Katie Holmes gives Suri "adult" candy

Totally, lol. As a mother of two boys in which once at Target my 2 year old "washed his hair" with shampoo while sitting in the shopping cart

:floorlaugh:I'm sorry I know it shouldn't be funny but that is hilarious. Washed his entire head? In the cart. Them kids are fast.
I'll give a pass on the candy but not the pacifier ... that thing needs to go IMO.

And the barley water in the bottle? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

O.K. is this the "real" Suri with the candy? My friend and my mom swear there are more than one Suri. They have stand in Suri's. They also think there's a stand in Katie?

Hey who knows? Considering the high profile of the father, and all his loot ya never know. Apparently they think Suri minus the headband is the "real" Suri. Something about the way she walks as well?:waitasec:
The rest of the article does go on to say that it was a pretty late night visit to the restaurant. Well past Suri's bedtime.

Heaven forbid. Call the nighty night police.;)

It's not like they're giving the kid a crack pipe at 3:00AM.:D
Serendipity 3's press rep Joe Calderone confirmed to E! News that the paparazzi shots were legit, and that when perusing the gift shop at the front of the restaurant while waiting to be seated, Suri happened upon the adult-themed treats.

Which, judging by some of the snaps, seemed to surprise Katie as much as anyone.

But—and this is the important part—Tom Cruise's missus did not end up purchasing the scandalous confection. Those remained on the shelf. And rightfully so.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b231327_true_false_did_katie_holmes_buy_suri.html#ixzz1GtSsm25u

The rest of the article does go on to say that it was a pretty late night visit to the restaurant. Well past Suri's bedtime.

You think she has a bed time?
Sorry, that was me being fascetious :)
Totally, lol. As a mother of two boys in which once at Target my 2 year old "washed his hair" with shampoo while sitting in the shopping cart and grabbed a pack of condoms off the shelf in the same trip, I can understand.

I can imagine her picking those up and saying "it's a baseball bat" or something like that. :lol:

(yes, I have learned to always keep the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle :innocent: )


Sorry - but that visual had me LMAO!
To tell the truth, the whole TomKat thing really weirds me out to the point were I do not follow them and their doings. The whole poor little rich girl upbringing Suri seems to be getting makes me feel sad.

I am so happy that I am the opposite of famous and no one cares what my kid is wearing at the grocery store or what I ate for lunch today.
Meh. I don't think it will traumatize a kid to pick up a box of genitalia-shaped candy. I'd be more troubled if it was candy depicting a *advertiser censored*-style sex act or an act of violence. That could be traumatizing. They had this candy where a kid could pick it up. Not the smartest move but if that was my kid I would simply take the box from the child - "Nope. That's not for you." And move on. No harm no foul. I'm so glad I'm not a celebrity.
And the barley water in the bottle? :crazy::crazy::crazy:

O.K. is this the "real" Suri with the candy? My friend and my mom swear there are more than one Suri. They have stand in Suri's. They also think there's a stand in Katie?

Hey who knows? Considering the high profile of the father, and all his loot ya never know. Apparently they think Suri minus the headband is the "real" Suri. Something about the way she walks as well?:waitasec:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's had that thought. Like their lives weren't bizarre enough already right? I also think Christina Aguilera has a double.

Can you imagine the confidentiality contract for that job?!
Serendipity 3's press rep Joe Calderone confirmed to E! News that the paparazzi shots were legit, and that when perusing the gift shop at the front of the restaurant while waiting to be seated, Suri happened upon the adult-themed treats.

Which, judging by some of the snaps, seemed to surprise Katie as much as anyone.

But—and this is the important part—Tom Cruise's missus did not end up purchasing the scandalous confection. Those remained on the shelf. And rightfully so.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/b231327_true_false_did_katie_holmes_buy_suri.html#ixzz1GtSsm25u

The rest of the article does go on to say that it was a pretty late night visit to the restaurant. Well past Suri's bedtime.


The first time I read this this the link took me to a "mothers" site. Everyone was poo-pooing the candy willies but screaming about Suri heading out to a restaurant at midnight.

IDK if the TMZ pix showed that Suri was in Katie's arms when she grabbed the box off the shelf, not at the usual kiddie eye level. The good mom just returned them to the self.


Regarding Suri being out late, I think I read somewhere that Scientologists considered children really more small adults, so they don't treat them differently than they would other adults. It explains why Suri would be out late, dressing "older," etc.

