LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #23

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It is wonderful to see so many new members (many locals!) interested in helping locate Mickey. Your dedication is appreciated.


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Michaela (Mickey) Shunick
Missing from Lafayette LA -- 19 May 2012

[ame=""]Thread #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #5 [/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #6[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #7 [/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #8[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #9[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #10[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #11 [/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #12[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #13[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #14[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #15[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #16[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #17[/ame]

Thread #18
Thread #19
[ame=""]Thread #20[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #21[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #22[/ame]

• [ame=""]Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 * Timeline & Media Links ONLY *[/ame]

• [ame=""]BayouBecky's videos[/ame] of Mickey's possible routes homeward

• KATC Twitter feed

• Website: Find Mickey Now

• Lafayette Police Department updates

• Facebook link: Find Mickey Shunick Now

• If you find and post new info here on the discussion thread, please also post that link on the Time Line & Media Links *
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• Please do not sleuth individuals who have not been mentioned in MSM either as persons of interest or as suspects by LE.
• Choose the links you post wisely; don't link to sites which feature bizarre speculation, etc.

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Locals/Insiders - queenofcorona and chicken fried
Verified PI: A.C.I.

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Have you read the two previous posts?

If not, read them now.

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thank you for the new thread beach!

hoping and praying today holds some answers
That investigation has turned up no new developments, but Lafayette Police say that&#8217;s not for lack of trying. Cpl. Paul Mouton, public spokesperson for the police department, says investigators continue to work hundreds of leads, and Shunick&#8217;s bike is still being analyzed by forensics experts at the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab.

John Abdella, a private investigator the Shunick family hired shortly after Shunick disappeared, says he too has been working around the clock, taking anywhere from 50 to 100 telephone tips per day, and he believes they are close to solving the case.

&#8220;We have several things that people called in that we&#8217;re looking into,&#8221; Abdella says. &#8220;You know we have to verify and document these things, and the amount of telephone calls that I&#8217;m receiving is a numerous amount and is encouraging to me.&#8221;
EquuSearch only left for a short time but they will be returning Wednesday to continue the search for Mickey Shunick.

There is also a new company in town that will also be aiding in the investigation. Special K-9s Recovery Specialist are in town and will be getting to work tomorrow morning. They specialize in evidence recovery and forensics
The more I think about Mickey, the more I realize how LITTLE info we have. Not even a definite place where she last was. I refuse to believe something happened right in front of Circle K and no one noticed. For those who have more experience in regards to TES, do they almost always find who they are looking for? The fact that they haven't found her gives me hope that perhaps she's being held somewhere and still alive. Which also means it's even harder to find her.
Carrying over [ame=""]from previous thread[/ame]:

helpful said:
We always called motorcyclists without helmets "organ donors."

A few weeks ago I saw a girl downtown riding a scooter/Vespa thing in traffic while wearing only a bikini. No shoes, no helmet, nothing to protect her skin even a little bit if she fell off for any reason. I was like, "Holy road rash!"

This post is worthless without pics.
I'm hopeful for what today and the next few days might bring. I'm nervous at the same time.

I wonder what time they'll begin the searches with the dogs.

I'll be refreshing this thread all day.
The more I think about Mickey, the more I realize how LITTLE info we have. Not even a definite place where she last was. I refuse to believe something happened right in front of Circle K and no one noticed. For those who have more experience in regards to TES, do they almost always find who they are looking for? The fact that they haven't found her gives me hope that perhaps she's being held somewhere and still alive. Which also means it's even harder to find her.

But what we do have is her on video just before she went missing and a possible vehicle and perp, once found. I think it makes it a bit easier for the perp to be found and possibly Mickey, and, I have to say, it's more info than other cases have.

As for your question about TES, I would like to know as well. The cases that I've followed have not utilitzed TES as either the parents have not requested their assistance or LE has said that they will call them if needed, which never happened :(
But what we do have is her on video just before she went missing and a possible vehicle and perp, once found. I think it makes it a bit easier for the perp to be found and possibly Mickey, and, I have to say, it's more info than other cases have.

