was initially reported last night that it was the US that had requested these 4 Libyan terrorists released, I figured it was a side deal for US hostages. Now I’m like huh. Overloaded, is Hamas holding any Turkish hostages?


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I don't see it that way. It's just stating where they are from. They're not outsiders. When looking at terrorists, they will often indicate whether they are "homegrown" or "outside". The majority of residents of Gaza are refugees. It's just a fact. They are stateless and don't hold citizenship in any country. If Sinwar had citizenship in a country, they would also state his citizenship. For instance, if he was from Syria they would state this. There are also Palestinians who are citizens of Israel. They generally live in Israel. (However, IMO, they are much less likely to engage in terrorism than refugees)

To a degree, I can agree. Israel was afraid of PLO and tried to support HAMAS as an alternative to PLO, then ended up working with Mubarak along the lines of Philadephian axis, and now it wages another war with Palestine, what the heck? Does it mean that all of Israeli's ideas were wrong, or were they right for that time, and obsolete now because the leaders have been there for 20 years?

It just means that all prior policy faded as: whoever you invest into, if by trying to make it an ally, you also strengthen their power vertical, it will fail.

It seems to me that even the existence of two separate administrations, one in Western Bank and one in Gaza, while it is convenient for Israel, eventually backfires. This potentially undermines any possibility of democratic representation in Palestine and eventually, even HAMAS is destroyed, HAMAS-like scoundrels can spring to power watch how rapidly. The Palestinians do support HAMAS, and probably low level of education contributes, but mostly, the choice of whom to support is limited.

To me the situation requires more forward thinking.
Wth is this all about.

Erdogan has been very concerning during all of this, imo, as commented upon in previous threads.

What is the purpose of this. When it was initially reported last night that US requested these hostages released, I figured it was a side deal for US hostages. Now I’m like huh. Overloaded, is Hamas holding any Turkish hostages?



I can only tell how it looks like to me.

Turkey is making a lot of money on all conflicts. I don't think they are involved, but their unique position. Probably lots of money stays in Erdogan's pockets, but Turkey is rapidly changing into a superpower.
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