LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #22

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What are the viable scenarios?

1. She was hit by a drunk/distracted driver, and taken as a cover up.

2. She was targeted by a stalker, and he finally got his chance that night.

3. She was in wrong place, wrong time and taken spontaneously by an opportunistic perp.

4. She went someplace else, in secret, to meet up with a crush/pot dealer/friend, and she met with harm there.

5. She ran off....

6. She met up with someone that she knew and trusted...

7. Alien abduction.

I think it's #3 with a little bit of #6 thrown in.
I can't shake the feeling or overlook the possibility that she misread someone terribly, someone she thought was one thing but in reality was another.

That happened to my DD when she was 19 and had just moved into her first apartment. A male friend, who she thought she knew really well, started hanging out at her place with she and her roommates. She always saw him as a platonic friend, and he seemed cool with that. Then one night, after a friends birthday party, he was drunk, and he had a huge angry tantrum, saying he wanted to be more than friends. When she tried to nicely say NO, he began throwing things and screaming at her. Luckily she reached my son who went over there and threw the guy out. :mad: I know she learned an important lesson though, so that is good.
can the FBI/LE legally "break" into somebody's facebook account. I don't mean look at it, I mean login?! Look at private messages and such---I'm sure there would be a trail of some sort if she had a new relationship?! Hard telling though...

I know this is under extreme circumstances, but i would be so insanely embarrassed if LE or anyone broke into my fb or emails. I wouldn't want anyone to see the things i write about to my friends and stuff.
Again, i know this is probably the last thing i would need to worry about at this point, if i was missing this long.
But still, i would hate it.
I hope i made sense....
Can they do that btw?
That happened to my DD when she was 19 and had just moved into her first apartment. A male friend, who she thought she knew really well, started hanging out at her place with she and her roommates. She always saw him as a platonic friend, and he seemed cool with that. Then one night, after a friends birthday party, he was drunk, and he had a huge angry tantrum, saying he wanted to be more than friends. When she tried to nicely say NO, he began throwing things and screaming at her. Luckily she reached my son who went over there and threw the guy out. :mad: I know she learned an important lesson though, so that is good.
That's so scary....:(....a scary lesson to learn...:(
I can't shake the feeling or overlook the possibility that she misread someone terribly, someone she thought was one thing but in reality was another.

That's exactly what I think. I think someone (white truck, black car, alien spaceship, IDK) stopped her and she trusted them to go with them. I don't think it's a friend, I think it could be an acquaintance through a friend of a friend or along those lines. Or someone she may have met once before.

However it happened, I suspect her body is very close to where it all happened. And no, I do not mean the Circle K roadway there. :crazy:
That happened to my DD when she was 19 and had just moved into her first apartment. A male friend, who she thought she knew really well, started hanging out at her place with she and her roommates. She always saw him as a platonic friend, and he seemed cool with that. Then one night, after a friends birthday party, he was drunk, and he had a huge angry tantrum, saying he wanted to be more than friends. When she tried to nicely say NO, he began throwing things and screaming at her. Luckily she reached my son who went over there and threw the guy out. :mad: I know she learned an important lesson though, so that is good.

Yes. Those types of situations can be so dangerous and are like a flash fire; one minute everything is ok and the next ...out of control. I'm glad it ended well for her.
I know this is under extreme circumstances, but i would be so insanely embarrassed if LE or anyone broke into my fb or emails. I wouldn't want anyone to see the things i write about to my friends and stuff.
Again, i know this is probably the last thing i would need to worry about at this point, if i was missing this long.
But still, i would hate it.
I hope i made sense....
Can they do that btw?

I think they can get it all, FB, texts, call logs, etc.
What happens if you're wrong? Say the victim didn't bleed, suffered internal injuries, only? Hmmmmm????

I really can't help it. I'm a prosecutor's nightmare juror. My user name is apt.

I understand everyone wants to wrap this or that up move on to the next theory. I'm the opposite. I collect them all and examine & weigh them.

I'm not being a smart@$$. I just wait until all the facts are in.

Kinda like Sherlock ;-)

Hmmm, we seem much alike.
MS disappeared May 18/19 not 19/20.
I posted May 19/20
the new moon was the 20th. I wasn't sure if that meant the night of the 19th going into the 20th or the 20th going into the 21st...

