KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #2

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Texas Mist

Retired WS Staff
Dec 17, 2008
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Continue discussion from [ame=http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=91299] Thread 1 [/ame] here. Thanks!

Important information:

LE needs info on "camouflaged ball cap that is embroidered with "Saylor Insurance, Inc., Sabetha" and a 1922 silver dollar money clip.

They also identified a possible vehicle of interest. It's a late 90s to early 2000s model, large, dark- or red-colored dual-wheeled pickup, maybe a Dodge."
( http://www.wibw.com/crime/headlines/70002692.html )

helpful links:

pictures of cap & money clip found during search

AMW web exclusive

LostNMissing blog post for Pat

Website for Pat -- by local highschool students

Anyone with information is asked to call the Atchison County Sheriff's Office at 913-367-4323 or Topeka Crime Stoppers at 785-234-0007
I'm hoping the police get some leads out of the hat and money clip. Both seem very unique.
Continue discussion from Thread 1 here. Thanks!

Important information:

LE needs info on "camouflaged ball cap that is embroidered with "Saylor Insurance, Inc., Sabetha" and a 1922 silver dollar money clip.

They also identified a possible vehicle of interest. It's a late 90s to early 2000s model, large, dark- or red-colored dual-wheeled pickup, maybe a Dodge."
( http://www.wibw.com/crime/headlines/70002692.html )

helpful links:

pictures of cap & money clip found during search

AMW web exclusive

LostNMissing blog post for Pat

Website for Pat -- by local highschool students

Anyone with information is asked to call the Atchison County Sheriff's Office at 913-367-4323 or Topeka Crime Stoppers at 785-234-0007

Thank you so much for posting all those links.
Thank you Texas Mist and Amanda for the links and pictures. Not sure about the ball cap, but that money clip is very unique. Surely someone from the area recognizes it!

Rita - do you know if LE has checked with the Saylor Insurance Co. to determine how many of those hats they had made and gave away? I would assume they were given to their clients - what are the chances someone outside of Sabetha got one? Maybe they were used as promotional gifts at specific events - fairs, craft shows, etc.

Sabetha is less than 40 minutes from Horton, yes? Any idea how large the Saylor Insurance Co is? Are they local to the immediate area only? I hate to assume anything, but if they offer auto insurance, I would hope they've checked their records for any red duallys!

Sorry for all the questions. Maybe LE doesn't want to reveal this info at this point.....
Thank you Texas Mist and Amanda for the links and pictures. Not sure about the ball cap, but that money clip is very unique. Surely someone from the area recognizes it!

Rita - do you know if LE has checked with the Saylor Insurance Co. to determine how many of those hats they had made and gave away? I would assume they were given to their clients - what are the chances someone outside of Sabetha got one? Maybe they were used as promotional gifts at specific events - fairs, craft shows, etc.

Sabetha is less than 40 minutes from Horton, yes? Any idea how large the Saylor Insurance Co is? Are they local to the immediate area only? I hate to assume anything, but if they offer auto insurance, I would hope they've checked their records for any red duallys!

Sorry for all the questions. Maybe LE doesn't want to reveal this info at this point.....

They have checked into some of that information...

A day of disappointment. After have some hope over a lead and many hours invested by LE, the lead ended up being nothing. I'm sure to LE a month is not that long of a time spent in investigation but I never dreamed we would not have found her by now.

Some hope though - I heard from Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch tonight. I've seen him on tv searching for different people - I never could have imagined someday we would be asking for his help. He seems like a wonderful person and I hope and pray that everything will work out for them to help us search. How fitting for Mom that not only have we had local friends and neighbors on horseback searching for her, but now also a national mounted search & rescue group. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God.
Good news about TES.
I am so sorry for all the pain you and your family and Pat's friends are going through.
Hoping for answers soon.
They have checked into some of that information...

A day of disappointment. After have some hope over a lead and many hours invested by LE, the lead ended up being nothing. I'm sure to LE a month is not that long of a time spent in investigation but I never dreamed we would not have found her by now.

Some hope though - I heard from Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch tonight. I've seen him on tv searching for different people - I never could have imagined someday we would be asking for his help. He seems like a wonderful person and I hope and pray that everything will work out for them to help us search. How fitting for Mom that not only have we had local friends and neighbors on horseback searching for her, but now also a national mounted search & rescue group. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God.

Sorry the lead did not pan out. Disappointing, I know.
But good news about TES coming to help.
Do you know for sure when they will be there?
Sorry the lead did not pan out. Disappointing, I know.
But good news about TES coming to help.
Do you know for sure when they will be there?

Tim Miller said that different people will be finishing up in different states in a couple of days, so hopefully soon. I am still so amazed and grateful that they can help us.

The kids and I are headed out today to post fliers. Hoping today is the day.

Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers.
Rita, we are all still praying mightily for you and your family, and for your mom. There are times I know that you feel helpless and alone....remember that we are with you.
Wonderful about TES. Pat had many friends here in Texas and I'm so proud that this organization from Texas can be of some help to you all. Will be praying for it to be successful.

Per TES website, they are doing at least one search in OK for Gary Arrington.
Wonderful about TES. Pat had many friends here in Texas and I'm so proud that this organization from Texas can be of some help to you all. Will be praying for it to be successful.


I just knew all of you guys would appreciate this - it's perfect that we'll have even more people on horseback searching for her.

