County Jailers in KY. Qualifications to Run for Office?
I'm a native of Kentucky that is living outside of Kentucky, and I can confirm that yes, the jailer is an elected position in Kentucky.
The jailer operates the county jail, transports county jail inmates to their court hearings, and also transports county jail inmates that are sentenced to serve a prison term in the state prison.
I will point out that some areas in Kentucky have their own county jails and some areas have regional jails.
Just about anyone can run for the county jailer position in Kentucky.
My goodness, I've heard of people that never had any kind of law enforcement experience or any kind of experience working in jails running for election to the county jailer position.
Personally, I think anyone running for election to the county jailer position should have law enforcement experience or have some experience working in jails.
One thing is for sure. If Stines is convicted, his prison sentence will be longer than five years, and it will definitely be served in a state prison.
snipped for focus.
@nerosleuth TYVM. Oh, the things we learn on WS!
From ^: "Just about anyone can run for the county jailer position in Kentucky."
You pretty well NAILED it.
JAILER. 4 year term. "At the time of election, must be at least 24 years of age, a citizen of Kentucky, has resided in the State 2 years, and 1 year next preceding his election in the county and district in which he is a candidate."
Oh, yeah, must also pony up $50.00 filing fee.
Qualifications & Filing Fees - State Board of Elections
This url starts w "" so, reading it as official qualifications, tho not quoting KY. statute.
FWIW, w same search, I got "AI Overview," stating, but providing NO source -
"Complete training"
"You must complete mandatory training requirements in Detention/Corrections as required by the Kentucky State Department of Corrections. This includes a minimum of 40 hours of training per year."
Plus more, but again, no source.