Anyway... May 18/19 was a dark night not near the full moon FWIW :)

Making it easier to hide in the shadows... IF that has anything to do with this case.
Hi all,

Couldn't sleep, so I let my mind wonder a bit....about the bike dump. Hope I can make sense here with what I am trying to it's way past my bedtime! Here goes:

So somehow our perp ended up with a body (alive or not) and a bike in a vehicle. One would think that you would not want to transport the body very far, because if you got pulled over for any reason or someone noticed...your in deep trouble. However, one might be more comfortable transporting the bike a little further say to Whiskey Bay. If you have the bike in your vehicle and you get pulled over or someone sees the bike in your vehicle PRIOR to MS getting reported missing or anyone knowing anything about a missing does not look out of the ordinary. You have a bike in your do a lot of people. No real threat of getting caught immediately, if this is done before she is reported missing. But driving further than you absolutely have to with a live victim or even a body is different. I would think it'd be "safer" (for the perp) to leave MS closer to her abduction or accident site rather than further out where the bike was found.

Now on the other hand, we all know that many criminals just don't think logically, especially in a panic. I don't know how many cases I have seen where someone could have taken a much easier route to rid of evidence and would likely have had a much better chance of getting away with the crime then what they actually ended up doing.

With that said...what do we have here? Do we have a planner who felt comfortable driving MS around (alive or not) or do we have someone who panicked and tried to get rid her quickly? Either way, the person had to feel comfortable enough with driving the bike to WB. That could be that they had traveled that route a hundred times before and felt ok about getting there and dumping it without being seen or that they needed a "safe" place to dump it quickly were it wouldn't be found right away to buy more time or many other things I am not thinking of.

I just almost think she is somewhere closer. If it was me, I wouldn't want to drive too far with a live victim and/or a body. Though's hard to figure out what a potential abductor/panicked person/drunk person may do. Food for thought, I guess.

Did that make sense? Lol....
I think they can get it all, FB, texts, call logs, etc.

Yikes! I hope noone ever is able to get into any of my stuff. (i don't mean if anything happens to me) But i just worry about that in general!
I get myself into trouble. Not "illegal" stuff! Just friendships/relationships, etc....
I always worry that my stuff will all be "broken into" or something.
Yah i'm paranoid....
The focus on "the truck" is based, to a large extent, on the fact that we really have nothing else to go on. The fact that the driver of that truck has not come forward means something but there are plenty of possible explanations. There is another consideration that makes "the truck" very likely "involved”. Consider this:

We know a white z71 went west on St Landry soon after Mickey. What happened to it after that? 4 possibilities.

1) It continued going west on St a St Landry. This can be eliminated because it was not picked up on the Cam at 216 St Landry.

2) It turned around and drove east back past the Circle K. This can be eliminated because the Cam across the street didn't pick it up.

3) It remained at one of the houses in the immediate area (Brashear or one of the other streets). The LPD should have knocked at every door and inquired as to any similar truck that anyone who lived there or may have visited that night, might have owned. Did they do this? If so, and I trust they did, then this can be eliminated.

4) It went down either Brashear or Calder (or possibly through a parking lot north of St Landry) and worked its way to another street out of that immediate area that didn't have a cam. This seems the most likely option, but what would be the point? The street barriers are there so that drivers will not use those streets to go anywhere except to local residences. They are not practical routes to anywhere. I really don't think anyone was just driving around exploring the neighborhood at that time and I don't see how someone could be "lost" in that area. I believe someone had a quick "chore" to accomplish in the area and was either already on Brashear or Calder or thought those streets would offer a quick, perhaps discrete escape route.

For reason that have been discussed, I don’t think this was an accident. It is certainly possible that this was some stalker who had been tracking her for days, but I think this is unlikely. More likely, it was a sexual predator you got the idea from seeing a lot of women riding bikes alone at night. I think he planned it out in advance. I’ll bet Mickey wasn’t the first one he followed but she was the first that entered a street that was quiet enough to suite his purpose. A P/U would be the perfect vehicle/weapon because it would sustain little or no damage on impact with a bicycle and the bike could easily put in the bed.
If she was riding her bike very quickly, as one person said, I doubt she was on her way to a romantic rendezvous. While it's normal for people to want to break a sweat after meeting their love interests, nobody wants to show up sweaty.
I think the paper said that 'the LPD and two other law enforcement agencies are still involved'; that would lead me to think FBI is one of the two other....

My opinions only, no facts here:

Good friend, I looked at your most recent posts about the white truck image, but cannot post until late at night and suddenly, we have a new thread which took me awhile to find!