Today I watched from her back doors as my brothers and husband took down the shed and fencing and loaded up Skittles her donkey to move to Tony & Michele's house. Now every precious soul who lived there and made it a home is gone. Lord in Heaven, how can this be happening.
They have checked into some of that information...

A day of disappointment. After have some hope over a lead and many hours invested by LE, the lead ended up being nothing. I'm sure to LE a month is not that long of a time spent in investigation but I never dreamed we would not have found her by now.

Some hope though - I heard from Tim Miller from Texas Equusearch tonight. I've seen him on tv searching for different people - I never could have imagined someday we would be asking for his help. He seems like a wonderful person and I hope and pray that everything will work out for them to help us search. How fitting for Mom that not only have we had local friends and neighbors on horseback searching for her, but now also a national mounted search & rescue group. Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God.
I am just now catching up on this thread... but Rita.... yes TIM MILLER IS WONDERFUL! Keep talking to him and get him involved in your mother's case! He can HELP YOU!
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4527391&postcount=316"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only[/ame]

the above is the most recent forensic astrology posting by Tuba. I have been following them all closely.

Rita, per the FA posts... was your mom in any sort of argument/disagreement prior to her vanishing that you know about? Even if it seems small and insignificant it may not be.

Also, in looking at the fornsic astrology threads realestate/land/money could have been factored into this. Was there any sort of issue in this arena? Was the family home sold after the divorce before she moved a year ago? Who sold her the current home/land? Was there land left in the family that was left to be divided up or argued about? If so, did you have any lease farmers of the sort who had bids on the land and didn't get their way?

I can see the astro point of view that someone saw her driving thru town that night and followed her home all of a sudden like. Was anyone looking to rent land from her? Anyone who wanted something from her/wanted her to sell them something, etc? Like a last desperate talk to get something from her? Just thoughts.
Also Rita, you had previously said you thought maybe the red truck took back roads from the scene. This means that, sadly, they had to be local.

I am sad LE is not onto these sort of things. It is VERY telling to me.. that they need to be looking in their own sandbox.

When you get TES there you will advance this case leaps and bounds. I just have a feeling.

aside: has the fbi become involved in her case?
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - CASE BRIEFINGS only

the above is the most recent forensic astrology posting by Tuba. I have been following them all closely.

Rita, per the FA posts... was your mom in any sort of argument/disagreement prior to her vanishing that you know about? Even if it seems small and insignificant it may not be.

Also, in looking at the fornsic astrology threads realestate/land/money could have been factored into this. Was there any sort of issue in this arena? Was the family home sold after the divorce before she moved a year ago? Who sold her the current home/land? Was there land left in the family that was left to be divided up or argued about? If so, did you have any lease farmers of the sort who had bids on the land and didn't get their way?

I can see the astro point of view that someone saw her driving thru town that night and followed her home all of a sudden like. Was anyone looking to rent land from her? Anyone who wanted something from her/wanted her to sell them something, etc? Like a last desperate talk to get something from her? Just thoughts.

Everything at this point in her life was a "done deal". Everything was finalized, land, house, jeep, divorce, settlement. There is nothing I was aware of that was a problem to someone else and I am POSITIVE that if there is something wrong or someone bothering her, she would have told us. I also think she would have talked about it with her friends, because they're all so close, and they can't think of anything.

Keep the thoughts coming - everything helps.
Also Rita, you had previously said you thought maybe the red truck took back roads from the scene. This means that, sadly, they had to be local.

I am sad LE is not onto these sort of things. It is VERY telling to me.. that they need to be looking in their own sandbox.

When you get TES there you will advance this case leaps and bounds. I just have a feeling.

aside: has the fbi become involved in her case?

Sadly, yes, it's my opinion they're local also, but LE is looking into all of these directions. We know some of them personally and they're all really good guys who have vowed to solve this case for us.

I am so, so hopeful about TES - I cannot tell you how amazed I was that they called us last night!!

We're told by LE that unless there is some indication that Mom was taken out of state, the FBI will not get involved.
Sadly, yes, it's my opinion they're local also, but LE is looking into all of these directions. We know some of them personally and they're all really good guys who have vowed to solve this case for us.

I am so, so hopeful about TES - I cannot tell you how amazed I was that they called us last night!!

We're told by LE that unless there is some indication that Mom was taken out of state, the FBI will not get involved.

I'm hopeful about TES too! They are awesome and so, so, so great at what they do. It's unfortunate that their wonderful work is centered around such sorrow.

I believe it's someone in the area that took your Mom too. I also believe someone not directly involved knows about it and will start spilling the beans. No way someone hasn't recognized that money clip!
I just knew all of you guys would appreciate this - it's perfect that we'll have even more people on horseback searching for her.

Today I watched from her back doors as my brothers and husband took down the shed and fencing and loaded up Skittles her donkey to move to Tony & Michele's house. Now every precious soul who lived there and made it a home is gone. Lord in Heaven, how can this be happening.

Oh, how it must have hurt to watch that, Rita. But you had to do what is best for Skittles, he needs human companionship and by giving that to him, you are doing what your Mom wants for him. I know that she is so proud of how you all are handling this, with dignity, determination, pride and love, just the way she taught you.

How is Sienna? I'm not sure I spelled that right.

Walked into my livingroom tonite and my little lite behind my nativity was flickering away, I was smiling while a tear slipped from my eye. Pat and you all are with me, all day every day. May God watch over you all.

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