As for your question about TES, I would like to know as well. The cases that I've followed have not utilitzed TES as either the parents have not requested their assistance or LE has said that they will call them if needed, which never happened :(

Go to the TES site. They have sections for found ppl, still missing ppl, and an section for those ppl that passed on. I was impressed. A lot of times, they are on the ground and searching for ppl in their area within a day.
From TES's website:

Texas EquuSearch has been involved in 1,170+ searches in approximately 42 states in the United States, Aruba, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Our efforts have proven successful with returning over 300 missing people home to their families safely, many of which would have been deceased. Texas EquuSearch is responsible for recovering the remains of 136 missing loved ones, bringing closure to many families. Many of the 118 cases have resulted in criminal cases. At no time during any of the searches was evidence compromised by Texas EquuSearch. Therefore, the suspect(s) were brought to justice resulting in convictions. Additionally, Mr. Miller has been involved in several murder trials.
But what we do have is her on video just before she went missing and a possible vehicle and perp, once found. I think it makes it a bit easier for the perp to be found and possibly Mickey, and, I have to say, it's more info than other cases have.

As for your question about TES, I would like to know as well. The cases that I've followed have not utilitzed TES as either the parents have not requested their assistance or LE has said that they will call them if needed, which never happened :(

..and the bike which may provide a treasure trove of forensics, as well as other answers, and eventually lead to the perp/s..which by the way may not have been located except for the tremendous amount of awareness provided by the media, both internet & MSM.
I just wanted to add my two cents from the previous thread and Chicken Fried's post, that I never thought there was a cover-up, I never thought she was under the truck in that picture, however I do believe she was hit on that road. I suppose I finally chimed in at the wrong moment.

Chicken Fried --A.C.I.--JurysOut --Mamamia54-- and countless others-- I have appreciated all of your posts and hard work on this case. I will be here with you all until the end!
But what we do have is her on video just before she went missing and a possible vehicle and perp, once found. I think it makes it a bit easier for the perp to be found and possibly Mickey, and, I have to say, it's more info than other cases have.

As for your question about TES, I would like to know as well. The cases that I've followed have not utilitzed TES as either the parents have not requested their assistance or LE has said that they will call them if needed, which never happened :(

re: second paragraph

Guess, TES can't help out in every missing person case due to the magnitude. 'Sure wish they could'.
Missing persons cases are an epidemic across the US. TES, and the many other reputable SAR & advocacy orgs. are a very valuable resource for LE, the victim & their family, as well as for structure & organization of the volunteer searchers, as we have witnessed in the Mickey Schunick abduction.

The LPD & Schunick family should be commended for recruiting every possible resource in the early stages of the investigation.

My question is; "why would anyone not use every available resource in a missing person case"?
Carrying over from previous thread:

This post is worthless without pics.

kgeaux and her entire family have been battling a nasty tummy virus, so I'm faced with going back and reading two entire locked threads to get back up to speed.

HouDat, You are So FUNNY!
I've was looking at the Missing Forum just now. It's truly tragic of the number and there are surely many that aren't listed. Take a look, please, and those not getting the attention the same as MS could use some support and heartfelt look-see. TIA
..and the bike which may provide a treasure trove of forensics, as well as other answers, and eventually lead to the perp/s..which by the way may not have been located except for the tremendous amount of awareness provided by the media, both internet & MSM.

And the bike!

And what we don't know is the investigation behind the scenes and that perhaps they may already have a suspect. I keep referencing Sierra's case but it does show me that LE can have more than what we think.
bumping for awareness -!prettyPhoto/0/

(video - great interview)
Acadiana Nascar driver posts Mickey's picture on car

06/04/2012 12:32 PM by KATC

Acadiana's own Buster Graham, is planning to have Mickey Shunick's picture on the hood of his car during the ARCA Racing Series next week at Pocono Raceway in Pennsylvania.

"When my 18 year old daughter mentioned supporting the rescue efforts for Mickey, I knew it was the right thing to do", says Graham
re: second paragraph

Guess, TES can't help out in every missing person case due to the magnitude. 'Sure wish they could'.
Missing persons cases are an epidemic across the US. TES, and the many other reputable SAR & advocacy orgs. are a very valuable resource for LE, the victim & their family, as well as for structure & organization of the volunteer searchers, as we have witnessed in the Mickey Schunick abduction.

The LPD & Schunick family should be commended for recruiting every possible resource in the early stages of the investigation.

My question is; "why would anyone not use every available resource in a missing person case"?

Because often, they are the guilty ones. My opinion, but the ones I've followed where the parents have not asked for assistance, I've suspected one of the parents. TES will go out only if the parents ask for assistance, so I have heard many times. It's not to say TES will come and help as there are so many missing cases out there, but TES has been quoted in some of them that they are ready if needed.
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