With your more recent posts, I can appreciate that you have faithfully studied the surveillance images. Yes, there are several ways to interpret what is seen through the windows of the white truck. And another thing, for all we know, this is simply a random and unrelated vehicle with a man and wife and maybe a pet. I cannot deny this. If we evaluated the white truck image with a bias that this vehicle is related to the crime- then we would naturally assume that there can only be a lone male driver. But it might be a family going to the store or whatever. I do think that the police are a little suspicious that they could establish the identity of the other two vehicles in question so quickly, but not this particular one.

I will take a try at enhancing the interior of the white truck. I don't think that zooming is effective when the pixel quality is sooooo bad. Sharpening will make the quality worse. What I will try to do is examine each pixel in the cab of the truck and see if anything can be gained with a pixel by pixel enhancement. This involves "selecting" pixels of identical color and playing with their tone, contrast, and brightness to see what 'develops'.

I DO believe (as you do) that the driver is visible, but I fear that the driver is only represented by only a few pixels.
Hi all,

Couldn't sleep, so I let my mind wonder a bit....about the bike dump. Hope I can make sense here with what I am trying to it's way past my bedtime! Here goes:

So somehow our perp ended up with a body (alive or not) and a bike in a vehicle. One would think that you would not want to transport the body very far, because if you got pulled over for any reason or someone noticed...your in deep trouble. However, one might be more comfortable transporting the bike a little further say to Whiskey Bay. If you have the bike in your vehicle and you get pulled over or someone sees the bike in your vehicle PRIOR to MS getting reported missing or anyone knowing anything about a missing does not look out of the ordinary. You have a bike in your do a lot of people. No real threat of getting caught immediately, if this is done before she is reported missing. But driving further than you absolutely have to with a live victim or even a body is different. I would think it'd be "safer" (for the perp) to leave MS closer to her abduction or accident site rather than further out where the bike was found.

Now on the other hand, we all know that many criminals just don't think logically, especially in a panic. I don't know how many cases I have seen where someone could have taken a much easier route to rid of evidence and would likely have had a much better chance of getting away with the crime then what they actually ended up doing.

With that said...what do we have here? Do we have a planner who felt comfortable driving MS around (alive or not) or do we have someone who panicked and tried to get rid her quickly? Either way, the person had to feel comfortable enough with driving the bike to WB. That could be that they had traveled that route a hundred times before and felt ok about getting there and dumping it without being seen or that they needed a "safe" place to dump it quickly were it wouldn't be found right away to buy more time or many other things I am not thinking of.

I just almost think she is somewhere closer. If it was me, I wouldn't want to drive too far with a live victim and/or a body. Though's hard to figure out what a potential abductor/panicked person/drunk person may do. Food for thought, I guess.

Did that make sense? Lol....

To me, it makes sense that the bike was the last thing he/she/they got rid of...not the first. There would really be no need to get rid of the bike if they were taking Mickey to "hide" her someplace-they could have just hidden the bike there as well. If Mickey was found, say, on someone's property being held captive, having the bike there too would be the least of their problems...I fear the bike being dumped is a very bad sign. JMO
I can see everyone cares very much about Micky and want to help in whatever way they can. BUT - if it was a hit and run, why would the driver stash Micky and the bike in the vehicle? It is a hit and RUN - as in LEAVE as fast as you can. As for the pictures, Micky is not under, over or inside the truck. If she was LE would know it. They have access to much more sophisticated equipment than we do and they would not put a picture containing this type of view out their for the public to view. Additionally, Micky was not a novice bike rider so I'm sure she is not standing, texting, resting, or talking on the phone in the middle of the road. If she wanted to do one of these things, she would pull to the side. The girl was not stupid - she apparently was an intelligent human being. Whether the truck has anything to do with her disappearance or not - IDK. I just think we need to give the girl some credit and use our common sense.

I'm obviously getting frustrated - so maybe it's time to hang it up for the night. :)

Someone hitting the bike could've been worried about being identified due to the paint transfer. As for taking the accident victim, it has been done before during the same month.

Not to sound disrespectful toward the victim, but if she was doing something as careless as habitually riding around on her bike in the middle of the night, why should we automatically assume she was too careful to do the things you say she was too smart to do? Just because she wasn't a novice bike rider doesn't mean she made good decisions the night of her disappearance. Most people with training wheels still on their bikes know not to be out riding around at 2 a.m.
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