I don't know if this is true, but I believe I've read it regarding Scientologists.

That said, like Southcitymom pointed out, I'm glad I don't have a camera in my face 24/7. I can see the headlines now: "Baby Mr. E up until 10:30! Ate popcorn and salad dressing for dinner! Wearing last year's summer sandals that are clearly too small! Dressing in an orange dinosaur T-shirt and pink tutu -- public suspects parents are keeping baby's gender a well-hidden secret!"

(These are all things that I think the general public would view as odd if they were scrutinizing our lives with our three year old.)
Even if a camera was pointed at me 24/7, there would never be a picture where my 5 year old ever had anything so inappropriate in her hands. It's our job as parents to keep our kids away from things such as this.

The first time I read this this the link took me to a "mothers" site. Everyone was poo-pooing the candy willies but screaming about Suri heading out to a restaurant at midnight.

IDK if the TMZ pix showed that Suri was in Katie's arms when she grabbed the box off the shelf, not at the usual kiddie eye level. The good mom just returned them to the self.



If you look really close at this picture, I'm not so sure you can use "good mom"!

There are several items on the shelf that are sexual in nature.
WHY are they standing at it????

ETA: At 5 I'm sure she can read. At least read basic words. That white box hanging down has the "other word for rooster" written on it in big red letters!
If you look really close at this picture, I'm not so sure you can use "good mom"!

There are several items on the shelf that are sexual in nature.
WHY are they standing at it????

ETA: At 5 I'm sure she can read. At least read basic words. That white box hanging down has the "other word for rooster" written on it in big red letters!

My thoughts kind of mirrored yours. What kind of "good mom" holds her daughter while perusing shelves of adult sex toys? And sure, Suri wouldn't be traumatized by holding a box of gummy penis' (peni? Is that plural?), but it's what else she's being exposed to in her life, if this is no big deal to mom. If this is no "big thing," then what else isn't a "big thing?" Watching *advertiser censored* together as a family, sharing a big bowl of popcorn?
What kind of store is she in, with a young child, that would even sell that kind of thing?

The only place I've ever seen anything remotely close to that are bachelorette party type stores where you can get just about anything with a wee-wee on it :)

Not my thang, but I hear it's a booming business.

Why are kids allowed in these stores that sell this crap???
Why is it not illegal???

I don't get it.

BYW, if you are ever in Louisiana for Mardi Gras, and you need some beads (there are some GREAT family parades around our state) DO NOT go into a Mardi Gras store with your kids.
They will see all kinds of lifelike beads formed in the shape of body parts.
Not good! :smile:

I don't have a clue why these stores allow children in them.
When I first saw the picture of Suri with the wiener gummies, I was horrified. I was under the impression that they were out in public and had brought them along with her. But after hearing the full story, I think it's funny. Surely she had NO idea they were penis candies. How is that going to tramatize her? It appears Katie laughed and then put the candies back. Big whoop-dee-doo. As others have stated, I'm sure glad I don't have cameras following me around while I'm parenting!
Even if a camera was pointed at me 24/7, there would never be a picture where my 5 year old ever had anything so inappropriate in her hands. It's our job as parents to keep our kids away from things such as this.

True but we can't keep them away from absolutely everything 100% of the time. It's just not humanly possible. For a bachelorette party once, I bought penis-shaped straws for all of the girls. Sometime after, my son, about three at the time, found one at the back of a cabinet and asked if he could drink out of the "funny straw". I politely said no and took it away, inside I'm laughing my fool head off. I guarantee you it didn't scar him for life.
My thoughts kind of mirrored yours. What kind of "good mom" holds her daughter while perusing shelves of adult sex toys? And sure, Suri wouldn't be traumatized by holding a box of gummy penis' (peni? Is that plural?), but it's what else she's being exposed to in her life, if this is no big deal to mom. If this is no "big thing," then what else isn't a "big thing?" Watching *advertiser censored* together as a family, sharing a big bowl of popcorn?

BBM - I think that's a bit of a stretch and painting with a pretty broad brush in regards to those of us who didn't find this "wiener candy incident" to be a big deal. Just because Suri saw a cartoon penis on a box of candy doesn't mean she has bad parents or that she's exposed to *advertiser censored*. I personally don't even like Tom & Katie but I highly doubt they're putting their daughter in harm's way.

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