KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #4

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[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94676"]Thread 3[/ame]

Originally Posted by dsntslp [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4932695#post4932695"]
It is so hard to write and not fall back on my own experience and past.
I'm not trying to make this "all about me" when I say this but...
I wish my mother had loved me that much, taught me as much about real love and family that loves you back as what the Kimmi kids have shown us here. It has to be hard to hear how blessed I think they are when they are going through the worst of times. What a great bunch of kids she raised, what a wonderful mother. Priceless.

More prayers.

Very sweetly said.

I think all of us on WS view things through our own personal "filters." That being said, I always adored my Mom and we were always close. Growing up, I sometimes envied the girls who weren't close to their moms because I knew they wouldn't hurt as much when they lost them. From the time I was very little, I knew I would be devastated, which I was. But I'm still here and all the better for having been her daughter. Like Rita, I have only brothers and we're all close because of our Mom and all she taught us. I hope I have passed that love of family on to my own kids.

I see my Mom in Pat's face and I know that's what brought me here. We didn't lose her by an evil hand and I can't say for sure how I would have dealt with it had that been the case. But I do know it would not have been with as much grace and faith as Rita has. That would be a wonderful testament to my Mom and it certainly would have been like HER. It's definitely not me.

Prayers to all and heartfelt hopes this will all be over soon.

On my own ot: about my mom:
We were very close. I was one of the few people that had an extremely good relationship with their mom.
She was a wonderful example of what a mom is.
I lost her over 20 years ago.
I think of her every day.

Patricia Kimmi reminds me of my mom.
But the fact is I am a few years older than Patricia
and maybe she just reminds me of the good in people.
Thank you Fairy1,
Every once in a while we run across people who renew our faith.
As much as I would like to be able to be one of the people to have words to make this family stronger (Dsn sticks to "More prayers" usually, lol) I can only wonder if the Kimmi family has any idea how many people they have touched by posting here.

Kimmi family, thank you for sharing from the heart, truly.
Some news from KNZA (local radio) which might be of interest. The state of Kansas is having a budget problem...therefore...all Kansas Courts will be closed on April 9, 16, 23 & May 7. (check it out at www.knzafm.com) just to let everyone know...this process might be moving slower than usual...sorry, I don't know the standard procedures between LE, County Attorney, Judge, etc...but whatever the process...I expect it will be moving slower than normal.
Thank you Fairy1,
Every once in a while we run across people who renew our faith.
As much as I would like to be able to be one of the people to have words to make this family stronger (Dsn sticks to "More prayers" usually, lol) I can only wonder if the Kimmi family has any idea how many people they have touched by posting here.

Kimmi family, thank you for sharing from the heart, truly.

Well, we all have moms - definitely a common denominator, no matter the details. You're here showing your support and that's important, IMO.

I believe we've all seen how strong Pat's family is. No doubt, they see that now too, if they hadn't already.

Rita - I do hope ya'll realize how many people have been touched by your Mom - and you. I don't know that it'll ever make sense to anyone, but there you have it. I've been around here for awhile and have never seen a thread quite like Pat's. This is the only case that has ever made me cry. Ever. I guess it hits a bit too close to home.

In any case - there's lots of love and support here. Every day. I hope it helps in some small way. At the very least, we all can take comfort in the fact that there are still good people, who care, in the world.
There have been too many wonderful words said recently about Pat and her family that it wouldn't be fair to choose just one to quote. Please just take the time to re-read all of them.

If the case does slow down, atleast we know that there has been a lot of progress lately and we'll remain optomistic and find more patience. Surely at the County level, the inquisitions will continue and more investigation will be coming.

BUMP for Tuesday AM!

Prayers to everyone, especially Pat and all of the KIMMI KIDS!
Some news from KNZA (local radio) which might be of interest. The state of Kansas is having a budget problem...therefore...all Kansas Courts will be closed on April 9, 16, 23 & May 7. (check it out at www.knzafm.com) just to let everyone know...this process might be moving slower than usual...sorry, I don't know the standard procedures between LE, County Attorney, Judge, etc...but whatever the process...I expect it will be moving slower than normal.

However: "During the furlough days, the court may still attend to a limited amount of "critical" business, including conducting first appearances and determining probable cause for arrests without warrants."

It will still be interesting as only the judges will be working those Fridays. The clerks will not be there to do the paper work which pretty much means the courts really don't function. Court reporters? We'll have to see how this plays out exactly.
So, I got to thinking...if RH was a "business" partner of EK, then Pat must have known him, right? I wonder if she ever mentioned any threats he may have made?
Originally Posted by dsntslp
It is so hard to write and not fall back on my own experience and past.
I'm not trying to make this "all about me" when I say this but...
I wish my mother had loved me that much, taught me as much about real love and family that loves you back as what the Kimmi kids have shown us here. It has to be hard to hear how blessed I think they are when they are going through the worst of times. What a great bunch of kids she raised, what a wonderful mother. Priceless.

More prayers.

Very sweetly said.

I think all of us on WS view things through our own personal "filters." That being said, I always adored my Mom and we were always close. Growing up, I sometimes envied the girls who weren't close to their moms because I knew they wouldn't hurt as much when they lost them. From the time I was very little, I knew I would be devastated, which I was. But I'm still here and all the better for having been her daughter. Like Rita, I have only brothers and we're all close because of our Mom and all she taught us. I hope I have passed that love of family on to my own kids.

I see my Mom in Pat's face and I know that's what brought me here. We didn't lose her by an evil hand and I can't say for sure how I would have dealt with it had that been the case. But I do know it would not have been with as much grace and faith as Rita has. That would be a wonderful testament to my Mom and it certainly would have been like HER. It's definitely not me.

Prayers to all and heartfelt hopes this will all be over soon.


I thought it was just me... When we lost our mom suddenly it was just awful. Truly devastating. Our lives changed forever and everything falls into if something happened before mom died or after mom died. What has happened to this family is so very much worse though... my sister posts on here and we have talked about how much more awful this would just have to be. I can't imagine...

I too see my mom when I look at Pat's face... I feel my mom's heart when I read these posts and I want the answers found and the guilty person(s) arrested and convicted w/ all my heart. Pat could be my mom, your mom... anyone's mom. I am so very emotionally vested in this. Not out of curiosity, but out of true anger that someone took this woman away from her family before her time.

What a wonderful woman and what a great family.
They are going through all this and I KNOW they are handling it w/ more grace than I ever could.
Growing up, this always hung in my Grandma Dot's kitchen (my Mom's mom):

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

But what I will be thinking about today:

He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses more;
He who loses faith, loses all.
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